test questions Flashcards
Telotrophic ovariole
A type of meroistic ovariole where the nurse cells are retained in the germarium
Principal cell
Found in the midgut and contain abundant microvilli and numerous folds that increase the surface area for secretion and absorption. Most nutrients are absorbed through these cells
Blastoderm fate map
A map of precise sites on the embryonic blastoderm that corresponds with anatomical structures later in development
an enzyme that digests chitin to be recycled for resynthesis. Made by epidermal cells in the integument.
Follicle cell
cells that make up the follicular epithelium. They surround the oocyte and make the chorion, regulate the passage of yolk proteins, make ecdysteriods, provide cell signaling interactions and later establish the polarity of the oocyte.
A type of hemocyte that is involved in nutrient transport and immune function. They explode on the surface of a foreign object. They are found in the hemolymph and cytoplasm
Torso receptor
an insect membrane protein in the family of tyrosine kinases. It is activated by PTTH to initiate metamorphosis. Trunk is the ligand of torso. Occurs in the prothoracic gland.
the extra embryonic ectoderm that surrounds the embryo and yolk. It protects the egg against desiccation and subsequently secretes a cuticle. It also involved in dorsal closure and immune response
apneustic insects
insects that have no spiracles and the tracheal system is closed. They breathe through the integument and are usually parasites, e.g., fleas
G-type protein couple receptors
integral membrane proteins that are used by cells to convert extracellular signals into intracellular responses, including responses to hormones, neurotransmitters, as well as responses to vision, olfaction and taste signals.
Phenoloxidase cascade
Cascade that functions in immune response, wound repair and melanin production. Phenoloxidase is found in the hemolymph and is activate by the serine protease cascade. Found in the midgut and tracheal system
Inka or epitracheal cells
cells of the epitracheal glands that release ecdysis triggering hormones (ETH) and are located in large tracheal trunks near the spiracles
Pattern recognition receptors/proteins
immune pathways become initiated by these receptors to determine self-nonself. They are found in the haemolymph.
two essential nutrients obtained from food and its uses
- Cholesterol - component in cellular membranes, regulate genes for development, precursor for hormones
- Vitamin A - used for eye pigments and cuticle pigments
Alary muscles
2-12 pairs fan-shaped muscles that provide support for the heart in the abdomen by attaching to the integument and aid in the movement of hemolymph by contractions. They lie above the dorsal diaphragm.
A hemolymph protein that acts as storage for amino acids and energy for non-feeding periods. They have lost the ability to bind oxygen
Broad complex transcription factors
a transcription factor is transcribed by the broad complex gene and functions to promote the start of metamorphosis
Midgut serine proteases
an endopeptidase that cleaves proteins into amino acids in the midgut and aid in the immune response, humoral encapsulation in the hemocoel
the hardened exoskeleton of the last larval instar, which encloses the pupa.
Cryptonephridial complex
A modification of the excretory system in insects that live in dry habits. The Malpighian tubules are directly in contact with the rectum and remove water and salts before they are excreted
The spiral thickening of the tracheal epicuticle that prevents the collapse of the tracheal tubes form air pressure
Imaginal disc
Found in larvae -A packet of cells that are within the epidermis and later expressed during the pupal stage and gives rise to the adult organs
granules secreted by leafhoppes that are found on the integument and sometimes the egg. Produced in cells of the malipighian tubules and functions to make the integument hydrophobic and not sticky
Fatty acid binding protein
proteins that transport fatty acids/lipids around within the cell, usually to the mitochondria for metabolism. Found in flight muscles
Gastric caeca
projections at the anterior region of the midgut that provide extra surface area and aid in the absorption, secretion and the maintenance of the countercurrent flow in the gut
A phase during embryonic development when the single layer of cells is invaginated/reorganized in the blastoderm to become ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm tissues
the anterior region of the reproductive system that contain undifferentiated cells that later become nurse cells, oocytes, and follicle cells
pole plasm
A region in a developing oocyte that is destined to produce germ cells to be used in the adult stage
Prothoracicotrophic hormone
PTTH. A hormone produced by the neurosecretory cells in the brain that activate the prothoracic gland to synthesize ecdysteroids
The outer shell of the insect egg. It functions to protect the developing zygote and allow for gas exchange and is made up of a permeable matrix of proteins. It is produced by follicle cells in the ovariole.
