Test general Flashcards
- give degrees, diplomas, certificates and postgraduate awards
- teaching training, the links with local business and the community, and the vocational content, quality and professionalism of the courses
- traditional single-subject courses are offered
higher education (HE) colleges
- an educational institution giving special instruction in certain subjects
- independent in its own affairs but is a part of the university
- offers a 4-year curriculum leading to the bachelor’s degree in arts and sciences
The college
- for people over 16
- sub-degree and degree-level courses
- vocational, ranging from lower-level technical and commercial courses to more advanced courses for those aiming at higher level jobs in business, administration and the professions
further education (FE) colleges (Дополнительное профессиональное образование)
- an educational institution where the highest type of education is given and research is carried out
- provides programmes for study and research beyond the levels of the bachelor’s and first professional degree.
The university
Приемная служба университетов и колледжей
Universities and Colleges Admissions Service
Oxford and Cambridge;
St Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Edinburgh;
12th and 16th centuries.
Ancient English and Scottish uni
19th century
The University of London, Durham University and the Universities of Wales
the large civic universities located in the industrial centres (Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Bristol) that were chartered in the first half of the 20th century
Red Brick’ universities
chartered after 1966 (the Universities of East Anglia, Essex, Lancaster, Sussex, York).
‘Plate Glass’ universities
- ‘open to all’ distance learning University (established in 1968)
- offers degrees for people who are older and do not want to enroll at a university or college
- write essays at home and then post them off or e-mail to a tutor for marking
The Open University
youpost-1992 universities formed from polytechnics or colleges of higher education
New Universities’
дать стипендию или пособие
give grants
Совет управляющих
governing council
для оплаты сборов и расходов на проживание
to pay fees and living costs
получить персональный грант
obtain a personal grant
отличительный признак
беспристрастный, непредвзятый
give it a go
гражданский университет из красного кирпича
a civic / red-brick university
a don
студенческое общежитие
hall of residence
каталог (книги, издания, учебного заведения и т. п.)
учебный курс с обеспечением проживания
residential course
сочетание общеобразовательного и профессионального обучения с работой на производстве
a sandwich course
выпускник средней школы
высшее образование
tertiary education
благотворительные организации
welfare organisation
выдающийся ученый
an eminent academic
срок, период обучения
доходный, прибыльный, рентабельный
расходы на проживание
living expenses
lodgings/ digs
учебный план
the curriculum (pl. curricula)
план, расписание
syllabus (pl. syllabi)
объединять, соединять; сливать; укрупнять
присвоить степень
award a degree
известен чем-л
is renowned for
будут разбросаны по всей стране
to be scattered around the country
гипнотизировать, очаровывать
to mesmerise smb
сохранить свою завораживающую культуру
to retain its spell-binding culture
награды за отличную учёбу
academic honours
прохладительный напиток
refreshment drink