Man and Metaphysics Flashcards
The Age of Aquarius
On August, 1951, we transitioned from the Piscean Age to the Age of the Aquarius; emphasis on Mind and Spirituality. These periods last for 2,000 years. All is to be made known to you in this age, with clarity and vision. This time brings to all, an opportunity to expand consciousness to a universality with all.
True Progression is improvement over Time
Often times, when Mankind evolves and progresses in his awareness, he seeks to throw out the old in favor of the new. Many fights and arguments are had over this throughout human history, the battle between tradition and new age thinking. However, the appropriate form of action is to keep what is good in the old and move on to exploring the new.
The True Nature of all Things
Spirit is the Cause, behind, and the Material, is the effect, seen. There is a uniform truth in all things, spiritual law.
Occult Spirituality
Metaphysics (occult) or occult metaphysics opens the door to the recognition, awareness, and acceptance of true reality. There have always been guardians of this sacred knowledge. The Egyptians had inner priests. The Hebrews have the Kabala, early Christians had the hidden mystery schools. Buddhism, in the beginning, was mystical in nature. Throughout the ages, mystery schools have persisted, which sought higher knowledge that it kept away from the common man. Symbols are an important role in occult metaphysics because they stimulate imagery and communicate truth.
The Goal of Metaphysical Learning
The goal of occult metaphysics is to grant to all created things the opportunity to grow mentally and spiritually by transcending the world of the physical senses. It stresses that Man’ actions, physical and mental, should be a conscious effort to surmount the plane of physical desires and achieve a spiritual life while dwelling on the physical plane. You can only have knowledge through experience, so mere study of metaphysics will not make you a skilled metaphysician. You also must comprehend and have understanding of all that you learn. True knowledge is gained by experience and application of that information. True Metaphysicians do not dwell in illusions, the glamor of the world and its material objects are placed in their proper values; they are realists. It is man’s purpose in life to develop his higher self/god self, to develop his soul consciousness, and live from his heart center. To transcend the world of the physical senses and become One with the All. In metaphysics, detachment is learned, which implies that Man no longer is ruled by the physical senses, no longer places his values on JUST material things (homes, money, position, etc.). Homes can be replaced if burned down, money can be re-gained if lost, life does not end at death. Material things are to be PROPERLY used and in proper perspective. Life does not end at the loss of material things. Life is what activates the physical form.
Classical Music as your gateway to Heaven
Classical music is the “music of the spheres”, a translation of heaven, it assists man in transcending the earthly conditions, and stimulates responses in him to the pulsation of universal movement. It is good music to meditate to.
Metaphysical Learning will Change your Person
Involvement in metaphysics WILL change you and change your life for the better. Life becomes very easy. The problems of living no longer disturb him. He learns the Law of Acceptance and realizes that he is where he is meant to be, for he put himself there in the first place. He learns to get in touch with his Higher Self, or his Indwelling Presence/Spirit. He works on becoming more, and more aware of it and aligns his, thoughts, emotions, and actions to a harmonious balance to his higher self. Then, he is able to live in the eternal, “NOW.” Life assumes a more pleasant hue and is no longer subject to periods of depression, moodiness, despair. Since all things are now seen in their proper perspective, there negativity and melancholy can no longer exist. It gives your life direction. It is very simple and very practical. It makes you independent and look for your own solution to problems which you created in the first place. You will learn how to dominate, not be controlled by your sense factors. You are here, to experience physical life and form so, it ought to be one of sheer, physical pleasure <3 . The material plane is a reflection of the Spirit.
The belief in One God
Metaphysics acknowledges the universal truth underlying all religious beliefs so it does not cause conflict between religions. It is for everyone :D . They believe in the existence of one God.
The Lower and Higher Self
Man has a Lower Self- the physical or animal man. He must learn to live through his Higher Self and to transmute the energies of the lower self into higher qualities.
Laws of the Universe
Basic Cosmic Laws: All is One, All is in All, *As Above-So Below, Law of Responsibility, *Cause and Effect, the Law of Polarity, Law of Change, Law of Harmony, Law of Non Contradiction, Law of Identity, The Law of Love, Law of Balance, Law of Attention, Law of Order, Acceptance, Compensation, Law of Application (mere knowledge is insufficient, you must apply it in all areas of your daily life. **When this is done CONSISTENTLY, you become an example of the Law),
How to True Manifest
When you have a strong desire, this becomes the Cause, behind, which breeds the effect, seen, in your life (being good at makeup, getting to the top, etc.). **Thoughts only assume form when clothed with feeling. Emotions or desires are the momentum behind the actualization of thought. .
