Test review Flashcards
After WW1 soldiers returned home, why were they not happy?
Government had no plans for the returning vets
No pension, not medical care and no jobs
Soldiers that returned faced even more poverty and problems that they faced before the war
They were promised they would get their jobs back, but most remained unemployed
Industrialist got more money than warfare
Explain the Winnipeg General Strike and discuss how the One Big Union made the strike possible?bloody Saturday etc
also what did they demand, 3 things
In May 1919, Winnipeg’s workers walked off the job The workers demanded
- higher wages,
- a shorter work week,
- and the right to bargain collectively as unions.
The Winnipeg general strike was a movement where all workers would walk off their job to improve working conditions and salary and they wanted to bargain collectively as unions. It was on may 1919 and thousands of workers walked off their job causing Winnipeg to be paralyzed. Some people were allowed to work if they had permission and buisness leaders form comitee of one thousand to counterattack. Eventually government says no rallies and arrests strike leaders and then people are enraged. Strike leaders arrested and now protests are violent. Bloody Saturday occurs near end of strike and 2 people are killed and police are actually shooting through crowds. This was cause of the conflict between RCMP and police vs strikers. Eventually they have to sign yellow dog contacts to never make a union again.
During the General Strike what was the governments reaction
and after the strike leaders were arrested what happened
The Federal government was fearful that the strike would spread to other Canadian cities and sent the army and the RCMP to Winnipeg.
The strike leaders were the ones keeping the rallies peacesful but once they were arrested at first it was peaceful but soon became violent
Discuss Fred Loft. Who was he? What did he do? Why was he important to indigenous people?
a) a mohawk war hero and chief of his band organized the league of Indians to address indigenous issues.
b) Fred Loft created forums where Indian people from many regions could meet, identify common grievances, and share strategies to imporve the position of Native people in Canada.
c) Fred Loft was important because he was a charismatic leader able to unite different indigeonous groups and created the foundations for future groups similar to the league of indians (six nations)
The 1920s saw technological innovation for homes as electricity became commonplace. How did these innovations help women and how did it make their lives more difficult?
Quality of life technology meant to aid and speed up process in the home became widespread in the 1920’s and would have made the lives of housewives much easier, although, it made their life more difficult because now they had such greater expectations to fulfill such as being the perfect housewife, and looking pretty and trying to become things that were unattainable.
What did Henry Ford do to revolutionize the automobile industry?
Ford built a moving belt assembly line. Each car moved along the belt at 15cm per minute and each worker added only one part. Since the parts were mass produced they were cheaper.
This lowered the cost of the car and the Model T sold for less than $400.00
Other than the crash, what two other things contributed to the Great Depression?
Farmers started to go bankrupt as a drought began
job markets began to decline causing product sales to decline
What was Black Tuesday? Explain buying on margin. How was it the spark that started the Great Depression?
Black Tuesday was the day the stock market crashed. This event is widely considered to be one of the largest contributors to the beginning of The Great Depression.
lower class people realized they could borrow money from the bank. Put it into the stock market, pay off the bank and make a lot of money. Rich & insightful people saw this and realized that this couldn’t last forever and started chasing in their money from the stock market, this meant values started to lower (supply and demand) which triggered more people to sell (feedback loop) and by the end, the people that didn’t sell were left penniless.
who were the two people competing and who was liberal and who was conservative and are competing to become the next Prime Minister. Who wins? and why is the loser not really upset?
Richard Bedford Bennett (conservative) won the election. William Lyon Mackenzie King (liberal) was happy because Canada’s complex problems during the Great Depression were now in the hands of Bennett. King is now able to sit back, watch Bennet and critique all of his decisions and still get paid.
Even though he hates it, why does Bennett create pogey?
he cant ignore the suffering of Canada as he knows families are starving and are in a terrible state of poverty thus he must do something
Why are single men wandering the streets of towns and cities?
Relief programs only helped married men in order to support their families, unmarried men were seen as lazy. These men also can’t find jobs to they go from city to city trying to find them.
What was the On To Ottawa trek? What were they trying to achieve? What happened when they met Prime Minister Bennet?
The on to ottawa trek was a protest to improve conditions of relief camps. They were also trying to raise the salary from 20 cents per day to 50 cents an hour with a minimum of 120 hours of work per month. When they met Prime minister Bennet a shouting match happened with many words being exchanged such as calling Bennet a liar. After a while bennet gets the delegation to escort them out. Then they pulled a last minute rally with the help of the towns people, after a while they started dispersing but Bennet decides to send the RCMP to arrest all of the Trek leaders. The conflict raged back and forth on Regina streets, as Trekkers assaulted police with rocks and clubs. The fracas ended by midnight, after the rioters had returned to the Exhibition Grounds.
The repression of the trek and Bennets antagonism towards evans contributed to the PM’s political decline.
Prejudice and Discrimination: Visible Minorities Komogata Maru, Indigenous people
Komogata Maru: they faces discrimination and prejudice because even though they met the requirements ( they were commonwealth) to enter Vancouver they were refused entry because of ethnicity and prejudice and discrimination and they didnt want immigration because of racism
Indegnous people
-even though they proved themselves by playing huge roles in wars and proving that their are just as capable as the normal white soldiers, the government still ignored them and refused to acknowledge them because they were simply “indigenous”.
-An example of a great indigenous solider was Francis pegahnagabow who had 378 confirmed sniper kills.
federal Government under the indian act was suppose to support them but did very little
What was a party line and what was the problem with it and what would this be called?
A party line was where a person and their neighbors were on the same phone line and the issue was people could listen into your phone calls
What are relief camps? Why are they so far north? What were the conditions like to live there?
A relief camp was a camp for usually unmarried unemployed men that was run like a military work camp, conditions were fairly bad and there was very little pay, but food and shelter was provided, the men working at these camps saw it as a job but the government saw the camps as a way to deal with the homeless.
They were far away from cities to keep the men out of sight of regular people because they didn’t wanna have people coming into a city seeing a bunch of single men wandering the streets so they wanted to get them out of sight.
-There was a lack of things to do at the camp outside of work, you could not see friends and family and it felt like forced labour. conditions were bad and therefore the on-to-ottawa-trek was assembled
what caused Pm Bennet political decline
- Living in chateau while saying he doesn’t wanna spend too much money, people are poor and starving while he is living in the most expensive hotel eating steak
- The unnessicary arrest of the on-to-Ottawa trek leaders which caused political rage
- Bennet relief camps terrible conditions and terrible salary left people enraged.
who invented insulin the cure for cancer and what was it
Fredric Banting a toronto doc, it wasnt a cure but saved many lives