Test 5 Protozoa Flashcards
What is the Metabolic stage with active, vegetative, feeding, and is capable of movement?
What is the shape of a Trophozoite?
Varied, mostly subspherical.
-DEPENDENT upon cytoplasmic structure and organelles
What parasite is capable of invading tissue and causes intestinal amebiasis and Extra-intestinal amebiasis?
Entamoeba histolytica
Disease characteristics of Intestinal Amebiasis that Entamoeba histolytica causes are?
- Non-dysenteric colitis
- Amebic dysentery
Disease characteristics of Extra-intestinal amebiasis that Entamoeba Histolytica causes?
- Hepatic: Most Frequent, Right lobe of Live
- Pulmonary
- Brain: CNS
- Other Organs: e.g. Spleen, kidneys, etc..
Which parasite’s pathogenicity consist of incidence being higher in children and young adults w/symptoms of irritation to intestinal mucosa and recurrent diarrhea (dehydration)? What disease is caused by it?
Giardia lamblia
Disease: Giardiasis
What is the only pathogenic ciliate?
Balantidium Coli
In the protozoan nuclei what is lacking in the compact type?
Clear Nucleoplasmic zones as found in ciliates
Protozoan Nuclei typically consist of two a Macronucleus and Micronucleus, describe each.
- Macronucleus: Large; associated w/cell trophic activities
- Micronucleus: Small, often obscure; associated w/reproductive activities
What is the Organ of locomotion for Protozoa?
Flagella: Long hair-like structures; characteristic of mastigophorans
What is significant of the flagella of Protozoa?
- Organisms often describe by number/arrangement
- Facilitates propelling and procurement of food (some)
What parasite uses tissue lysing enzymes that create ulcerations/penetrations of the mucosal crypts and these extensions into submucosa form a flask-shaped lesion?
Entamoeba histolytica
What common life stage is associated w/ transmission to a new host and is entered into just prior to passage?
What is the term used to describe the complication that may arise forming granulation tissues or tumors created by the Entamoeba Histolytica?
Amebomas (Amebic Granulomas)
Asymptomatic carriers make up 75% in endemic areas and 30% of general population, what is the Non-pathogenic form often named or is mistaken for?
Entamoeba Dispar (E. Dispar)
What is the Geographic distribution of Entamoeba histolytica?
Cosmopolitan, Prevalent in Tropic and Subtropics
-Areas of poor sanitary and hygienic practices
What is the Infective stage of Entamoeba Histolytica?
- Mature Cysts ingested
- Cysts and trophozoites passed in feces
What is the diagnostic Stage of Entamoeba Histolytica infection?
- Ingestion of mature cysts
- Cysts and Trophozoites passed in feces
- Trophozoites
- Cysts
- Extra-intestinal Disease
- Intestinal Disease
- Noninvasive Colonization
What is the specimen of choice for Laboratory Identification of Entamoeba histolytica?
Feces and biopsies
Describe the process of Specimen processing of feces in the Laboratory Identification of Entamoeba histolytica?
- Collect 3 samples: one every other day
- Avoid contact w/water or urine
- Liquid stools: Examine w/in 30 minutes
- Perform direct exam in physiological saline and Lugol’s iodine
- Perform concentration technique
What forms from the breakdown of eosinophilic blood cells and is an indication of bleeding or inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, in which is seen on Microscopic Examination?
Charcot-Leyden Crystals
Trophozoite form of Entamoeba Histolytica has what appearance on Laboratory Identification?
- Cytoplasm: Clean
- Appearance: Fine Granular
- Inclusions: Occasional RBCs (case of dysentery); few bacteria or debris in vaculoles
- Motility (in saline): Directional and progressive w/smooth, lobed pseudopodia
Cyst form of Enamoeba Histolytica has what appearance on Laboratory Identification?
