test 6 (chap 17,19) Flashcards
what does the urinary system do
- removes waste products
- maintains normal concentration of water/electrolytes
- helps control blood pressure
- helps control red blood cell production
parts of the urinary system
- kidney
- ureters
- bladder
- urethra
where are the kidneys located
- both sides of the vertebral column
- left kidney is slightly superior
regions of the kidney
- renal medulla = inner portion
- renal cortex = outer portion
what are the nephrons
- kidneys functional units
function of nephrons
- regulate extracellular fluid
- removes waste from blood and forms urine
- secrete hormone erythropoietin
- activates vitamin D
- helps regulate blood volume/pressure by secreting renin
blood flow through the kidneys
- renal artery
- branches off aorta
- carries large amount of blood
- arterioles lead to nephrons - renal vein
- joins inferior vena cava
- carries blood through abdomen
- blood without waste/excess water leave kidney here - nephrons
- contains capillaries that carry blood through the nephron
- components of nephrons filter fluid
- then send urine into the ureter
urine composition
- 95% water
- uric acid = by product of nucleic acids and organic bases
- urea = by product of amino acids
- amino acids
- electrolytes
how much urine is produced each day
about .6-2.5 liters each day
- tube that runs from kidney to urinary bladder
- consists of 3 layers of tissue (includes smooth muscle)
- a fold in the mucous layer acts as a valve to prevent backflow
urinary bladder
- hollow, muscular organ
- stores urine
- forces urine into urethra
what is micturition
- act of urination
- detrusor muscle contracts
- when bladder fills it stretches the bladder and the micturition reflex
- tube that transports urine out of the body
- contain mucous glands that secrete mucous into urine
different functions of the kidneys
- removes waste products and drugs from body
- balance body fluids
- release hormones that regulate blood pressure
- produce active form of vitamin D (promotes strong/healthy bones)
- control production of red blood cells
- creatinine
- urine test
- blood pressure
risk factors for kidney disease
- high blood pressure
- diabetes
- over 60 years old
- African American, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian
- genetic disposition
male reproductive organs
- testes
- epididymis
- prostate gland
- scrotum
- penis
- produce semen
- secrete male sex hormones
- tube that extends from the testes to the urethra gland
- becomes the ductus deferens
prostate gland
- surrounds proximal urethra
- secretes milky, alkaline fluid to neutralize sperm
- 2 chambers
- encloses testes
- regulates temperature of testes
- conveys urine and semen
- sensitive nerve endings
male sex hormones
- androgens
- testosterone
- puberty is when hormones rapidly produce at 13-15
effects of testosterone
- enlargement of testes
- increased body hair
- enlarged larynx and vocal cords
- thickening of skin
- muscular growth
- bone growth
female reproductive organs
- ovary
- uterine tubes (fallopian tubes)
- uterus
- vagina
- clitoris
- produces eggs
- secrete female hormones
uterine tubes
- carries eggs to uterus
- produce mucus
- hollow, muscular organ
- size can change drastically - 500 times during pregnancy
- conveys uterine secretions
- birth canal
- highly sensitive
- produce pleasure
female sex hormones
- estrogen
- progesterone
what does estrogen do the body
- stimulate enlargment of vagina, uterus, ovaries, uterine tubes
- breast development and mammary glands
- increased adipose tissue (fat)
- increased vascularization of skin
what does progesterone do to the body
- promotes changes during menstrual cycle
- affects mammary glands in the breasts
female pelvis
- is wider/shallower
- bony structure tends to be thinner/smaller
- sacrum is shorter/wider
- for child birth
urinary tract infection (UTI)
- occurs most in females and elderly people
chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
- early sexual activity
- multiple sexual partners
- can lead to other health problems
urinary incontinence
- urine leakage
- support structure
- factors
testicular cancer
- usually in younger people
- nodules can be palpated
prostate cancer
- 2nd leading cause of cancer death among 50 and up
- long term prognosis
- lead to erectile dysfunction = occurs in older men, usually circulatory