Test 8 All Hazards Preparation & Emergency Situations Flashcards
Intentional release of biological agents (bacteria, viruses, mycotoxins) to create illness and death to humans, animals, and environment
Declared state of emergency
Conferred by governor or president
Federal aide through FEMA
Catastrophic event affects large portion and poses risk to human life and property
Requires outside sources
Disaster recovery
Community returns to functional level after disaster
Geographically isolated event
Local services handle
Federal emergency management agency FEMA
Agency responsible for all aspects of coordination, management, and response to national disasters
Mass casualty event (MCE)
Number of victims overwhelms healthcare resource
Shelter in place
Stay in one area- not evacuate
Surge capacity
Number of patients a facility can accommodate
What are some natural disasters
Arises from a force of nature:
Heat wave
What are man made disasters
Chemical release
Infrastructure incidents
Radiation release
Transportation accident
What is a combination disaster
Ex.. a man made dam breaks due to to much water
What is an epidemic
Widespread occurrence of infectious disease in a community
Ex everyone has a cold in the house
What is a pandemic
Infectious disease spreads through large population
Ex. Covid
What are the modes of transmission of diseases
Clean water during an emergency
10 parts water to 1 part bleach
Contaminated air disaster
Air pollution caused by:
Building collapse
Ways to protects from disasters
Safe rooms
Safe zones
Decontaminate patient procedures
Disaster planning for family
Procedures for local communities
Family plans
Communication availability
iCE phone and wallet
Go bag
Home supplies and provisions
Local emergency management agencies (LEMA)
Lead coordinating responsibility
Fire, EMS, police
Emergency operations center (EOC):
Designates responsibility
Maintains inventory
List of first responders
Incident command systems
Set up by LEMA
Coordinates response
Implements EOC
Chain of command
ICS organization
National response framework (NRF)
Develop community plans
Integrate continuity plans
Collaborate to stabilize community
What is the CDC
Centers for disease control and prevention federal agency
department of health and human services
National Public Health Agency of the USA
What does the American Red Cross do?
Non-profit humanitariun organization
provides: emergency assistance
disaster relief
preparedness education
What is an EOP?
Emergency Operations Plan
Mitigates to reduce harm/injury
Responds to key areas, decon, communication site, distribution site, helps with patient surge, and recovery
What is the hospital Incident Command System?
clarify roles and responsibilities
job action sheets
What are the triage colors?
red- immediate
yellow- delayed
green- minimal
black- expectant
What are the CST roles during an emergency?
evacuation teams
specialty surgical teams
support triage roles
transport patients
preregistration/ volunteer
CERT teams