- Shape: Spherical
- Nucleus:
- # : 1-4, mature quadinucleated cyst
- Appearance: Fine Granular
What parasite is often confused with Enamoeba histolytica however is nonpathogenic and infection indicates a breakdown in hygienic and sanitary environment of host?
Entamoeba coli
What is the Geographical distribution of Entamoeba coli?
What is the specimen of choice for Entamoeba coli?
Trophozoite form of Entamoeba coli has what appearance on Laboratory Identification?
Shape: irregular Nucleus: Vesicular, dispersed type -#: 1 -Peripheral chromatin: coarse granules; irregular size and distribution -Karyosome: Small; usually eccentric Nucleoplasm: Clear
The Cytoplasm of Trophozoite form of Entamoeba Coli has what appearance on Laboratory Identification?
- Appearance: Vacuolated, Coarsely Granular
- Inclusions: Yeast (may include Spores of SPHAERITA), molds, bacteria
- Motility: Sluggish; non-directional w/blunt, poorly defined pseudopodia
CYST form of Entamoeba Coli has what appearance on Laboratory Identification?
-Shape: Sperical
-Nuclei: 1-8 (multi-nucleated)
(Mature Cyst characteristically have 8 nuclei, rarely 16
What effect does Giardia lamblia have on intestinal absorption?
-Lg. #’s attach to intestinal mucosa and block absorption
What parasite inhibits fat absorption w/mechanical and chemical interference, excludes absorption of fat soluble vitamins, primarily Vitamin A?
Giardia lamblia
What is the Geographical distribution of Giardia lamblia?
Cosmopolitan (warm climates)
-Epidemics in U.S. regions, Europe, and Soviet Union
What is the infective form of Giardia Lamblia?
Cyst (Mature quadrinucleated) on contaminated water, food, or hands/fomites w/infective cysts
What is the diagnostic stage of Giardia Lamblia?
Cyst and Trophozoites in stool
-Trophozoites do not survive in environment
What is the Habitat of the Giardia lamblia parasite?
Small intestine
What are the Reservoir Host of the Giardia Lamblia?
Small Mammals
What is the infective form and mode of infection for Giardia Lamblia?
-Infective: Mature quadrinucleated cyst
-Mode: Ingestion
(Springs, Creeks, Swimming Pools)
What is the specimen of choice for Laboratory identification of Giardia Lamblia parasite?
Duodenal Contents
Why must several stool samples be collected for possible Giardia lamblia infection?
Cysts passed on cyclical basis
What test is used to recover Duodenal contents when looking for Giardia lamblia?
Enterotest capsule
Trophozoite form of Giardia Lamblia has what appearance on Laboratory Identification?
Trophozoite Form: “Wry Little Face”
- Shape: Pear-shaped
- Dorsal: Convex
- Ventral: Concave w/sucking disc
- Nucleus: Two (bi-symmetrical arrangement)
The Cytoplasm of the Trophozoite form (“wry little face”) of Giardia Lamblia has what appearance on Laboratory Identification?
Flagella: 8
- Anterior: 2 (cross midline)
- Ventral: 4 (2 behind ventral notch; 2 behind median bodies)
- Caudal: 2 (extending from posterior end)
Cyst form of Giardia Lamblia has what appearance on Laboratory Identification?
-Shape: Ovoid to Ellipsoidal
-Nuclei: 2 to 4
(Remnants of retracted flagella; axonemes and median bodies)
(Intercystic space between cytoplasm and cyst wall)
Pathogenicity in females causes vaginitis, pruritus, strawberry cervix and males Urethritis, prostatovesiculitis, what parasite?
Trichomonas Vaginalis
What is the habitat and mode of infection for Trichomonas Vaginalis?
- Habitat: Genitourinary Tract
- Mode: Sexual Contact
What is the specimen of choice for Trichomonas Vaginalis?
- Vaginal and Urethral discharges
- Prostatic Exudates
The Trophozoite of Trichomonas Vaginalis can be identified by flagella and undulating membrane, give the number of each?
