the ageing process Flashcards
Considerable increase of older population
Expected over 1000 mil worldwide by 2020
Old age
Ethnic groups…
- elderly = 60-74
- old = 75-89
- very old = 90+
UK - retirement age
Minority ethnic groups - younger age structure
Services available
Local community Within home - meals on wheels Shopping services Charities Post-hospital charge
Factors influencing food choice
Local food available
Economic availability
Cultural availability/habit
‘Gatekeeper’ has most control
4 issues major conern
Fluid balance + renal function Skeletal changes Physical fitness Changes in immune system ALL => anorexia of ageing
Loss hair
Decreased function sweat glands
Thinner so higher water loss
Loss heart muscle
Increased fibrous tissue
Decreased cardiac output
Renal function
20-30% loss kidney weight => decreased filtration rate + increased glucose threshold
Thirst mechanism not as sensitive
Drowsiness Constipation Risk pressure ulcers UTIs Altered cardiac function Electrolyte disturbances
Increased resorption (tissue in bone broken down)
Osteoporosis + fractures
Decreased height due to vertebral collapse
Immune system
Impaired T-cell function
Increased susceptibility to viral infections, food posioning etc
GI effects
Diverticular disease
Decreased motor function + muscle tone => constipation
Increased taste threshold so may add more salt
Impaired digestive capacity
Better oral health -> better diet + nutritional status
Better at home
Sugar -> tooth decay
Muscle tone + strength
Loss tension
Muscle atrophy
Activity may be limited
Hearing + vision
Sounds need to be certain volume or pitch
Diminished colour perception
Decreased visual acuity
Loss perception high freq
Pain, touch + temp
Touch + pain threshold increases
Less aware of environmental changes, e.g. lower temp
Body composition
Proportion fat mass increases
Proportion lean body mass decreases
High not predictor of mortality but low may be
Usual standards too restrictive
Height decreases
Practical issues, e.g. bed bound
Doesnt distinguish between muscle + fat free mass