Midterm Flashcards
Name the 4 Pelvic bones?
Coxal, Coxal, Sacrum, Coccyx
Name the 3 parts of the coxal bones
Ilium, Ischium, Pubis
What is the name of the socket where the thighbone connects to the pelvis
In the female fetus, which 3 parts of the pelvis fuse together later in life?
ilium, ischium, pubis
Flat line that goes from the sacrum over the inlet of the pelvis to the top of the pubic arch?
Pelvic Brim
What are the two names that reference the part that lies above and in front of the pelvis brim?
Greater or false pelvis
What are the two names of the part that lies below the pelvic brim, consisting of the brim, pelvic cavity, and outlet?
Lesser or true pelvis
List 3 differences between the male and female pelvis?
Male pelvis: sit bones are closer to together, more heart-shaped than the female pelvis, female sacrum is shorter and flatter
Name the 4 pelvis types and list them in order of most common to least common?
Gynecoid, anthropoid, android, platypelloid
Name the 4 pelvic joints
Sacro-iliac, sacro-iliac, sacrococcygeal, symphysis pubis
Which joints are the strongest joins in the human body?
Sacro-iliac joints
The pelvic inlet is widest from
side to side
The pelvic outlet is widest from
front to back
What is another name for the ischial spines or ischial tuberosities?
“sit bones”
If you were working with a woman who was experiencing either symphysis pubis or sacroiliac pain, you may find it benefit to explain the reason for her pain. How would you do this?
Due to the relaxing effects of the hormone relaxin, which is elevated during pregnancy, the bones in your pelvis expand, making for easier passage of the baby through your pelvis. As the cartilage, called the syphisis pubis, stretches, you will feel pain, but it is productive in that it is increasing the ease with which your baby negotiates the pelvis.
How do the pelvis floor mucles work together with the uterus to assist the baby during birth?
They provide a wall of muscles for the uterus to push against so that the baby can properly negotiate the pelvis by turning his head.
List 2 functions of pelvic floor muscles?
They provide support for the internal organs; they control urination and defecation
Name the 3 muscular layers of the uterus?
Endometrium, myometrium, perimetrium
Which muscular lyaer does a life saving work by contrating strongly to form living ligatures for the blood vessels that remain from the placental site, preventing excessive bleeding after birth?
What is the purpose of the fallopian tubes?
The purpose of the fallopian tubes is the guide the egg to the uterus for implantation. Conception happens in the fallopian tubes.
What are the finger-like protrusions called that catch the egg as it is released from the ovary?
List the internal female reproductive organs
Uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, vagina
List the two main functions of the ovaries?
Production of eggs or ova; Production of estrogen and progesterone
The measure is how many inches
List 3 purposes the vagina serves
Exit or passageway for blood during menstrual period; receptor of tip of penis during intercourse; birth canal for baby.
List the external female reproductive organs
mons pubis, hood of clitoris, clitoris, labia majora, labia minora, urethra (urethral opening), vaginal opening, Bartholin’s glands
A woman’s monthly cycles are controlled by the relase of which certain hormones?
Estrogen, Progesterone, FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), LH (lutenizing hormone)
Draw the diagram from class
hypothalamus and pitutary release GNRH, FSH and LH go to the ovaries, Estrogen and progesterone back to the brain
On which day of the ovaria cycle does the egg begin to develop and mature in the ovary?
5th day
Each egg is surrounded by a group of cells called
Ovulation occurs about how many days from the end of the cycle?
Assuming fertilization does not occur, how long does the egg remain alive?
12-24 hours
What is the name of the yellow structure that the ruptured follicle becomes after ovulation has taken place?
corpus luteum
What function does the above structure serve and for how long?
This structure release the hormone progesterone until about 10 weeks, when the placenta takes over.
What does HCG stand for and what is it?
Human chorionic gonadotropin; It is the hormone produced by an implanted embryo.
List 3 secondary sex characteristics that estrogen is responsible for:
Breast growth and development; hair distribution; female body shape
List three functions of progesterone in the second half or luteal phase, of a woman’s cycle?
Thickening of the endometrium; causes slight increase of temperature after ovulation; increases blood supply to the uterus to prepare for implantation
What 3 factors must be present for conception to occur?