Flagella: 4 Anterior
Undulating Membrane: 1/3 to 1/2 length of organism
What can be a Sexually transferred infection is considered nonpathogenic, often recovered from diarrheic stools, and is prominent in homosexual communities?
Pentatrichomonas hominis
What is the Habitat and Mode of Infection of Pentatrichomonas hominis?
Habitat: Colon
Mode: Ingestion, Direct contact/Sexual contact
Describe the Trophozoite flagella and undulating membrane of the Pentatrichomonas hominis?
Flagella: 5 Anterior and 1 Posterior
Undulating Membrane: Full length of Organism
What is the specimen of choice for the Laboratory Identification of Pentatrichomonas Hominis?
What is the Diagnostic Stage of Pentatrichomonas Hominis infection?
Trophozoite in feces
What is the infectious stage of Pentatrichomonas Hominis infection?
- Trophozoite in feces
- Ingestion of Contaminated water, food, hands/fomites w/trophozoites
What is the cause of balantidiasis and balantidial dysentery?
Dalantidium Coli
Diarrhea and secondary complications arise from Balantidium Coli invasion of intestinal mucosa and submucosa, how does it cause damage?
Mechanical Action
-Lytic Action: Hyaluronidase
What is the Geographical Distribution of Balantidium Coli?
Cosmopolitan w/higher frequency in swine raising areas
What is the habitat and reservoir host of Balantidium Coli?
Habitat: Cecum
Reservoir: Swine, hogs
What is the infective form and Mode of infection of Balantidium coli?
Infective form: Cyst stage
Mode: Ingestion
What parasite has a Trophozoite form that has a Sac-like appearance w/two nuclei and whose name means “little bag”?
Balantidium Coli
Describe the Nuclei of the Balantidium Coli Trophozoite form?
Macronucleus: Large; elongated (Kidney-bean shape)
Micronucleus: Minute, spherical
Describe the Cytoplasm of the Balantidium Coli Trophozoite form?
Cytopyge: Excretory opening at posterior end of cell
Contractile Vacuoles: 1-2 pulsating (osmoregulatory)
What parasite migrates to the brain via olfactory nerves causing Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM), w/CNS involvement and rapid progression w/high mortality?
Naegleria Fowleri
What is the Geographical Distribution of Naegleria Fowleri?
Australia New Zealand S. America Africa Southern Europe Southern U.S.
What is the habitat of Naegleria fowleri?
Meninges of Cerebrum
Spinal Cord
What is the infective form and Mode of infection for Naegleria fowleri?
Infective form: Amoebiod Trophozoite
Mode: Active Penetration through Nasal Passages
What is the specimen of choice for Laboratory identification?
Cerebral Spinal Fluid
Trophozoite in CSF start treatment
What is the common name for Trypanosoma brucei?
African Sleeping Sickness
Trypanosoma Brucei Gambiense is known as what?
West African Sleeping Sickness
Trypanosoma Brucei Rhodesiense is known as what?
East African Sleeping Sickness
What parasite is considered to be nonpathogenic in the mouth, however it’s habitat is the mouth and mode of infection is Direct Contact?
Trichomonas Tenax
What is the Specimen of choice for Trichomonas tenax?
Gingival Scrapings
Describe the Trophozoite form of Trichomonas tenax? Flagella and undulating membrane.
Flagella: 4 Anterior
Undulating Membrane: 1/2 to 2/3 length of organism
What are the prominent Acanthamoeba species that cause subacute, chronic Meningoencephalitis?
- Acanthamoeba Castellani
- Acanthamoeba Culbertsoni
What is the Geographical distribution of Acanthamoeba species?
-Most cases in U.S.
What is the infective stage of Acanthamoeba species?
Cysts and Trophozoite
What ways will the cyst or Throphozoites of Acanthamoeba species enter the human body?
- Eye
- Nasal Passages to lower Respiratory tract
- Ulcerated broken skin
What results from Acanthamoeba species infection with entry through the eye?
