Physical Exams Flashcards
Physical exam
Consists of health history, physical exam, and lab and diagnosis tests
Final diagnosis
The patient condition is determined through a health history, physical exam, laboratory tests, and diagnosis procedures.
Clinical diagnosis
An intermediate step before final diagnosis. Obtained through evaluation of the health history and the physical exam without the benefit of laboratory or diagnostic test
Differential diagnosis
2 or more disease may have similar system-toms
The probable course and outcome of a patient condition and the patients prospects for recovery
Risk factor
Physical or behavior condition that increase the probability that an individual will develop a particular condition
Screening test
A test performed on a large number of individuals for the early detection of a condition before it causes symptoms
Acute illness
Rapid onset and are usually severe and intense but subside after a short time
Chronic illness
Last longer then 3 months and show little change over a long time
Therapeutic procedure
Treat patient’s condition with the goal of eliminating it or promoting as much recovery as possible
Diagnostic procedure
To assist in the diagnosis of a patients condition
A paper cloth that covers patient or parts of a patient to provide comfort and warmth and reduce exposure
Blood pressure devise
Used to auscultate body sounds, exL blood pressure, long and bowel sounds.
- Diaphragm used to assess high-pitched sounds, like lung and bowel sounds
- Bell is used to assess low-pitched sounds, like heart and vascular system
Lighted instrument with lens for ear canal and tympanic membrane
Tuning fork
Used to test hearing acuity.
- Frequency is 512 to 1024Hz
Lighted instrument with lens, used to exam interior of the eye
The process of measuring the patient
Body Mechanics
The use of correct muscles to maintain proper balance, posture, and body alignment
- Keep the natural curve of the spine or vertebral column
Vertebral column
Four curvatures: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral curvatures
Transfer belt (gait belt)
Used to assist in the transfer of a print from a wheelchair to an examining table and back again
Observation of the patient of any signs of disease
The exam of the body using the sense of touch. Usually placement and size of organs, lumps, existence of pain, swelling, or tenderness
Tapping the patient with the dingers and listing to the sounds produced to determine to size, density, and location of organs. Used to examine the lungs and abdomen
The exam that involves listening with a stethoscope to the sounds produced within the body
The branch of medicine that deals with the treatment and control of obesity and diseases associated with obesity
Washing a body coral with a flowing solution
Dropping a liquid into a body cavity
Visual acuity
The acuteness or sharpness of vision
The ability of the eye to bend light coming into it so they can focus on the retina
Error of refraction
The light reads are not being refracted or bent properly and are not adequately focused on the retina
Nearsighted, light rays in fount of retina
farsighted, light rays behind the retina
A refraction error that causes distorted and blurred vision form both near and far objects. Cornea is curved into an oval shape
Decrease in the elasticity of the lens of the eye after the age of 40
A physician who diagnoses and treating disease and disorder of the eye
Is qualified to prescribe ophthalmic and systemic medications and to preform eye surgery
Liscesed primary health care provider who has expertise in measuring visual acuity and corrective lenses
- Not a physician
Distance visual acuity (DVA) test
Snellen eye chart
- Done at 20 feet
- 20/30: Top number is the distance the person reading is and the bottom number is the distance the average person can read the numbers correctly at
Near visual acuity (NVA)
Uses a card with small print and they read it out. 14 to 16 inches away
Congenital defects
Color vision deficiency that is inherited and is present at birth
Acquired defects
Color vision deficiency that is after birth form eye and brain injury, and certain drugs
Ishihara test
Used to detect color vision
Eye Irrigation
Used to wash away foreign particles, ocular discharge, harmful chemicals, relieve inflammation, and apply an antiseptic solution
Eye Instillation
Treat eye infections, sooth an irritated eye, dilate the pupil, or to anesthetize the eye
Conductive Hearing Loss
There is a physical interference with the normal conduction of sound waves through the external and middle ear
Yellowish waxy substance
Impacted cerumen
Wedge firmly together in the ear canal
Serous otitis media
Fluid in the middle ear
Acute otitis media
Infection of the middle ear
Thympanic membrane
Eardrum (middle ear conductive loss)
Sensorineural hearing loss
Damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve
Causes: hereditary factors, degenerative changes from age (presbycusis), intense noise exposure, ototoxicity by meds, infectious diseases (measles, mumps and meningitis)
Degerernative changes in hearing due to aging
Mixed Hearing
A combination of conductive and sensorineural loss
Weber test
Used to assess hearing loss when one ear hears better then the other
Rinne Test
Compares the duration of sound perception by air conduction with that of bone conduction
Measurement of hearing acuity. It an provide info on how extensive a hearing loss is and which frequencies are involved
- Quantitative
- Low frequency: 250-500Hz
- High frequency: 6000-8000Hz
Not a hearing test. Can determine the causes of hearing loss
Ear Instillation
Soften impacted cerumen, to combat infection, and to relieve pain
Ear Irrigation
Uses warm mineral oil or hydrogen peroxide for 10 to 15 minutes
Purposes is to cleanse the external auditory canal to remove cerumen, discharge, or a foreign body; to relieve inflammation and to apply ear