Healthy egg, Healthy sperm, healthy medium for sperm to thrive
List 3 phases of the menstrual cycle
Menstrual phase: lining of endomentrium is shed (3-7 days); proliferative phase: lining of endometrium is rebuilt; lining of endometrium becomes soft and spongy to prepare for implantation.
A newly fertilized egg is called what until it begins its cell-dividing journey to the uterus?
Ceel division occurs about every how many hours
Once it has divided to create about 32 cells it is called what, and a fluid filled cavity appears in the cluster of cells
How long is the jounrey of the fertilized egg from the fallopian tube to the enometrial lining?
3-4 days
How many cells has the fertilized egg divided into by the time it implants into the uterus?
What is Corpus luteum deficiency and how can it affect a pregnancy?
Corpus luteum deficiency occurs when the corpus luteum does not produce enough of the hormone progesterone. It fan result in miscarriage.
When there is an outer shell of cells with an attached inner layer the fertilized egg becomes known as the
The inner cells of the blastocyst that are clumped together will develop into the
fetus, amnion, and umbilical chord
The outer cells, known as the trophoblast, will develop into the
placenta and chorion
List the three primary fertility signs that virtually all ovulating women produce
waking temperature, cervical fluid, cervical position
List 3 benefits of taking one’s waking temperature every day
You can become aware of when you are about to start your period; you can know when you ovulate in order to prevent pregnancy; you can know when you are most fertile in order to achieve pregnancy
List two functions of cervical fluid
Alkaline substance to protect sperm from acidity of vagina; medium through which sperm can
What acronym describes what the cervix feels like as a woman approaches ovulations? What does it stand for? What does it mean?
Soft, High, Open, Wet
Name 3 things that can delay or even prevent ovulation
Stress, illness, travel, medication, strenuous exercise
How does on-demand breastfeeding affect ovulation and how does this work physiologically?
On demand breastfeeding prevent ovulation. It signals the relase of the hormone prolactin, which suppresses estrogen and thus prevents ovulation. The baby must be breastfeeding consistently, day and night. The idea is that prolactin, the mothering hormone, signals to your body that you are already caring for a young child and do not need to become pregnant.
What type of relationship is ideal for the use of FAM? Under what circumstances is it not advisable to use FAM as a family planning method?
A long-term mutually monogamous relationship is ideal for using FAM. If you are unsure of your partner’s sexual activity it is not advisable to use FAM because of the risk of HIV and STDs. Also, if you and your partner do not have the self control to utilize this method, it is not advised. Lastly, if you feel you absolutely shouldn’t become pregnant, this method is not advisable.
How might you explain to a woman you are educating the reason why she is not ovulating but still continuing to bleed?
Estrogen withdrawal bleeding and estrogen breakthrough bleeding
Ovulation pain is an excellent secondary fertility sign.
About how many women experience midcycle pain around their ovulation?
1 in 5
Name the 5 main bones that make up the fetal skull?
frontal, parietal, occipital
What is the name of the small gaps found between the fetal skull bones?
How are these gaps of benefit during birth proess?
bones can slide over one another, making diameter of the head smaller
Which of the fetal bones don’t completely fuse together until 8 years old?
Two parietal bones
What are the palpable places on the fetal skull, where the bones meet together?
suture lines
How many layers of tissue are there between the maternal and fetal blood, preventing maternal and fetal blood from mixing directly?
4 layers of tissue
There is a higher proportion of what in the what blood than in the what blood, making it dangerous for them to mix
amino acids; fetal; maternal
How much does the average placenta weigh?
1 pound and 1.63 ounces
The placental surface of the maternal side lying against the uterus is what, while the surface against the baby is what
rough, smooth
The maternal placental side if made up of a series of lobules called
LIst the 7 crucial functions of the placenta
respiration, nutrition, excretion, storage, production, endocrine, protection
Describe 3 functions of amniotic fluid
maintain a constant temperature, equalize pressure on the umbilical cord and baby, protect baby from sharp movements
Amniotic fluid is made up of 99% what with a small amount of waste product including 3 things
water; lanugo, vernix, dead skin cells
The umbilical cord consists of how many arteries, veins, and is encased in a layer called what?