Severe Keratitis of the eye
What results from Acanthamoeba species infection with entry through the Nasal Passages to the lower respiratory tract?
- Granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE)
- Disseminated disease in immune compromised patients
What results from Acanthamoeba species infection with entry through ulcerated or broken skin?
- Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis (GAE)
- Disseminated disease
- Skin Lesions in immune compromised patients
What is the habitat of the Acanthamoeba species?
Free Living typically
- Skin
- Corneal region of eye
What are the reservoir hosts of Acanthamoeba species?
Variety of mammals and invertebrates
Oysters, grasshoppers, snails
What is the infective form and mode of infection of Acanthamoeba spp.?
- Infective Form: Amebic Trophozoites or Cysts
- Mode: Uncertain
What is the specimen of choice for Acanthamoeba spp. Laboratory Identification?
Tissue Sections
Acanthamoeba spp. requires differentiation from what?
N. Fowleri
The Acanthamoeba spp. does not have what stage of development?
Flagellated Stage
The presence of Trophozoites and cysts in tissue is indicative of what?
Acanthamoeba spp.
What are the Three types of Diseases Leishmania causes?
- Visceral Leishmaniasis
- Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
- Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis
What is the common name for Leishmania Donovani (Leishmania donovani complex)?
Dum-Dum Fever
What is the pathogenesis of Visceral Leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania Donovani?
- Darkening of skin (Kala-azar, Black Poison)
- Destruction of reticuloendothelial cells and Histiocytes
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Fatal (95% untreated)
What provides immunity from Visceral Leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania donovani if patient recovered from initial infection?
Gamma Globulins
What is the geographical distribution of Leishmania donovani?
South America Central America Mediterranean Regions Central Africa Asia (India)
What is the common name of Leishmania tropica?
Oriental sore
What presents as shallow, dry scaly ulcerated lesions initially and will become crater-like w/thickened edges, leaving patient disfigured and is seldom fatal? Secondary bacterial infection are common.
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania Tropica
What confers immunity from Cutaneous Leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania Tropica?
Self-Healing process
What is the geographical distribution of Leishmania tropica?
Mediterranean Region
Latin America
East and Central Africa
What is the common name of Leishmania major?
What is the pathogenesis of the Cutaneous Leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania Major (Baghdad Boil)?
- Initial: Shallow, dry scaly ulcerated lesion
- Ulceration: Crater w/thick edges
- Secondary bacterial infection common
- Ulcers leave disfiguration
- Seldom fatal
- Immunity: Self-healing confers immunity
What is the Geographical Distribution of the Baghdad Boil (Leishmania Major)?
Middle East Northern Africa China India (Cases. U.S. military serving in Iraq)
What is the common name of Leishmania Braziliensis and Leishmania Panamensis?
Chiclero Ulcer
What is the pathogenesis of the Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis brought on by L. Braziliensis or L. Panamensis?
- Ulcer w/moist center
- Secondary Lesions: Destruction of nasal septum; necrotic tissue
- Marked deformities
What is the habitat of Leishmania?
Phagocytic Macrophages of Reticuloendothelial system
What is the intermediate and Reservoir host of Leishmania?
- Intermediate: SANDFLIES (genus Phlebotomus)
- Reservoir: Cats, Dogs, Other Mammals
What is the Infective Stage and Mode of Infection of Leishmania?
Infective: Promastigote
Mode: Injection by bite of vector
For the Laboratory Identification of Leishmania what are the specimen sources?
- Tissue Impression: smears and sections
- Exudates or Scraping of lesions
- Buffy Coat Preparation of venous blood
- Culture on Novy, MacNeal, and Nicolle medium
- Animal inoculation: Hamsters
- Serological testing
What stain is used for the tissue impression smears and sections of the Lab Id for Leishmania?
Looking for Amastigotes
What parasite has a pathogenesis of localized inflammation near entry site, invasion of lymph nodes, invasion of CNS, and is often fatal if untreated?
