Test 5 Flashcards
Stimulation our brain gives us to adress biological needs
Process that allows us to maintain balance in our biological systems (know difference from allostasis)
Process that allows us to develop a state of readiness for anticipated future demands on biological systems
The experience of being full/ not wanting more food
When the hypothalamus receives info about a drop in glucose levels it stimulates hunger
Cholecystokinin (CCK)
Release of cck stimulates satiation (full)
Unit bias
The bias to behave as though the amount of food we receive is just the right amount to achieve satiation
Social facilitation
When we eat more because of the behaviour or expectations of other people
Minimal eating norm
Social context that would make you eat less (first date)
Impression management
Eatin more of less to give off a good impression
When the behaviours of others at a social event cause us to restrain our appetite
Reproduction suppression hypothesis
Eating disorders that cause low body fat may reduce chance of woman getting pregnant
How many females / males have eating disorders in USA
10 mil females
1 mil males
Motivates sex drive
Alfred Kinsey
First scientist to investigate sexual behaviour of Americans
Doubt that homo and Herero sexuality are the 2 extremes of the sexual orientation continuum
Sexual response cycle
Different for males and females (males can’t bust as soon again)
Idiographic approach
Developed understanding of specific personality characteristics that make someone unique
Nomothetic approach
Study aspects of personality across large groups to understand what features of personality distinguish types of people (core personality traits)
“The big 5”
Caramel developed 16 which was narrowed to 5 (OCEAN) •openness •conscientiousness •agreeably •extroversion •neuroticism
Very reliable / organized
Emotionally unstable / happy then very sad
Theodore Adorno
Suggested there’s another personality train “authoritarian” - cling to personal beliefs / view themselves as superior
Right wing authoritarianism
Obey rules blindly
Favour aggressive methods
Existing structure of society should be maintained at all costs
Hexaco model of personality
Dark triad :
Machiavellianisn: likely to manipulate
Psychopathy: lack of emotion
Narcissism: think they’re better
Chameleon effect
Our genetic tendency to mimic others to establish a comfortable rhythm with them
Conformity pressure
Peer pressure
Social facilitation
People will work harder at a task when there are others performing the same task
Group think
Tendency for group members to discourage a variety of opinions and ideas because people will be influenced to by others in the group that don’t like it
Solomon ash
Conformity experiment with the lines:
75% chance when 4/5 said wrong answer
1/3 if people said the wrong answer for each question
Diffusion of responsibility
The more witnesses there are the les of a chance someone will help
Pluralistic ignorance
When the public reaction of everyone in group conflicts with private beliefs of individuals
Phillip zimbardo
Stanford prison experiment