FAM Maneuvers Flashcards
Vertical Takeoff Procedure
- Trim controls into a neutral position
- Conduct the T/O checklist prior to lifting off the ground & establish the hover scan
- Smoothly apply upward pressure on the collective until light on the skids
- Recognized when the aircraft starts to tilt or yaw
- Occurs at ~45-55% torque
- Stabilize momentarily & trim out control pressures
- Anticipate right yaw from torque effect and right drift from translating tendency
- Smoothly raise collective to leave the ground
- Continue to raise the collective to reach hover altitude
- Upon reaching an altitude of 5’, stabilize and trim out control pressures
Takeoff Checks Verbalization
- “Twist grip is full open” = ensure the twist grip is in the full open position
- “Nf and Nr are 100%” = check Nf and Nr are 100%.
- “Gauges are green” = take the time to ensure all gauges are in the normal operation range.
- “Caution panel is clean” = check for caution lights.
- “Fuel is _ gallons” = check fuel load.
- “Clear, left, right and above” = clear the aircraft before lifting.
Hover Procedure
- Use pedals to maintain attitude and heading (Scan Out)
- Use collective to maintain altittude (Scan Down)
- Use cyclic to maintain a position over a reference point (Scan Down)
- Check inside for Nr and other engine instruments (Scan In)
When learning how to hover, focus on scanning out and then down
Vertical Landing Procedure
- Apply slight downward collective pressure to begin a slow rate of descent
- Should start in a stabilized 5’ hover into the wind
- Use pedals to maintain heading and cyclic to eliminate drift
- Since the rate of descent may slow and/or stop as you near the ground, continue applying slight downward collective pressure until ground contact is made
- When on the ground, smoothly lower the collective to the full down position
Hover Taxi/Air Taxi Procedure
- From a hover, displace the cuclic in the desired direction of movement
- Prior to reaching desired taxi speed, remove some cyclic displacement to ease out the acceleration
- Utilize pedals to maintain heading, collective to maintain altitude, and cyclic to maintain desired taxi speed
PAC should initiate the clearing procedure
Transition to Forward Flight Procedure
- From a hover, check and report “Gauges green and caution lights out”
- From a stable hover, begin forward motion
- Only slight forward pressure is needed as too much will result in a nose low attitude and a descent
- As neccessary, add up collective to prevent settling
- While passing through translational lift, trim the cyclic forward to prevent the nose from pitching up
- Accelerate to reach 20’ at 40 KIAS
- Continue to accelerate to reach 50’ at 65 KIAS and adjust the nose to the 70KIAS climbing attitude
- Climb should be at 500-700fpm
- Maintain the 70KIAS climbing attitude in balanced flight
- Approx. 50’ prior to level off attitude, readjust the collective if neccessary
Forward Flight Transition Checkpoints
- 40kts @ 20’ AGL
- 65kts @ 50’ AGL
- 70kts climbing attitude
Normal Climb Procedure
- Trim to attain 70 KIAS climb attitude
- At 70 KIAS, adjust the collective as necessary to establish a 500-700 fpm climb rate while also trimming cyclic to maintain 70 KIAS
- Approx. 50’ prior to level off altitude, lower the nose to the cruise attitude and accelerate
* Maintain climb power as you level off - When the cruise airspeed is reached, adjust collective to level-off at the desired altitude
Normal Descent Procedure
- Lower the collective to establish a 500-750 fpm rate of descent
* Maintain cruise attitude to maintain airspeed - Approx. 50’ above the desired altitude, increase the collective sufficiently level-off at desired altitude
* Anticipate the need for left pedal as you increase collective
Level Speed Change Procedure
- Establish a 100 KIAS cruise flight at a given altitude at or above 500’
- Coordinate a reduction in power with aft cyclic to slow the aircraft to 70 KIAS
- Lead with a power reduction to prevent ballooning and gaining altitude
- Anticipate adding right pedal to counteract the reduced torque
- Stablize momentarily at 70 KIAS
- Coordinate an increase in power with forward cyclic to accelerate to 100 KIAS
- Lead with cyclic forward to not balloon and gain altitude
- Anticipate adding left pedal to counteract the increased torque
Turn Pattern Procedure
- Establish in 100 KIAS or 70 KIAS cruise flight at a given altitude at or above 500’
- Initiate a 15° AOB turn to the left or right for 90° of HDG change and reverse the turn for another 15° AOB turn for 90° the opposite way
- Initiate a 30° AOB turn to the left or right for 180° of HDG change and reverse the turn for another 30° AOB turn for 180° the opposite way
- Initiate a 45° AOB turn to the left or right for 360° of HDG change and reverse the turn for another 45° AOB turn for 360° the opposite way
All reversals should start at a point slightly before the reversal heading to prevent over turning
As AOB is increase, additional power may/will be necessary
Normal Approach Procedure
- Maintain 500’ @ 70KIAS while on downwind
- At the 180 position, start a descending, decelerating turn towards the course line
- Power, Pedal, Pause, Trim, Turn
- Should be ~500-700fpm descent rate
- Arrive at the 90 position at 300’ @ 60KIAS
- Intercept the course-line by 150’ and 50 KIAs with 600-800 ft of straightaway
- Should be a 10-20 ° glideslope
- Once at 150’ and 50 KIAS, simultaneously lower collective, add right pedal, and raise the nose smoothly to set the decelerating attitude until the helicopter descends
- Arrive over the spot in a hover attitude w/ HIGE power and at zero groundspeed
Hover/Hover Taxi Verbal Callouts Procedure
“Freeze the collective.”
