TH-57B/C EPs Flashcards
Land Immeadiately
Execute landing without delay
Land as Soon as Possible
Land at the first site at which a safe landing can be made
Land as Soon as Practicable
Extended flight is not recommended and the landing site and duration of flight are at the discretion of the Pilot in Command.
Abort Start Indications/Reasons
- Battery voltage stabilized below 17V
- Igniter failure
- Hung start
- Hot start
- Engine oil pressure remains at 0psi
- Rotors are not turning by 25% Ng
- Transmission oil pressure not indicated by 30% Nr
What is an igniter failure?
When TOT fails to rise after the twist grip is rotated to flight idle and Ng fails to rise above 20%
What is a hung start?
When TOT rises more slowly than normal and Ng rises slowly and stabilizes
What is a hot start?
When TOT exceeds limits and TOT caution light flashes twice per sec
Abort Start
- Twist grip — Close
If light off occurred:
2. Starter — OFF after TOT stabilizes at 400°C or below
If light off did not occur:
3. Motor engine for a minimum of 10 secs
Emergency Shutdown
- Twist grip — Close
- Fuel valve — OFF
- BAT switch — OFF
- STBY ATT IND switch — OFF (C)
- Rotor brake — Engage immediately (C)
- Helicopter — Egress, as required. Use the fire bottle or get clear of the aircraft
Post Shutdown Fire (Internal)
- Starter — Engage
- Fuel valve — OFF
- Igniter circuit breaker — Pull
- Starter — Secure after fire is extinguished
Engine or Transmission Oil Pressures
Instrument Failure
If engine oil pressure is exhibiting abnormal indications:
1. Land as soon as possible
If transmission oil pressure is exhibiting abnormal indications:
2. Transmission Malfunction Procedure — Perform
Engine or Transmission Oil Temperatures Malfunction
Instrument Failure
If engine oil temperature gauge exceeds red line limitations:
1. Land as soon as possible
If transmission oil temperature gauge exceeds red line limitations:
2. Transmission Malfunction Procedure — Perform
If either oil temperature gauge fluctuates or falls to zero:
3. Land as soon as practicable
Transmission Malfunction
If failure is imminent:
1. Land immediately
2. Shoulder harness — Lock
If failure is not imminent:
3. Land as soon as possible
Smoke and Fume Elimination
- ECS and DEFOG blower — OFF
- Vents/windows — Open
If smoke/fumes persist:
3. Slip or skid aircraft to eliminate smoke and fumes
If source of the smoke and/or fumes cannot be identified:
4. Land as soon as possible
If overtorque exceeding 120%:
1. Land as soon as possible
If overtorque of 120% or less:
2. Land as soon a practicable
- Land as soon as possible
- Land as soon as possible
Torquemeter Wet Line Rupture
Instrument Failure
- Monitor engine oil instruments
- Land as soon as possible
Suspected Fuel Leakage
- Land as soon as possible
If time and altitude permit:
2. Transmit position and intentions
3. Unnecessary electrical equipment — Secure
When on deck:
4. Emergency Shutdown — Complete
Hydraulic Power Cylinder Malfunction
- Helicopter — Regain control
- Airspeed — Adjust (to obtain most comfortable control movement level)
- Land as soon as possible
Engine Chip
- Check for secondary indications
If secondary indications exist:
2. Land as soon as possible
If no secondary indications exist, proceed as follows:
If ENG CHIP remains:
4. Land as soon as possible.
If ENG CHIP extinguishes:
5. Note time and continue flight
If within 30 minutes of the first:
6. Land as soon as possible
If more than 30 minutes have elapsed since the first light:
