Test Misc. Flashcards
Hemoglobin (Hgb) results
- Males 13 to 18 g/dL
- Females 12 to 16 g/dL
Total Cholesterol results
60 to 110 mg/dL
LDL results
less then 200 mg/dL
HDL results
Less the 130 mg/dL
Less then 150 mg/dL
ICD- 10- CM coding
3 to 7 characters
- Alph, #, #, +,+,+,+
A system comprised of medical classifications for procedural codes typically used within hospitals that record various health treatments and testing
- Used to document procedures and technical services based on services by providers in outpatient settings
- Also includes modifiers
- Category II- Tacks provider performance
- Category III- Temporary codes for emergency
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
- A group of codes and descriptions that represent procedures, supplies, products, and services not covered by or included in the CPY
- Service and procedures for Medical and Medicaid insurance plans
- Originated from senatorial (SA) node
Sinus Bradycardia
- Normal rate is less then 60/min
Sinus Tachycardia
Heart rate at more then 100/min
Sinus arrest
- SA node failed to fire
- Heart stops and their is not rhythm
Ventricular fibrillation
- Ventricles are not contracting but quivering
my mouth
before meals
twice a day
after meals
every morning
every 4 hours
4 times per day
dispecense as written
parasitic lice infestation
Excessive setting, fatigue, muscle cramps, headache, dizziness
Coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis)
Heart attack
Myocardail infarction
Squeezing chest pain, shortness of breath, diaphoresis, dizziness, nausa
Congestive heart failure (CHF)
Shortness of breath, wheezing, edema in legs, irregular heartbeat
Closer to the head
Closer to the feet
Further from the midline
Close to the trunk
Farther from the trunk
Water Soluble compounds
Niacin, Folate, Vit C
Fat Soluble Compounds
Vit A
Benzalkonium Chloride
Antiseptic used on skin to prevent infection
Usual fee
Most common charge by provider for a given service
Resonable fee
Fee for services or procedure that require extra time and effort for the provider due to the level of complexity
Customary Fee
Fee is a range charged by provider who have similar training and experience and practice in the same area
Dee is a range charged by provider due to the level of complexity a 3rd party payer per individual enrollee for a established period
Patient faints during injection
Supine position
Papanicolaou test
- Cryosurgery used
Sodium citrate in tubes
Used for coagulation studies
Lithium heparin in tube
Used for chem studies
SPS in tube
Used for bacterial studies
EDTA in tube
for hematology studies
Right Upper Q
Liver and gallbladder
Right Lower Q
Left Upper Q
Stomach and left lobe of the liver
Left Lower Q
depending colon, part of the small intestine
Loss of blood to the brain
- Causes chills, nausea, and dizziness
Transient Ischemic attack (TIA)
Caused by circulatory issues in the brain
- Cephalgia, vertigo, and temporary paralysis on one side of the body
Problem Focused
Chief complaint
Expanded problem focused
Chief complaint + systems related
At bedtime
Use for service and procedures…not diagnosis
Bundled codes
Used together one or more procedure or service that are bulled as one procedure or service
Insurance Denial
- Highest level of specificity
Erroneous (wrong) pulse rate
- Movement
Professional business letter
Has block letter style and entire text left aligned
Infant head circumference
- 0.6 cm (1/4 in) to the nearest measurement
- Tape above ears
- Infant in supine position
Pulmonary fxn test
- MA coaches patient during test
- A test that shows how well your lungs are working
- Measures lung volume, capacity, rates of flow, and gas exchange
- Vital signs checked before and after
Palpatroy method for obtaining blood pressure
- 30m Hg above radial pulse cession
Hematocrit results
Potassium results
3.5 to 5 m Eq/L
Heart Rate Ages
- Child 70 to 130 /min
- Adult….
Heparin subcutaneously
Injections must be slower
Parenteral meds
For slower release of meds into blood stream
Subcutaneous injection size
1/2 to 5/8 inch needle with 25G
Intramuscular Injection size
1/2 to 1 inch with 21G
Intradermal injection size
3/8 to 5/8 with 27G
- For allergy tests and located patients inner forearm
- Also TB tests
Intermuscular/ IV therapy injection size
1 to 2 inch with 18G
Benzoin tincture
clean skin before apply adhesive
Hydrogen peroxide
Clean wound infections
Isopropyl alcohol or Chlorhexidine
Used for phlebotomy and blood cultures
Semi- fowler
Used for people who have trouble breathing
Sodium results
135 to 145
Durable Power of attorney (health care proxy)
an authorization made by the patient what allows another person to make medical decisions on behalf of the patient if she is unable to make decisions
Is a vasoconstrictor. It reduces bleeding and prolongs the anesthetic effect
- Blood clot blocks your veins
- There is arterial and venous
- Capillary collection over venipuncture
Irregular heart beat, fatigue, dizziness, pale skin
100.4F = ___C
Tabular List (ICD-10-CM)
21 chap that specify groups of disease and injuries
Chapter List (ICD-10-CM)
Description and code ranges of each chap
Subcategory index (ICD-10-CM)
4-5 characters w/ final codes w/ up to 7 characters
Fecal occult blood test
Guaiac card, blue color = positive result
- Developing agent is applied to back side of the test card
- Small layer needed
- Recommended 1 min wait for results
When with a TB patient
N95 mask needed
- Surgical removal of gallbladder
Child Expected ranges
- Respiratory: 18- 30 min
- Heart Rate: 70-130 min
- Blood Pressure: 78-112 / 50-79 mm Hg
Adult Expected Ranges
- Respiratory:
- Heart Rate:
- Blood Pressure:
Calculating a patients heart rate from a EKG tracing
Divide 1500 by the # of small boxes b/w the 2 R wave
bucal tablet
B/w gum and cheek
Simplified letter style
Subject is ALL CAPS
Liniment v.s medicated lotion
Different stages of Hypertension
Stage 1
Stage 2
Steps after minor surgery
- Sanitize
- Disinfect after sanitize
- Autocalve to complete
Glucose cuvette vs code on glucomete
Source Oriented doc
Organized by the unity that supplies the data
lb to Kg
Artifact: Interrupted
Cuase by electronic interference
Artifact: Wandering baseline
Caused by poorly attached electrodes
Movement like somatic tremor
Weber test
1 ear hears better then the other
Teung blade
To apply ointment to abrasion
Coordination of Benfits
Used to determine what each 3rd arty payer for service
Claim form is use to submit claims
- Diagnosis code indirectly medical necessity without diagnosis provider can not be reimbursed
Fast and steady flow with out variables
Chain of custody guidlines
Ensures accurate collection, transport, and processing
Biopolar leads
Leads I,II,II
- Lead to the makeup of Einthoven triangle
Augmented leads
aVR, aVL, and aVF
Unipolar leads
V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6
- precordial leads
Before Signing Consent form
- Provider includes info about other procedures and is responsible for explaining procedure, risks, and insurance coverage
RACE (for fire emergancy)
S- Subjective
O- Objective
A- Assessment
P- Plan
Thmpanic membrane temp
Ear canale
Temprol artery
Axillary temp
Cardiac event monitoring
- Worn for 30 days
- Electrodes are changed daily
Solid elevation in rash
Flat areas of skin that are different in color
Small fluid filled blisters
Pus filled blisters
Sterile Field
- Banges are outside of field
Wound wrap
From diesel to proximal
Schedule II
High potential for abuse
Eye ointment
Apply to conjunctive sac from the inner canthus to the other canthus
Different breathing