Exocrine glands
A gland that secretes a chemical to the outside of the body. They function to secrete molecules for signaling. An example is the salivary glands
The subunit linked to form Chitin by epidermal cells
Ultraspiracle transcription factor
transcribes ultraspiracle. dimerizes with ecdysteroid hormone, ecdysteroid receptor (EcR), ecdysteroid response element (EcRE) to regulate the timing and progression of ecdysis. Ecdysteriods are synthesized in the prothoracic gland. USP occurs in the prothoracic gland
Biogenic amines
A slow acting neurotransmitter e.g. Octopamine -function stimulatory (anntenae in insects) modulation of muscle contraction. Found in high concentrations in the CNS
The full range of mRNA expressed by an insect. It can be the subsets of mRNAs expressed in a specific tissue, like the midgut???
enzymes that catalyze the cleavage of amino acids from the amino terminus (N-terminus) of proteins or peptides. It is secreted in the midgut
Pharate pupa
An adult that is still concealed by the pupal exoskeleton.
a process by which the contents of a cell vacuole are released to the exterior through fusion of the vacuole membrane with the cell membrane. Tissue: Occurs during the synthesis of steroid & peptide hormones of neurosecretory cells throughout the nervous system and midgut
RNA interference
a process in which RNA molecules are involved in sequence-specific suppression of gene expression by double-stranded RNA or microRNA, through translational or transcriptional repression. This technique is used to “knock out” genes of intent and observe changes in the organism
Lipid transfer particle
A lipoprotein that transports lipids between the cell membrane and transfers them to lipophorin, which carries in through the haemolymph
Methoprene tolerant (met) transcription factor
Functions as the JH intracellular receptor and regulated many genes cause the activation of JH Genes which is involved in maintaining larval status
a digestive enzyme that breaks down lipids in the midgut lumen. Breaks down cholesterol and phospholipids
A specialized tracheal end cell that transfers oxygen from the tracheal system to a living cell by providing a moist interface. Also allows for the diffusion of CO2 out of the respiratory system
Panoistic ovariole
a type of ovariole that lack nurse cells and nourishes the developing oocyte through the follicular epithelium
A protein carrier that transports lipid molecules. They shuttle between the fat body and the developing oocyte
The area of programmed weakness on the insect chorion that allows the first instar larvae to emerge/escape from the egg.
the relatively stable equilibrium, in relation to ion, nutrient and water balance, and other physiological processes
hollow sphere of cells, or blastomeres, produced during the development of an embryo by repeated cleavage of a fertilized egg. Found in the blastoderm stage
A physical gill found in aquatic insects in which a bubble of air is held in place by hydrofuge hairs, allowing oxygen to be extracted from the water.
The separation of the epidermis from the cuticle. It marks the beginning of the ecdysis.
G proteins/ G protein coupled receptors
A family of signal-coupling proteins that act as an intermediaries between activated membrane receptors and cellular effectors. Occur???
A membrane protein (enzyme) that hydrolze ATP and release it. It occurs in goblet cells of the midgut
Corpa cardiaca
A neurohemal organ. They are paired structures that function to store and release neurohormones/neuropeptides synthesized in the brain.
Name and function of an important pair of nuclear hormone receptors
Ultraspiracle + Ecdysteriod receptor
- they dimerize and bind to the a specific gene sequence to regulate the expression of certain genes and leads to the molting process
A dark pigment deposited by epidermal cells. It is made both in the integument and inside the body. It functions to protect the insect against solar radiation, wound healing and immune response.
polytene chromosomes
Chromosomes that have undergone duplication without separating. Commonly found in the salivary glands. “Puffs” are an active site of gene transcription
A branched chain polysaccharide used to store carbohydrates. It is the storage form of glucose. They are store in the fat body cell, or adipocytes
Uncharged ester of glycerol that serves as the storage form of fatty acids. Storage occurs in the fat body.
The exoskeleton that contains the basement membrane, epidermis and cuticle. It functions as a protective covering over the body, but also as a surface for muscle attachment, a water-tight barrier against desiccation, and a sensory interface with the environment.
Toll pathway
A signal pathway in immune response. It regulates the expression of genes that encode for antifungal and antibacterial peptides. Occurs in the fat body cells and are a result of gram negative bacteria and is activated by its ligand, Spatzle.
Short germ species
A group of species that undergo a specific type of embryonic development. The head and thorax are specialized in the blastoderm stage, and the abdomen is specified after the blastoderm stage
Dorsal vessel
The major structure of the circulatory system. It functions to pump hemolymph from the abdomen to the head (or sometimes reverse). Made up of epidermal tissue and extends from the head to the abdomen. It is divided into two sections: aorta and heart
The outermost layer of the integument. contains the wax layer and the cement layer. It does not have any chitin and functions to reduce water loss and block invasion of foreign matter.
Peritrophic matrix
A delicate chitinous matrix secreted by the midgut cells that protects the cells and forms the digestive compartments within the gut
Methoprene tolerant protein and Taiman/GCE
A receptor of JH that expresses a series of JH genes to maintain larval status
Caterpillar tokus
serves as a lung in caterpillar. A hemolymph compartment at the tip of the abdomen, near the heart, containing tufts of aerating trachea that oxygenate migrating hemocytes which are then circulated through the dorsal vessel