2 arteries, 1 vein, Wharton’s jelly
Explain what is taking place when a pregnant woman experiences “lightening”.
The baby is descening and engaging more in the pelvis. This can allow a woman to breathe easier and feel like she has more space inside. It may not be experienced with second and subsequent pregnancies because the tissues muscles, and ligaments are already looser.
Describe the change that occurs to the respiratory system during pregnancy?
The walls of the respiratory system become swollen, causing the stuffiness that is often associated with pregnancy. The growing uterus alos pushes ont he lungs which compresses them and causes them to shift position
Why doesn’t a pregnant woman’s blood pressure rise?
The relaxing effects of progesterone and prostaglandins on the blood vessel walls to provide less resistance to the increased volume of blood.
A pregnant mother excretes less urine when she is standing or in an upright position
Explain why a woman experiences increased nocturne?
Standing during the day can cause the ureters to become kinked and therefore fluid moves into the tissues, causing eden, rather than being able to pass to the baldder and out of the woman. When she lies down, the relase of pressure from the uterus allow the ureters to properly function and she is able to urinate freely.
Why are pregnant women more prone to urinary tract infections?
The eight of the growing uterus can kink to ureters and cause urine to have a longer passage before leaving the body. This allows bacteria longer to multiply and take hold. Also harder to completely empty bladder because of relaxing effects of progesterone
List 3 changes that occur in the gastrointestinal system during pregnancy?
Sponginess of gums due to increased estrogen, nausea, metallic taste in mouth
What is linea nigra?
Darker line that forms underneath the bellybutton
What is chloasma?
Mask of pregnancy, dark spots that can appear on face.
List 3 Changes that take place with a woman’s breasts in pregnancy?
Nipples become mroe erect due to increased blood supply, angiomas can form, montgomery tubercles become more pronounced
Explain one way a pregnant woman’s due date can be calculated according to her last menstrual period
LMP + 7 days - 3 months or LMP +280 days
In North America the lowest number of births occur in what season while the highest number occur when?
spring, fall
This north american birth cycle pattern is also true for which other regions?
Middle East, Asia, Africa
The initiation of labor is a complex process involving hormonal responses from which 3 sources
mother’s brain, baby’s brain, placenta
In the last 5 weeks of pregnancy, the level of estrogen increases in relation to progesterone.
The placenta itself secretes oxytocin adn that it is placental oxytocin, rather than pituitary oxytocin that initiates labor
What crucial role does prostaglandins with relaxin play in the labor and birth process?
They help to soften the cervix in preparation for labor along with relaxin, which softens pelvic ligaments.
Up to how many hours is labor considered normal?
Explain Fetal Avis Pressure
FAP–>more oxytocin–>more contractions–>more FAP
NAme the four major hormonal systems active during labor and birth:
oxytocin, endorphins, epinephrine and norepinephrine, prolactin
When defining labor medically, it is divided into what three stages:
Cervical effacement and dilation, expulsion of baby, expulsion of placenta
How would you educate a woman concerning Braxton Hicks contractions?
Braxton Hicks contractions are like practice contractions that are generally mild and don’t change the cervix. These usually stop when you lay down or rest and are not felt by all women.
What are effacement contractions and where can they usually be felt internally and externally?
Effacement contractions help the cervix to thin so that it can dilate. They are fleet in the back and around to the abdomen of the mother and can be felt by placing your hand on the mother’s abdomen to feel for hardening.
Explain what is physiologically taking place in the uterus during a contraction
The uterus shortens and lengthens during contractions. The upper segment of your uterus shortens, or contracts, while the lower segment gives way so that your baby can negotiate the pelvis. As this continues, your uterine muscles stay contracted so the baby continues to move down
how many segments is the uterus made of?
Upper segment
contracts and pushes the baby down
lower segment
gives way to allow the baby to go down and out
How are uterine muscles unique in their action?
After a contraction they remain contracted; retraction.
When and why might a woman experience bloody show?
Toward the end of pregnancy as body prepare for labor, dislodging of mucous and bursting of capillaries in cervix
In about what percent of pregnancies does the amniotic sac break before labor begins?
In primiparous women, the cervix usually effaces before it dilates, and these two events happen together in multiparous women.
What are 3 characteristics of dilation contractions?
longer, more intense, cause cervix to open