7. Proceed as with the first light.
Any subsequent ENG CHIP caution light within 50 hours of the first:
8. Land as soon as possible
Transmission Chip
First TRANS CHIP caution light:
1. Check for secondary indications
If secondary indications exist:
2. Transmission Malfunction Procedure - Perform
If no secondary indications exist:
If TRANS CHIP caution light remains illuminated:
4. Transmission Malfunction Procedure — Perform
If TRANS CHIP light extinguishes:
5. Note the time and continue flight
Second TRANS CHIP caution light:
If within 30 minutes of the first:
6. Transmission Malfunction Procedure — Perform
If more than 30 minutes have elapsed since the first TRANS CHIP caution light:
7. Proceed as with the first TRANS CHIP caution light
Any subsequent TRANS CHIP caution light within 50 hours of the first:
8. Transmission Malfunction Procedure — Perform
Tail Rotor Chip Caution
- Land as soon as possible
Fuel Boost Pump Failure
- Descent — Initiate if above 6,000 feet PA and flight permits
- Fuel pressure and quantity — Note
If both fuel boost pumps have failed (fuel pressure at zero) or a single pump has failed (fuel pressuer 4 to 30 psi) with fuel quantity below 20 gallons:
3. Land as soon as possible
If only one boost pump has failed (fuel pressure 4 to 30 psi):
4. Land as soon as practicable
Fuel Control Failure
- Collective — Adjust as required to maintain Nr in operating range
- Twist grip — Adjust as required to maintain Nf in operating range
- Land as soon as possible
Airframe Fuel Filter Caution
- Land as soon as possible
Engine Fire in Flight
- Confirm existence of fire
If fire exists:
2. Land immediately
If fire not confirmed:
3. Land as soon as possible
When on deck:
4. Emergency Shutdown — Complete
- BAT switch — Off
- Land as soon as possible
- BAT Switch — Off
- Flight may be continued
Spare Caution
- Check for other indications
- Land as soon as possible
Engine Overspeed (Nf) Rotor RPM (Nr)
- Twist grip — Reduce (to maintain Nf/Nr in operating range)
- Collective/twist grip — Coordinate
- Land as soon as possible
Underspeeding Nf/Nr
- Collective — Lower as required to maintain a minimum of 90% Nr
- Twist grip — Full open
- GOV RPM — Full increase
If underspeed persists:
4. Check power available
If power is not sufficient:
5. Autorotate
If sufficient power is available:
6. Land as soon as possible
Compressor Stall
- Collective — Lower
- ENG Anti-ice switch — ON
- Cabin Heat Valve — ON
- Check power available
If power is insufficient to maintain level flight:
5. Autorotate
6. Twist grip — Flight Idle
If power is sufficient to maintain level flight:
7. Land as soon as possible
Engine Failure in Flight
- Autorotate.
- Shoulder harness — Lock.
If time and altitude permit:
3. Mayday — Transmit.
4. Transponder — Emergency
5. Engine Restart in Flight Procedure - As Required
Engine Failure in Flight at High Airspeed and Low Altitude
- Cyclic — Immediately apply aft
- Autorotate
Engine Restart in Flight
- Ng — Note
If Ng is below 12%:
2. Twist Grip — Close
3. Starter — ON
4. At 12% Ng, Twist Grip — Full Open
If Ng is 12% or above:
5. Starter — ON
If light−off occurs:
6. At 58% Ng, Starter — OFF.
7. Land as soon as possible.
Electrical Fire (Unknown Origin)
- BAT switch — OFF
- STANDBY GEN switch — OFF (C)
- If in VMC, STBY ATT IND switch — OFF (C)
- MAIN GEN switch — OFF
If fire persists:
5. Land immediately
If fire extinguishes:
6. Land as soon as possible
When on deck:
7. Emergency Shutdown — Complete
Electrical Fire (Known Origin)
- Affected equipment — Secure
- Affected circuit breakers — Pull
If fire persists:
3. Electrical Fire (Unknown Origin) Procedure— Execute
If fire extinguishes:
4. Land as soon as practicable
Main Drive Shaft Failure
- Autorotate
- Twist grip — Adjust, if necessary, to maintain Nf in operating range
When on deck:
3. Emergency shutdown — Complete
Mast Bumping
If mast bumping is suspected:
