What does the phrase “an international organization” mean in the conventional sense? Give examples.
The very term international organization is ambiguous (двусмысленный, неопределенный). In the conventional (общепринятый) sense, an international organization is an institution or structure similar to Congress or to a city council; it has a definite set of rules, members, agenda, places and times of meeting.
What is a noninstitutional aspect to the phrase “an international organization”?
If organization is an arrangement of parts into a unified whole, then there is a noninstitutional aspect to the phrase international organization. The purpose of organization is conscious coordination of activity; the method of organization is to routinize coordination by such techniques as division of labour and task specialization
In what ways can coordination of an international organization be performed? What do they involve?
Coordination can be performed either formally or informally. When coordination is formal, it takes place within official structures and institutional machinery. Informal coordination involves an unwritten system of practices in which units of the system assume such roles as those of leader or nonleader.
What main principles does the UN Charter set out?
- principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members
- shall fulfill in good faith the obligations
- shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means
- shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state
What do the countries joining the UN agree to accept?
Why does the UN have little independent power or authority?
What other purposes does the UN serve?
Do you think the UN fulfils its mission today?
Do you think that the role of the UN is really very important in the modern world? Substantiate your point of view.
Is there any country in the world that the UN should refuse to admit as its member? Give your reasons.
What is the composition of the General Assembly?
How many votes is each UN member-country entitled to?
What matters may be brought before the General Assembly?
provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter.
What are the functions of the General Assembly and how does it take its decisions?
The General Assembly takes decisions in the form of Resolutions. Each member country represented has one vote. The decision-making process is made by either a simple or two-thirds majority, depending on the subject matter.
IIn what cases may the General Assembly be convened within 24 hours in an emergency special session?
How many members does the Security Council consist of?
What countries have permanent seats in the Security Council and why?
Who are the remaining 10 members of the Security Council elected by?