Test 4: Trematodes (Flukes) Flashcards
What parasite has an incomplete digestive tract containing a mouth, pharynx, and esophagus, and blind-sac intestines (ceca)?
What is the largest subclass of Trematoda, which are found in every major organ, includes all trematodes that parasitize man?
Describe the general body shape of the Class Trematoda: Flukes.
- Flattened dorso-ventrally
- Leaf-shaped
- Monozoic (one body part)
How many Suckers and describe them, do Class Trematoda: Flukes have?
- Oral Sucker: Mouth
- Ventral Sucker: Acetabulum (Hold-fast organ)
What is the common name of paragonimus westermani?
Lung Fluke
What is the pathogenesis of the Lung Fluke (Paragonimus Westermani)?
- Tuberculosis-like symptoms
- Lung damage: Fibrosis
- Migratory tissue damage
- Extra Pulmonary Abscesses
What is the treatment for the Lung Fluke?
The Lung fluke has a geographical distribution where?
S. America
What is the mode of infection for the lung fluke?
What is the habitat for the lung fluke (Paragonimus Westermani)?
What are the intermediate host for the Lung Fluke?
1st: Snail
2nd: Crab or Crayfish
What is the reservoir host for the Lung Fluke?
Piscivores (Fish-eating animals)
In the life cycle of the Lung Fluke what is the infective form?
Metacercaria: Ingested in inadequately cooked or pickled crustaceans
In the laboratory identification of the Lung Fluke what is the specimen of choice?
Sputum (also feces)
- Sputum exam
- Formalin-ethyl acetate (FEA)
What other tests may be used to diagnosis the lung fluke?
- X-ray
- Biopsies
- Immunodiagnostic test: ELISA, immunoblot, monoclonal Ab
What is the shape and color of the Ova of a Lung Fluke?
Shape: Oval
Color: Golden Brown
The Ova of the Lung Fluke has what at the broad end, w/what kind of thickening, and what kind of content?
- Oerculum
- Content: Yolk mass, variable size granules in yolk
- Abopercular thickening
What is an Adult Lung Fluke identified?
- Shape: Oval Body
- Color: Reddish-brown
- Intestinal Ceca: Undulating
- Testes: Deeply lobate and para
What is the common name of Fasciola hepatica?
Sheep Liver Fluke
What is the pathogenesis of Fasciola Hepatica (Sheep Liver Fluke)?
- Mechanical destruction of liver tissue
- Fibrosis
What is the treatment of the Sheep Liver Fluke (Fasciola Hepatica)?
Where is Fasciola Hepatica (Sheep Liver Fluke) found?
Worldwide; Sheep raising countries
What is the diagnostic stage in the life cycle of the sheep liver fluke?
Unembroynated eggs passed in feces
What is the infective stage of the life cycle of the sheep liver fluke (fasciola hepatica)?
Metacercariae: on water plant ingested by human, sheep, cattle
What is the habitat of the Sheep Liver Fluke (Fasciola hepatica)?
Bile passages of the liver
What are the intermediates hosts of the sheep liver fluke?
1st: Snail
2nd: Fresh water vegetation
The reservoir hosts for the Sheep Liver Fluke are?
What is the infective form of the Sheep Liver Fluke (Fasciola Hepatica)?
What is the mode of infection of Fasciola Hepatica?
What is the specimen of choice for laboratory identification?
Feces (Formalin-ethyl acetate (FEA))
The Fasciola hepatica Ova has what shape and color?
Hen’s egg; oval
Light yellowish brown
The sheep liver fluke Ova Content has what appearance and this is present but indistinct?
Yolk mass; fills the egg
Operculum-present but indistinct
The adult form of the Sheep Lung Fluke has what shape, color, and intestinal ceca?
- Shape: Leaf-like, prominent cephalic cone
- Color: Brownish
- Intestinal ceca: Branched
What is the common name of Fasciolopsis buski?
Giant Intestinal Fluke
What is the pathogenesis of the Giant Intestinal Fluke (Fasciolopsis buski)?
- Intestinal upset/obstruction
- Toxemia
- Inflammation
Treatment for Giant Intestinal Fluke (Fasciolopsis buski) infection?
What is the geographical distribution for the Giant Intestinal Fluke?
Southeast Asia
What is the habitat of the Giant Intestinal Fluke (Fasciolopsis buski)?
Small intestines
Name the intermediate host of Fasciolopsis buski (Giant Intestinal Fluke)?