1. Establish positive G load and/or balanced flight (as required).
2. Land immediately.
Emergency Descent
- Collective — Lower (to minimum pitch)
- Airspeed — 130 KIAS (122 KIAS Maximum with FCS on)
Immediate Landing/Ditching
- Crew and Passengers — Alert
- Shoulder Harness — Lock
- Mayday — Transmit
- Transponder — Emergency
- Doors — Open/Jettison — As required
- Landing light/search light — As required
When on deck:
7. Emergency Shutdown — Complete
If water landing:
8. Underwater Egress — Execute
Underwater Egress
- SEBD — Don, as required
- Communication cords — Disconnect
- Doors — Open/Jettison
- Place hand on known reference point
Once all violent motion has stopped:
5. Shoulder harness/lapbelt — Release
6. Exit helicopter
After egress:
7. Swim clear and inflate LPU
High-Frequency Vibrations
If vibrations continue:
2. Land as soon as possible
If vibrations cease:
3. Land as soon as practicable
Rotor Blade Stall
- Severity of maneuver — Decrease
- Collective — Lower
- Airspeed — Decrease
- Altitude — Descend, if flight permits
- Rotor RPM — Increase
Vortex Ring State
- Controls — As required to clear vortex ring state
If impact is imminent:
2. Level skids to conform to terrain
Power Required Exceeds Power Available
- Collective — Lower as required to maintain a minimum of 90% Nr
- Twist grip — Full open
- Angle of bank — Level wings
- Airspeed — Adjust to 50 KIAS (minimum power required airspeed)
- Jettison — As required
If impact is imminent:
6. Level skids to conform to terrain
7. Cushion the landing
Sprag Clutch Slippage
- Autorotate
- Twist grip — FLT IDLE
If time and altitude permit:
3. Twist grip — Smoothly rotate to full open
If Nf/Nr are married:
4. Collective — Increase.
If sprag clutch continues to slip:
5. Autorotate.
6. Twist grip — Closed.
If the sprag clutch reengages:
7. Land as soon as possible.
Dynamic Rollover
- Collective — Lower to stop the roll
- Cyclic — Neutral
Fuselage Fire
- Land immediately
- Emergency Shutdown — Complete
- PITOT HEAT switches — HEAT
- Alternate static source knob — As required (C)
- Descend or climb to a warmer temperature or vacate clouds/moisture
If unable to get clear of icing conditions:
5. Land as soon as possible
Icing conditions are when OAT is less than 4°C and visible moisture is present
Loss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness
- Pedals — Full left
- Collective — Lower (as altitude permits)
- Airspeed — Increase
If spin cannot be stopped:
4. Autorotate
Complete Loss of Tail Rotor Thrust
In a hover:
1. Twist grip — Flight idle
2. Cyclic — Eliminate drift
3. Collective — Increase to cushion landing
Transition to forward flight or hover/air taxi:
1. Twist grip — Flight idle
2. Cyclic — Eliminate sideward drift
3. Collective — Increase to cushion landing
At altitude:
4. Collective - Lower to control yaw
If yaw is not controllable:
5. Autorotate
6. Twist grip — Flight idle
If yaw is controllable:
7. Continue powered flight and set up to a suitable landing area at or above minimum rate of descent
autorotational airspeed
8. Autorotate
9. Twist grip — Rotate to flight idle prior to touchdown
Fixed Pitch at Altitude (Non-CMI)
- Collective/Airspeed— Adjust as required to control yaw
- Set up approach to a smooth suitable landing site
- Airspeed — Maintain above 50 knots on final
- Flare — Initiate no higher than 50 ft. to reach a 5ft. hover
- Use appropriate fixed pitch in a hover procedure
Fixed Pitch in a Hover (Right Yaw)
If rate of rotation is not excessive and landing surface is smooth and firm:
1. Collective — Decrease to effect a power-on landing
If rate of rotation is excessive or landing surface is unsuitable for a power−on landing:
2. Twist grip — Reduce as nose approaches windline
3. Cyclic — Eliminate drift
4. Collective — Increase to cushion landing
Fixed Pitch in a Hover (Left Yaw)
If rate of rotation is not excessive and landing surface is smooth and firm:
1. Collective — Decrease to effect a power−on landing
If rate of rotation is excessive or landing surface is unsuitable for a power−on landing:
2. Smoothly increase collective to stop the left yaw
3. When the left yaw has stopped, smoothly decrease collective to set up for a landing
4. Eliminate lateral drift with cyclic as the aircraft settles
5. Continue to smoothly lower collective once on deck to control yaw and transfer aircraft weight to the skids
Uncommanded Right Roll During Flight Below 1G
- Cyclic — Immediately apply aft to establish positive G load on rotor, then center laterally
When main rotor returns to a positive thrust condition:
2. Controls — As required to regain balanced flight
If mast bumping has occurred:
3. Land immediately
Pitot-Static Instruments Failure
Instrument Failure
- PITOT HEAT switch(es) — HEAT
If pitot heat does not remedy the
situation, accomplish the following:
2. Alternate static source knob — Pull (C)
If icing conditions are present:
3. Icing procedures — Execute.
If icing conditions are not present:
4. Land as soon as practicable