Test 6 Flashcards
baby moving into the pelvis; as the baby’s head reaches the pelvic floor it must rotate and enable the widest diameter of the head (front to back) to come through the widest part of the pelvic inlet (side to side)
Baby’s head is flexed chin to chest; as the baby descends into the pelvis the resistance of the pelvis forces the baby’s head to flex
Internal rotation
once the baby’s head is engaged the head turns 45 degrees. This rotation causes the baby to face the mother’s back (the pelvic floor offers resistance as the head descends and results in the head turning into the optimum position
The force of the contractions push the baby downward and as the head moves under the pubic arch there is no longer any resistance from the pelvic floor and extension takes place
External Rotation
now the shoulders are i ncontact with the pelvic floor and the baby’s head must rotate to line up with thes houlders–a 45 degree rotation of the baby’s body is made–once the baby makes this turn the shoulders begin to deliver
birth of the baby’s trunk; once the shoulders are birthed one at a time, the baby is born. When there is a show of the baby’s head–crowning–it signifies the baby is about to be born.
Hartmanns solution
a solution given through an intravenous drip to replace fluids and electrolytes. Also called ringers lactate solution
being affected by hormones
A chemical substance, produced within the body, that regulates an organ’s activity or a group of cells. Examples are adrenaline, endorphins and prolactin
Description of adding water to ensure there is adequate fluid for the body to function correctly. Compare with dehydration.
Excessively high levels of bilirubin in the blood. This can lead to kernicterus. Alternative spelling: hyperbilirubinaemia.
A greater than normal amount of glucose within the blood. This condition can be seen in people with diabetes when they eat excessive sugar and there is not enough insulin to normalize their blood sugar level. Newborn babies may be born with hypergylcemia if the mother had it before the birth. In these cases, the baby’s blood sugar level may dramatically drop after birth once the mother’s sugar is no longer available and this can result in dangerous hypoglycemia. Alternative Spelling: hyperglyceamia.
A less than normal amount of glucose within the blood. This condition can occur in people with diabetes when they do not eat enough sugar, or take too much supplementary insulin. Babies born to hyperglycemic mothers can rapidly develop hypoglycemia once they are no longer receiving the mother’s sugar through the umbilical cord. Alternative Spelling: hypoglycaemia.
Lack of oxygen. Sever hypoxia leads to asphyxia.
Immune Response
A response of the body when a foreign substance is found where the immune system acts to remove this substance.
Immune System
A system of tissues and organs that act to protect the body against foreign substances that may harm it.
Back Rub
What you should do for Nate tonight.