Invasion of poland Flashcards
What date was the invasion of Poland
Sep 1st- October 6th 1939
is Lighting warfare which was by Hitler which was a coordinated fast plan. The plan was to target one small area and with all the power create an opening.
strat was very sucessful
Air force that bombs city’s
purpose? - create civilian panic, chaos and confusion
and targeting airfields destroying nearly 500 warplanes
The fall of Warsaw (Poland’s capital)
what did hitler do?
how long did it take them to conquer poland
Hiter bombed them so badly lmao and literally watched it lmao, it took them only 18 days to conquer Poland hhaha rip bozo
Was Stalin caught of guard?
yes, he was tryna attack some dude but got third partied
Hitler and Stalin traded lands, what they both recieve?
Stalin: Lithuania, in addition to Latvia and Estonia.
Hitler: a portion of his Polish territory east of the Vistula River, which included the entire Warsaw Province.
What did the execution squads do
5 of them were sent to break the pride of the Poles(poland people) and killed thousands of poland leaders and those who oppose.
how badly were the polish out numbered
The Polish Army was outgunned and outmanned by 3 to 1 and offered a brave but futile resistance against the German war machine.
When attacking poland the luftwaffe destroyed nearling how many sitting warplanes
Worse for the Poles, the Luftwaffe methodically attacked Polish airfields, destroying nearly 500 sitting warplanes during the onset of the invasion, further weakening the Polish defense.
When did Krakow poland, polands second most important city fall
By September 6th, Krakow, Poland’s second most important city had fallen.
What did the polish army do to encourage the troops to hold out in warsaw
and how did the Germans respond
play the national anthem.
The Germans responded with massive artillery and aerial bombardments, personally witnessed by Hitler who came to the front to watch.
how long did it take for hitlers army to conquer poland
It had taken Hitler’s German army just 18 days to conquer Poland.
How was stalin caught off guard?
and what did stalin do after
the Russians were supposed to strike from the east and grab their share. But Poland’s speedy collapse caught Stalin off guard .
Under pressure from Hitler’s army, Stalin sped things up and sent Russian troops to invade the now-defenseless country
Stalin the oppourtunist
What land did stalin pressure the germans into letting him take?
and what was the trade off
Lithuania, in addition to Latvia and Estonia.
offered the Germans a portion of his Polish territory east of the Vistula River, which included the entire Warsaw Province.
Trading populations in poland
When all of the bargaining was done, the Germans were left with the bulk of western Poland, home to millions of ethnic Poles, a Slavic people whom the Nazis contemptuously regarded as sub-humans.
who commanded to shoot thousands of Polish civic leaders, intellectuals, clergy and anyone else who might oppose Nazi rule.
Reinhard Heydrich
how many Poles were abruptly expelled from their homes and farms to make way for ethnic Germans.
Also, over a million Poles were abruptly expelled from their homes and farms to make way for ethnic Germans.
did hitler know how Britain and france would react to the invasion of poland?
When he gave the order to invade Poland, Hitler really didn’t know how Britain and France, the enemies of World War I, would react to Nazi military aggression.
How did the Nazis see poles
Nazis contemptuously regarded as sub-humans