1st: Snail
2nd: Aquatic vegetation
What are the reservoir host of the Giant Intestinal Fluke (Fasciolopsis buski)?
Pigs, dogs, and rabbits
What is the infective form and mode of infection of the Giant Intestinal Fluke?
Metacercaria via ingestion
What is the specimen of choice for laboratory identification of the Giant intestinal fluke?
Feces (FEA)
The Fasciolopsis buski (Giant Intestinal Fluke) Ova content appears as what?
Yolk mass w/uniformly distributed granules
Lab Id of the adult form of the Giant Intestinal Fluke (Fasicolopsis buski), size, shape, color, intestinal ceca, and testes?
- Size: 25-45mm long by 8-12mm wide
- Shape: leaf-like, no cephalic cone
- Color: flesh-colored
- Intestinal ceca: Undulating
- Testes: Dendritic and tandem
What is the common name for Clonorchis sinensis?
Chinese Liver Fluke
What is the pathogenesis of the Chinese Liver Fluke (Clonorchis sinensis)?
- Cirrhosis: bile ducts swelling
- Blockage: Bile passages
- Multiple infections: up to 21,000 adults per host
What is the treatment for infection w/ Chinese Liver Fluke (Clonorchis sinensis)?
The Chinese Liver Fluke is found where?
What is the diagnostic stage in the life cycle of Clonorchiasis (Clonorchis sinensis, Chinese Liver Fluke)?
Embryonated eggs passed in feces
What is the habitat for the Chinese Liver Fluke (Clonorchis sinensis)?
Bile Passages of Liver
What are the intermediate host of the Chinese Liver Fluke (Clonorchis Sinensis)?
1st: Snail
2nd: Fish
What is the reservoir host of the Chinese Liver Fluke (Clonorchis Sinensis)?
What is the infective form and the mode of infection for the Chinese Liver Fluke (Clonorchis Sinensis)?
Metacercaria via Ingestion
What is the specimen of choice for lab id of the Chinese Liver Fluke (Clonorchis Sinensis)?
Feces (FEA)
What is significant of the OVA shape for lab id of the Chinese Liver Fluke (Clonorchis Sinensis)?
- Shape: Vase-like
- Color: Yellowish brown
- Operculum: Present, Pronounced
- Content: Asymmetrical miracidium, “BOXER’s GLOVE” appearance
- Abopercular comma: May be seen
- Broad opercular shoulders
For lab id of the adult form what is the size, shape, color, intestinal ceca, and testes characteristics of the Chinese Liver Fluke (Clonorchis Sinensis)?
- Size: 10-20mm long by 2-5mm wide
- Shape: Oval, Elongated
- Color: Cream, pinkish tint
- Intestinal ceca: Straight
- Testes: Dendritic and tandem
The Scistosoma spp. is also known as what?
Blood Flukes
Schistosomiasis is also known as what?
Bilharzia (bilharziasis) or
Snail Fever
What factors affect the pathogenesis (varies w/spp.)?
- Number of ova produced
- Reinfection
- Nutritional state of host
What occurs with the Cercarial penetration of the schistosoma spp.?
- Localized cutaneous lesions
- Allergenic reactions
- Toxic Reactions: Eosinophilia
- Abd edema and ascites
- Intestinal ulceration and necrosis
What is the treatment for Schistosoma spp. infections?
For a Schistoma haematobium infection what is the drug of choice?
For Lab id what is the Specimen of Choice for S. Japonicum, S. Mansoni, S. haematobium?
S. japonicum: feces S. mansoni: feces S. haematobium: Urine FEA for feces Micro for urine
What other Laboratory tests may be used to id Schistoma infections?
- Intradermal test
- Ova hatching test
- Indirect hemagglutination
- Indirect fluorescent Ab
- Rectal biopsy
- ELISA tests
In the lab id of the ova of Schistosoma what is the chief characteristic?
- Chief characteristic: Spin location/size
- No operculum
The lab id of an adult male form shape of schistosoma is characterized by what?
- Flattened and rolled forms a gynecophoral groove
- Resembles: taco shell
The lab id of an adult female form shape of schistosoma is characterized by what?
- Slender and cylindrical
- fits in the groove of the male
The lab id of an adult form schistosoma is characterized by what color, testes, rejoined ceca?
- Color: tan to gray
- Testes: # characteristics
- Rejoined ceca: length of reunited stem varies w/spp.
What is the common name of Schistosoma japonicum?
