test1 Flashcards
contagious itchy rash, worse at night
failure to pass meconium within 48 hours + expulsion of gas/stool with rectal exam
traveler who has fever, RUQ pain, hypoechoic liver lesion
entamoeba histolytica- parastie
differentiating acute bacteria prostatitis vs UTI
do digital rectal exam
age group- prostatitis can affect younger men whereas UTIs dont
when do you do endoscopy rather than observe for kid who swallowed a coin
endoscopy: symptomatic or >24 hrs or unknown time. Observe otherwise.
when do you do AAA repair?
- diameter > 5.5 cm
- expand greater than 0.5 cm in 6 mo
- symptomatic (abd/back pain)
managing asymptomatic hyperparathyroidism
no surgery!
f/u with serial Ca, Cr, DXA testing
can patients with uncomplicated MI return to work?
1st step of dx for palpable breast mass if <30 y/o vs >30
<30- US
>30- mammogram
woman>30 y/o with benign or indeterminate mass next step
US (if malignant–> core biopsy)
who can discuss organ transplants with the family of the deceased?
staff from Organ Procurement Org
or physician who’s trained in it
gleason score and PSA level of very low risk prostate cancer
gleason <6 with <3 core areas affected
which drug- temporary lethargy and ataxia in teen
peaked T waves is what electrolyte abnormality
management of reducible inguinal hernia
surgery within 1-2 weeks
can women<60 with no breast cancer or stroke history do hormonal replacement therapy?
yes- short term for 3-5 years
can you use oral advanced directives?
only if told to the doctor in front of 2 witnesses
prolonged PTT in a patient with no prior bleeding episode
acquired factor VII inhibitor
atrial flutter treatment
cardio version (anticoagulate for 3 weeks prior)
work up of uterine firboids found on US
biopsy to test for cancer
which med to avoid in gout?
diuretics (thiazides, lasix) - because they decrease the fractional excretion of urate
neuropsych sxs, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, shortened QT– which electrocyte abnormality?
managing white coat hypertension
24 hr BP monitoring
pericarditis causing syncope how?
compress right chambers –> reduce VR –> reduce preload
soft testicular mass that increases with standing and valsalva
varicocele complications
infertility, testicular atrophy
which side varicocele is sign of renal cell carcinoma?
right sided concerning
baby turns blue during breastfeeding
choanal atresia (nasal obstruction–>only breathe through their mouth)
dx choanal atresia
1) try to pass a nasal catheter to pharynx
2) CT
malignant pleural effusion in lung cancer management
chemical pleurodesis- obliterate pleural space by using a sclerosing agent
treatments for 3 different lead levels
mild (<44)- observe
moderate (45-69): DMSA
severe (>70): EDTA
dx for PJP
sputum induction
do patients with severe MR and MVP need abx ppx for dental procedures?
no- only if prosthetic valves or prior infective endocarditis
what to give patient after tylenol OD within 4 hours
what to give patients with tylenol OD from 4-24 hrs
treatment for prolactinomas
DA agonists treat 90%!
surgery if not
most common inherited thrombophilic disease
Factor V leiden causing protein C resistance
treatment for TCA OD resulting in QRS prolongation
sodium bicarbonate
failure to lose weight and BMI>30 vs >40
> 30- medications (orlistat)
> 40: bariatric surgery
believing you are infected with parasites is delusional do or somatic symptom do?
delusional do
bloody diarrhea after animal exposure
norovirus bloody or watery diarrhea
watery diarrhea and emesis
dx 2nd trimester for neural tube defects
alpha fetoprotein and ultrasound
what population is half medicaid enrollees but only 15% of expenditures
pregnant mothers with diabetes and fetal weight>4.5kg should…
undergo c-section at 39 weeks
due to risk shoulder dystocia
migraine prophylactic meds
strategy to prevent ventilator injury in ARDS
low tidal volume
AAA is defined as diameter over
3 cm
patients with severe nephrotic syndrome predisposed to
thrombotic events
pregnant woman with flulike and rash, arthralgia
parvovirus B19
complications of parvovirus B19 in pregnant patient
fetal anemia
hydros fetalis
fetal demise
next step in COPD exacerbation if patient fails oxygen therapy
NPPV (then intubate if fail that)
teen girl with pharyngeal erythema and parotid swelling
eating disorder
candida vagina treatment during pregnancy
clotrimazole, miconzole, nystatin
can you use fluconazole during pregnancy?
no- increases risk of miscarriage and congenital defects
young woman with orthostasis, dry mucous membranes, tooth erosion, hand scarring, metabolic alkalosis with hypokalemia
self-induced vomiting
focal seizure dx of choice
MRI- often caused by structural issue (eg tumor)
diagnosing primary sclreosing cholangitis
which lung infection is most rapid and progressive- viral, bacterial, or fungal
can you give Rh Ig after pregnant woman has already been allomimmunized?
no, its already done
strongest risk factor for OSA
neck circumference
management of reducible umbilical hernia
reassure it’ll resolve (surgery if hasn’t by age 5)
obese woman with oligomenorrhea
when is surgery for MR recommended?
primary MR with EF 30-60%
treating herpes zoster helps prevent what?
complications- post herpetic neuralgia
femoral hernias are medial to
femoral artery, nerve, and vein
femoral hernias above or below inguinal ligament?
below (indirect and direct are above)
alternating bradycardia and tachycardia and afib
sick sinus syndrome
cause of sick sinus syndrome and management
cause: SA node dysfunction
tx: pacemaker, meds
parkinson’s is symmetric or asymmetric motor signs
hematuria, flank pain, flank/abdominal mass
renal cell carcinoma
first line abx for human bite
hyperthyroid symptoms within a year of pregnancy- what is it and whats the treatment
postpartum thyroiditis - (autoimmune)
tx- BB if symptomatic (not thryoidectomy because temporary)
complications of postpartum thyroiditis
some develop hypothyroidism or goiter