Test 4 Flashcards
Stereotype threat
Awareness of negative stereotypes can lead to impaired performance
Intelligence quotient (iq)
Mental age / chronological age X 100
Idea that wealth, power, etc. Should solely depend on how hard you work
Incremental theory
Belief that a persons intellegance can be improved with experience and effort
Entity theory
Belief that intelligence is a stable trait that is nearly impossible to improve (false)
Weschler adults intelligence scale (WAIS)
Full scale IQ test
General ability index (GAI)
Verbal comprehension and perceptual reasoning tasks
Cognitive proficiency index (CPI)
Working memory capacity and processing speed
Fluid intelligence
The ease by which we learn new things & find solutions to unfirmiliar problems
Crystallized intelligence
Ability to use past experience & knowledge to complete a task
ROBERT sternberg
Triarch theory of intelligence:
•book smarts (analytic)
• street smarts (practical)
• creativity
Howard Gardner
Challenged notion of intelligence being a general ability
Social development
Learning to conform to social norms, learned naturally if brought up in supportive environment
Goodness of fit
Refers to match between parenting style and child temperment
Developmental psychology
Study of physical and psychological changes that occur in different stages of life
Cross sectional design
Measures grouped of people at same time but different ages
Cohort effect: people of different ages developed in different time periods
Longitudinal design
Measures same group of people at different times
Very time consuming & risk of people dropping out of study (attrition)
Developmental stages
Changes proceed through patterns of stability followed by periods of more rapid transmission called “sensitive periods”
Conception has what 2 parts?
Germination stage:
Inner cluster of cells forming embryo
Outer ring of cells forming placenta
Embryonic state
2-8 weeks
Fetal stage
8 weeks- birth
Maternal malnourishment
Pregnant women doesn’t eat enough, increased risk of giving birth to lower weight babies more prone to illness & deficits in mental function
Substances that negatively affect process of development in uterine
Caused severe birth defects including blindness, deafness, and limb deformities
Preterm infants
50% survival rate of babies born at 25 weeks & may have deformities
Creation of neural connections
Synaptic pruning
Neural pathways you don’t use go away
Moro reflex
Baby acts startled when it’s head isn’t supported
Rooting reflex
Baby starts sucking
Acquiring new knowledge and relating it to something we already knew
Learning by adjusting old knowledge in the face of new info
Piaget’s stages of cognitive development
The sensory stage (0-2)
Preoperational stage (2-7)
Concrete operational stage (7-11)
Formal operational stage (11-adult)
Sensory stage
All of child’s awareness is tied to their sensory experience
Object permence
An awareness that an object still exists when you can’t see it
Preoperational stage (2-7)
Language acquisition, being able to think in symbolic ways such as numbers, increased imagination
Concrete operational stage (7-11)
Start to think logically, can mentally perform with numbers, learn to classify objects
Formal operational stage (11-adult)
Increased reasoning & ability to think of abstract things
The emotional connection you develop or fail to develop with care giver
Stranger anxiety
Young children’s discomfort with strangers
Secure attachment pattern
Child is MILDLY distressed when mother leaves it alone with stranger.
Child keeps distance from stranger
When parent returns kid because happy again
Insecure attachment
Child clings tightly to parent before they leave
Child very upset when alone with stranger
When parent returns they rush for comfort but push parent away
Avoidant attachment
Child not close with care giver
Doesn’t care when alone with stranger
Ignores care giver upon return
Disorganized attachment
Can’t decide to seek comfort or avoid care giver
Lacking capacity to understand other people have other perspectives then them
Theory of mind
Capacity to understand others have their own thoughts and opinions
Instrumental helping
By age 1 children will help others to complete a task
Empathetic helping
By age 2 children will act to help someone in distress feel better
2 systems underlying pro social behaviour
- Attachment behavioural system: system for achieving personal comfort from others
- Caregiver behavioural system: comforts others - can only be active if attachment behavioural system is satisfied