- Don’t move collective and allow aircraft to settle
“Stop the yaw and drift.”
- Anticipate need for right pedal and slight right cyclic
“Cushion, Cushion, Cushion.”
- Smoothly increase collective with the descent rate to cushion the landing
180° Position Procedure
* Reduce power to set a 500-700fpm descent rate
* Reduction should be ~20-30% torque less than 70 KIAS torque
* Apply right pedal to maintain balanced flight
* Pause momentarily to verify a 500-700fpm descent rate
* Use pedals to center the ball and trim cyclic to maintain attitude
* Clear aircraft left/right and begin descending, decelerating turn
Hover/Hover Taxi Cut Gun Procedure
- Establish a stable, five-foot hover or five foot/ five KGS forward hover taxi into the wind.
- The instructor will initiate by rotating the twist grip to flight idle to simulate a loss of power.
* IP will announce “Simulated.” -
Hold the collective pitch constant and allow the aircraft to settle.
* Verbalize: “Freeze the collective.”
* NOTE: The collective pitch must be held stationary until the helicopter
starts to descend. - Simultaneously use pedals to stop yaw, and cyclic to eliminate aft/sideward drift and level skids.
* Verbalize: “Stop yaw and drift.”
* Anticipate right pedal and slight right cyclic pressure.
* In a hover taxi, maintain forward groundspeed.
* CAUTION: Attempting to stop forward drift may result in a nose high
condition near the ground and a tail strike. - Allow the aircraft to descend, eliminate drift, and cushion the touchdown with collective.
* Verbalize: “Cushion, cushion, cushion.”
* Increase collective smoothly commensurate with descent rate to cushion landing.
* Once the collective is increased it should not be decreased prior to touchdown. If toomuch collective has been applied, freeze the collective and allow the aircraft to resume a comfortable rate of descent. Then, cushion the touchdown with remainingNr. -
When both skids are firmly on the ground, smoothly lower the collective full down and neutralize the controls.
* After the helicopter has landed, stop increasing collective pitch.
Normal Approach Procedure Checkpoints
- Downwind: 500’ at 70 KIAS
- 90° Position: 300’ at 60 KIAS
- Final/Intercepting Courseline: 150’ at 50 KIAS with 600-800ft of straightaway and @ 10-20° glideslope
Wave-Off (Power-On)
- Ensure the twist grip is full open
- Increase the collective to approximately 70% to arrest the rate of descent and maintain balanced flight.
- In most cases, initially setting 50% torque will significantly slow or stop the rate of descent.
- Verbalize “Seventy” and adjust the nose to the appropriate attitude and adjust collective to at least 70% torque.
