Terminology Flashcards
What is a variable
Any object /concept/event that is the focus of a a scientific investigation
Is achieved when measurment is consistant dispite who is being measured and what they do it with
Operational defoinition
The procedures used to measure a veriable
The degree to which a measurment procedure actually measures the variable it was developed to measure
The degree that a measure produces the same measurment fir a variable across measurment events
Test-retest reliability
The extent of simularity in scores geberated by the sane measure for the same person across 2 testing seshons
Alternative form reliability
The extent to which different forms of the same test generate similar scores for the same person across 2 testing seshions
Inter grader reliability
The degree of similarity in observation reported by 2 observers
Dyadic resiprocity
General resiprocity
Dyadic: liking people more who like us more than other people
General: liking people more who generally like all people
An explination for a range of observations (must be testable)
Scientific literacy
Ability to analize/understand scientific info
The degree that the findings of a research study apply to people or situations other than those that are specific to the study
Random samples
Are ideal when possible because the justify “generalizeability”
Convenience sample
Require more caution when generalizing results but are more practical than random
Ecological vallidity
The extent that results found in a research study will apply
Experimental bias
When a researchers beliefs or expectations can distort their findings, even without their knowledge
No connection between participants responces and their identity
Only researcher can link participants to thier answers and must keep it a secret
Single blind study
Keep purpose of study a secret to prticipants until youre done
Double blind study
Keep purpose for test a secret to participants and the experimentor a secret until done the test
Repeating a study and obtaining essentially the sane results
Case study
In deoth report of specific cases (only few people can be examined)
Naturalistic observation
Observing people in natural enviroment & taking record of theur habits ( with thier knowledge)
Having individuaks provide answers to a series of questions
Coorilation research
Measure of the “degree of association” between 2 variables
Positibe coorilation
When higher values on the variable tend to co-occure with higher variables of the other
Identical twins
Hypothesis is precise enough to be proven false
Annecdotle evidence
An individuals story about an observation that is used to make a claim as evidence
Appeals to authority
The belief in a claim even when theres no evidence to support it
Appeals to common sense
A claim that appears to be sound but has no supporting scientific evidence
Illusory correlation
Relationships that really exist only in the mind not in reality
Independant variable
The variable that the experimentor manipulates to destinguish between two or more groups
Dependant variable
The observation or measurement thatvis recorded during the experament
Quasi-experimental research
Research technique where the groups studied are selected based on pre determined charicteristics rather than random assignment