Oriental Blood Fluke
What is the pathogenesis of the Oriental Blood Fluke (Schistosoma japonicum)?
- Most pathogenic: produces most eggs per day
- Hepatic and pulmonary lesions
- CNS involvement
What is the geographical distribution of the Oriental Blood Fluke (Schistosoma japonicum)?
Far East
What is the habitat of the Oriental Blood Fluke (Schistosoma japonicum)?
Venules of small intestine
The Oriental Blood Fluke (Schistosoma japonicum) has what intermediate and reservoir hosts?
- Intermediate: Fresh water snail (Oncomelania)
- Reservoir: Mammals exposed to contaminated water
What is the infective form and mode of infection of Schistosoma japonicum (Oriental Blood Fluke)?
Cercaria via Active penetration
Lab id via the Ova form, shows a size, shape, color, content, and spine characteristics of the Oriental Blood Fluke?
- Size: Medium
- Shape: Ovoid
- Color: Yellowish-brown
- Content: Miracidium
- Spine: Inconspicuous, lateral
What is the common name of Schistosoma haematobium?
Vesical Blood Fluke
What is the pathogenesis of the Vesical Blood Fluke (S. haematobium)?
- Urogenital tract
- Liver
What is the geographic distribution of the Vesical Blood Fluke (S. haematobium)?
Asia Minor
What is the habitat of the Vesical blood fluke (s. haematobium)?
Venules of urinary bladder surrounding organs are affected
What is the intermediate host of Schistosoma haematobium (Vesical blood fluke)?
Fresh water snail (Bulinus)
What is the infective form and mode of infection of the vesical blood fluke (S. haematobium)?
Cercaria via Active penetration
Describe the Size, Shape, Color, Content, and spine of the Vesical Blood Fluke (S. haematobium)?
- Size: Large
- Shape: Elongated
- Color: Hyaline
- Content: Miracidium
- Spine: Conspicuous, terminal
What is the common name for Schistosoma mansoni?
Manson’s blood fluke
What is the pathogenesis of the Manson’s Blood Fluke (S. mansoni)?
- Abd pain, cramping, diarrhea, bloody stools
- Hepatosplenomegaly
The Manson’s Blood Fluke (S. Mansoni) is found where?
S. and Central America
Puerto Rico
What is the habitat of the Manson’s Blood Fluke (S. Mansoni)?
Venules of large intestine
What is the intermediate host of the Manson’s Blood Fluke (S. mansoni)?
Fresh water snail (Biomphalaria)
What is the reservoir host for S. mansoni (Manson’s Blood Fluke)?
Wild Rodents
What is the infective form and mode of infection for Manson’s Blood Fluke (S. mansoni)?
Cercaria via active infection
Describe the Size, Shape, Color, Content, and spine of the Manson’s Blood Fluke (S. mansoni)?
Size: Large Shape: Elongated Color: Light Brown Content: Miracidium Spine: Conspicuous, lateral
What is the common name for Metagonimus yokogawai/Heterophyes heterophyes?
Small Intestinal Fluke
What is the pathogenesis of the Small Intestinal Fluke?
Intestinal upset
What is the treatment for the Small Intestinal Fluke?
What is the geographical distribution of the Small Intestinal Fluke (Metagonimus yokogawai/heterophyes heterophyes)?
Far East
What is the habitat for the Small Intestinal Fluke?
Small Intestines
What are the intermediate hosts for the Small Intestinal Fluke?
1st: Snail
2nd: Fish
What are the reservoir hosts for the Small Intestinal Fluke?
What is the infective form and mode of infection for the small intestinal fluke?
Metacercaria via Ingestion
What is the specimen of choice for lab id of the small intestinal fluke?
Feces: (FEA)
What does the Ova form of the small intestinal fluke not have?
No abopercular process
The laboratory id of the adult form Metagonimus yokogawai, describe the size, shape, color, intestinal ceca, testes, acetabulum?
- Size: .8-1.4mm long by .4-.7mm wide
- Shape: Gourd-like
- Color: Grayish
- Intestinal ceca: Straight
- Testes: Oval and Oblique
- Off-center acetabulum
The laboratory id of the adult form Heterophyes heterophyes, describe the size, shape, color, intestinal ceca, testes, acetabulum, anterior region?
- Size: 1-1.7mm long by .35mm wide
- Shape: teardrop
- Color: grayish
- Intestinal ceca: Straight but split
- Tested: Oval
- Medio-center acetabulum
- Scaly anterior region
- Retractile sucker
- Armed w/hooklets