- Adjust the nose to the appropriate climbing attitude and use collective to establish a
70 KIAS, 500 to 700 fpm climb, and maintain balanced flight.- Verbalize, “Seventy” and establish a 70 KIAS attitude, 500 to 700 fpm climb
- Verbalize, “Ball” and check the ball centered
- Verbalize, “Call” and make a traffic advisory call as required
Wave-Off (Power-On) Verbal Call Outs
“70% TRQ”
* Increase collective to 70% torque
2.“70 KIAS, Ball, Call”
* Establish a 70KIAS, 500-700 fpm climb rate
* Ensure the ball is centered
* Make appropriate traffic advisory call
Clearing Turn/Turn on the Spot Procedure
- From a hover, begin a slow turn by displacing the appropriate (left/right) pedal
- As the helicopter turns, adjust the cyclic as necessary to remain over the reference point and pedals as necessary to control the rate of turn
- Pitch the cyclic into the wind. The turn is accomplished with pedals, however, the cyclic needs to be coordinated.
- Stop the turn on the desired new heading
Sliding Landing Procedure
- Utilize normal approach procedures.
- Intercept the final course-line, adjust the nose attitude to decelerate, but maintain translational lift with at least 13 to 15 KIAS
At 5 to 10 feet AGL, level the skids for touchdown with 3-15 Kts of groundspeed. Maintain heading with the pedals.
- Verbalize: “Level skids, forward and down.”
- Ensure skids are level, and the aircraft is aligned straight and not yawed prior to touchdown.
- As the helicopter approaches the ground, adjust cyclic, as necessary, to establish the skids-level touchdown attitude. Coordinate collective to affect a smooth touchdown.
- After touchdown, smoothly lower the collective as necessary to bring the aircraft to a gradual stop. Once stopped, smoothly lower the collective to the full down position.
- After touchdown, reduce collective slightly to keep the aircraft on the ground and to control the length of the ground slide, adjust the pedals as necessary to maintain aircraft heading aligned with direction of travel.
No Hover Landing Procedure
- Utilize normal or steep approach procedures.
- Approaching ground effect, adjust collective to continue the descent to a landing with little to no groundspeed.
- As the helicopter descends through 5ft of altitude, increase the “Out” scan to set level skid attitude, maintain heading and preventing over-controlling collective.
- Down scan will still be required to eliminate lateral drift.
- Verbalize: “Level skids, forward and down.”
- Continue the descent through the hover altitude. Ground effect may present a slight cushion. Fine-tune power either in or out to continue smoothly to a touchdown.
- Ensure skids are level, and the aircraft is coming forward and down all the way until touchdown, not to a low hover.
- The helicopter should touchdown level with no drift.
- Anticipate left pedal as power is applied and adjust cyclic as necessary to eliminate any lateral drift.
Simulated Maximum Load T/O Procedure
- Hover into the wind at 5ft and check the power (Ng) required to maintain a hover.
* This power setting simulates the maximum power available for the maneuver. - Make a clearing turn and land.
- Raise the collective until the aircraft is just clear of the ground and stabilize momentarily.
* Power required should not yet be equal to maximum power “available” Ng.
* Note the rate that the PNAC calls Ng as collective is raised. This should be done at a slow, smooth rate. - Begin slow forward movement, remaining in ground effect and off the ground.
* Use very slight forward cyclic pressure.
* Remaining low keeps the aircraft in maximum ground effect.
* Be patient and let translational lift come to you. Do not chase it.
* The rate of cyclic application must be slow. Too fast an application will cause the helicopter to settle to the ground. -
Add power as necessary to prevent settling, but no more than Max Ng.
* Settling will normally occur and should be anticipated (see ground vortex). - Passing through translational lift, adjust the cyclic to prevent excessive climb and remain in ground effect.
* This will be lower than normal: maintain altitude below 20 feet AGL to take advantage of ground effect. - Announce “Maneuver Complete” when 40 KIAS is attained at an altitude no higher than 20’ AGL.
LSC from a Hover Procedure
- At an OLF make a clearing turn before forward flight.
* Select two or more points along the intended takeoff path to maintain the desired ground track. - Begin a transition to forward flight.
* Maintain the wing down, top rudder crosswind correction throughout the maneuver. -
Level-off momentarily at 35 feet and 50 KIAS, to stabilize airspeed and altitude. Maintain heading and ground track with the course-line.
* Use the airspeed indicator to judge 50 KIAS. Do not use the altimeter to measure 35 feet.
* The instructor will show you the proper technique to level-off at 35 feet and 50 KIAS. - Coordinate smooth down collective with aft cyclic pressures to slow the helicopter while maintaining constant heading and altitude.
* Lead with power so as not to balloon.
* Scan out to maintain constant altitude. -
Slow to approximately 25 KTS groundspeed.