Trypanosoma Brucei
In the pathogenesis of Trypanosoma Brucei if invasion of lymph nodes occurs, which lymph nodes are involved and what is the name of this sign?
- Posterior Cervical Lymph nodes
- Winterbottom’s Sign
What signs and symptoms will be seen in the pathogenesis of Trypanosoma brucei infection involving the CNS?
-Disinclination to exertion and lack of interest
-Reflexes retarded:
(Difficulty in articulation)
(Incoherent Speech)
(Loss of Coordination)
-Lapses of diurnal sleep
-Coma: Usually Terminal
What is the Duration of Trypanosoma Brucei Gambiense (West African Sleeping Sickness) infection?
Chronic- lasts several years
What is the Duration of Trypanosoma Brucei Rhodesiense (East African Sleeping Sickness) infection?
- -Easily cured during circulatory invasion
- Fatal in 12-18 months
What is the Geographical Distribution of Trypanosoma Brucei Gambiense (West African Sleeping Sickness)?
Western and Central Africa
Vectors breed in shady, moist, riverine areas
What is the Geographical Distribution of Trypanosoma Brucei Rhodesiense (East African Sleeping Sickness)?
Eastern and Central Africa
(Pupate in dry, open country)
(Range is smaller than T. brucei gambiense)
What is the Intermediate host (Vector) for the Trypanosoma Brucei parasite?
Tsetse Flies (Glossina spp.)
What is the habitat of the Trypanosoma Brucei parasite? which is associated w/Domestic animals and which with Game Animals
Circulatory system CNS Lymph nodes Spleen Other Organs (T. Brucei Gambiense: Domestic Animals) (T. Brucei Rhodesiense: Game Animals)
What is the infective stage and mode of infection for Trypanosoma Brucei?
- Infective Stage: Metacyclic Trypomastigote
- Mode: Bite of Tsetse flies
What is the specimen of choice for Lab Id of Trypanosoma Brucei?
What are the immunodiagnostic methods used for Lab Id of Trypanosoma Brucei?
- IgM levels
- ELISA detect Ag in serum
- Indirect fluorescent Ab
- Confusion w/cross reaction to animal trypanosomes
What is the common name of Trypanosoma cruzi?
Chagas disease
What parasite’s pathogenesis includes Romana’s sign, Cardiomyopathy, Mega-disease, and is frequently fatal?
-South American Trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma Cruzi (Chagas Disease)
What is Romana’s sign as caused by S. American Trypaosomiasis which is caused by Chagas disease (Trypanosoma Cruzi)?
Chagoma: Periorbital Swelling
Localized severe inflammation
S. American Trypanosomiasis involvement with invasion of host cells heart causes what?
- Multiple Cardiac Symptoms
- Congestive Heart Failure
What is Mega-Disease, which can been seen in infection of S. American Trypanosomiasis (Trypanosoma Cruzi)?
- Enlargement of Visceral Organs
- Dilatation of Digestive Tract
- Frequently fatal
What is the Geographical Distribution of Trypanosoma Cruzi?
- Latin America and South America
- Zoonosis in a variety of reservoir hosts
What is the Habitat of Trypanosoma Cruzi?
Circulatory and Reticuloendothelial systems
Bone Marrow
What is the intermediate and Reservoir Host of Trypanosoma Cruzi?
- Reservoir Host: Various Mammal, wood rats, opossums, armadillos
What is the infective stage and mode of infection of Trypanosoma Cruzi?
Infective: Metacyclic Trypomastigote
Mode: Contamination of infected bug feces in bite wound and transfusion and organ transplant
What is the specimen of choice for Lab Id of Trypanosoma Cruzi?
Tissue Biopsies
What other lab methods may be used to Id Trypanosoma Cruzi?
- IgG and IgM levels
- Immunodiagnostic Tests
- Culture: NNN Medium
- Xenodiagnosis: recovery of infective form from pt