Instruction on how to Live in Awareness
- Recognition of the Higher Forces within you is the crucial. You must live in the awareness that you possess the same creative Higher Forces. Christ said, “Go to the temple within.” Your body is not you, it is yours. It is the channel through which YOU function.
Personality tells your Story
Your outer personality shows what spiritual level you are on and the degree to which you have evolved, if you are warm, thoughtful, responsive, generous in action, then that is where you are in your spiritual progress.
Make your Mind to Dwell on Heavenly Mansions, Power, and Beauty
Read books that speak of noble things and lofty character, and this will be so in your mind. Elevate your thinking and what your mind dwells on.
The Renaissance revived the Western Worlds Awareness of Truth
The first Renaissance brought humanity out of the ignorance of the Dark Ages, it represented the revival or re-discovery of material truths and scientific advancement (previously enjoyed by the Greeks). This new Renaissance ushered humanity into a New Age of the Reality of Truth, the Truth which has been underlying all surface knowledge brought forth in other ages. It is the reawakening of humanity to the Spiritual Truths, the underlying causes, the basis of all. **Polarity will be achieved as Man balances the material, scientific knowledge, with the spiritual :D .
A push from, Yott, toward Self Responsibility
**Everything in your life is your responsibility. You cannot allow the slightest task or obligation to be passed by or left undone.
God is a Part of Me
Once you identify yourself with The Absolute, the mysteries of life are unveiled to you. Then you are truly, the Captain of your Fate, the Master of your Soul. The next step, is that you begin to help other people. All who evolve must assist. You help those who are lower on the scale of attainment. To get to a higher spiritual level and exist on a spiritual plane that is comfortable. You must realize that you have the same power as the Absolute. This Cosmic Power within you will bring you to a store house of wisdom, infinite love, perfect peace and harmony, great joy, and intelligence.
What the Spiritual High Life is Like
When you are pursing higher spiritual endeavors, you no longer will despair for yourself or others, even during times of crisis, because you know that every man is where he is because he chose to be there. It was not Fate, nor any other force, that brought them there. You forget the former small annoyances in life. The puzzlements of life, the why of people, places and things- disappears or becomes clearer to you. Indulgence in the attentions of the lower animal self, brings impermanent and temporary satisfactions. Man is meant, through the experience of dense matter of life, to transmute all that IS, to a higher, spiritual plane. The things that are on the physical plane are temporary, and never yours. Only things in the spiritual plane (love, bonds, happiness) are truly owned and cannot be taken away from you). With a renewed metaphysical approach, everything-even the ordinary things in life-assumes meaning and has purpose. You will know the why of existence. Another new step you must take on your spiritual path is to participate in life, so many are dead in life. Most people are enmeshed in a web of ignorance. Their actions, thoughts, and feelings reflect this state.
God and Light are in all Things
God and light is manifested in everything, so observe the God like and Light qualities in all and all activities. This also pertains to things that are dark (and things in the dark). Darkness is in everything, as well.
Personal Alchemy
Spiritual alchemy is the upliftment of the baser elements within you to the more spiritual.
When you seek to Gain, Change Yourself
If you seek change, always go for changing your thinking, learning a new skill, or changing yourself, do not seek to change the things or the situations in the external world. The external, which you seek to change, is but the manifestation of the internal self.
I am a powerful Spirit
- There is no need to look outside of yourself to locate the answers to all; all is within. “Be still and know.” The answer is always right there for you, you must reach into the, “I Am Presence.” You are always well.
No problem in life exists
- Very few problems are a result of life, it is due to improper attention, poor discrimination, and your thinking.
The Life Built on Spiritual, Rock Foundation
Build your house on a foundation of Rock, which is the infinite intelligence that resides in you and the Laws of the Universe. All you do, say, think, comes from this intelligence. Once you achieve this, your family, social life, and work will improve, life will assume a more satisfying hue, **goals will be attained, fulfillment will be yours, **There will be an accompanying change in your personality and character. You will recognize the limited, undeveloped, personalities of others who have not, as yet, attained to your heightened level of spiritual development. With this understanding, and compassion, you can help them to help themselves. Your understanding and help can be the guiding hand to elevate someone to a higher degree of behavior and thinking.