* Do not use the airspeed indicator to judge groundspeed. (Airspeed indicator is unreliable below 40 KIAS). Use peripheral vision and down scan to judge groundspeed. - Recover by smoothly coordinating up collective and forward cyclic to accelerate to 50 KIAS while maintaining a constant altitude and announce, “Maneuver Complete.”
* The maneuver is complete at 35 feet and 50 KIAS.
Autorotation Procedure
- Fly downwind at 70 KIAS and a minimum of 600 ft AGL.
Verbalize: “Lane.”
- Check 90 or 180 auto lane clear of obstacles.
- State intended area of recovery/landing (e.g. south of trees).
Verbalize: “Lock.”
- Lock shoulder harnesses.
Verbalize: “Sock.”
- Check windsock; ensure there is no tailwind component and note any crosswind.
- Prior to entry confirm entry parameters are obtained.
- Check altitude, airspeed, and verbalize: “600 feet, 70 knots.”
- Check VSI and announce, “VSI at or below zero.”
- Trim, center ball, and announce, “Aircraft in trim.”
- Enter the autorotation by smoothly lowering the collective to the full down position and simultaneously adding right pedal to maintain balanced flight. Reduce the twist grip to the flight idle position and turn to the course-line.
- “Down” = Smoothly lower the collective to the full down position in no less than 2 seconds.
- “Right” = Use right pedal as necessary to center the ball and maintain balanced flight.
- “Idle” = Smoothly rotate the twist grip to the flight idle position.
- “Turn” = Maintain balanced flight, initiate a turn to intercept course-line, and establish crosswind correction as necessary.
- For 180 autos, the phrase, “over 1, back 1” (with cyclic), “up 1” (with collective) and “feel the g, pull the g” may be useful to help with entry.
- WARNING: During entry, ensure the PAC’s thumb is not on the idle detent button. With this button depressed, the PAC can inadvertently close the twist grip and induce an engine flameout.
- Transition to the 50 to 60 KIAS descending attitude. Monitor Nr and control between 90
- and 107% with collective (optimum 94 to 95%). Maintain balanced flight.
- ** “Attitude” =Trim for a 50-60 KIAS descending attitude.
- “Nr” = Use collective to control Nr between 90-107%.
- “Ball” =Use pedals to maintain ball centered.**
- Intercept the course-line and establish crosswind correction as necessary. Maintain the 50-60 KIAS descending attitude.
- At no lower than 200 ft AGL ensure wings are level (or proper crosswind correction is
established) and aircraft is on course-line.
* Verbalize: “200 feet on course-line.”
CAUTION: Use sufficient angle of bank to arrive on course-line by 200 ft AGL. If the aircraft is not aligned with the course-line by 200 ft AGL, a wave-off shall be initiated. - Ensure the collective is full down by 150 feet AGL.
* Verbalize “150 feet collective full down. - At 75 to 100 feet AGL, flare with cyclic in order to reduce rate of descent, reduce groundspeed, and increase Nr.
* Verbalize: “100 feet flare.” - With the collective in the full down position, smoothly rotate the twist grip to the full open position for the power recovery or remain at flight idle for the full auto. Pilot not at the controls confirm twist grip position.
* Verbalize “Twist grip full open” for power recovery or “Twist grip flight idle” for full.
* PNAC verbalize “Roger, twist grip full open” or “Roger, twist grip flight idle.” - Adjust flare as required to achieve desired groundspeed and minimal rate of descent.
* The goal is a minimal rate of descent at 10 to 15 feet AGL. - At 10 to 15 feet AGL, coordinate up collective and forward cyclic to slow the rate of
descent and lower the nose to level attitude. Maintain heading with the pedals.
* Pull up collective to arrest rate of descent and verbalize, “10 to 15 feet, pull.” - Momentarily pause to slow groundspeed to 0 to 10 knots.
* Verbalize: “Pause.” - Apply forward cyclic to achieve a 5 ft level skid attitude, nose aligned with direction of travel.
* Verbalize: “level.” - Recover in a forward hover taxi for the power recovery autorotation or cushion thelanding for the full autorotation.
* For a power recovery, verbalize: “Taxi, taxi, taxi.”
* For a full autorotation (power-off), level the aircraft prior to touchdown and verbalize: “Cushion, Cushion, Cushion.”