TEST 4-The Ear Flashcards
Height of waves
Space between waves
height of wave stays the same but wavelength changes with high and low sounds
height of waves changes but wavelength does not
Path of Soundwaves
Outer Ear Pinna Auditory Canal Tympanic Membrane (eardrum) Middle Ear Malleus (hammer) Incus (anvil) Stapes (stirrup) Inner Ear Oval Window Cochlea
Outer Ear
soundwaves move through air
Outer Ear
collect sound waves and funnel them into the ear
Auditory Canal
outer ear
physical separation protection
Tympanic Membrane
outer ear
change soundwaves, can’t go through, bounce off and vibrate
Middle Ear
soundwaves travel through solids (bones)
Chamber in the Middle Ear
air-filled malleus (hammer) incus (anvil) stapes (stirrup) vibrate at different frequencies
Inner Ear
soundwaves travel through liquid
Oval Window
inner ear
thin membrane-keeps liquid in
detecting sound waves
dynamic equilibrium
static equilibrium
0 (perfect silence)-120 (painful)
Conduction Deafness
something that doesn’t allow soundwaves to move through eardrum or middle ear bones
Nerve Deafness
muscles tighten to protect your hearing
rupture eardrum-comes from sudden, loud sound, eardrum tears, scar tissue forms
Eustachian Tube
connects middle ear to throat
air pressure has to be equalized
Reasons why children are more likely to have ear infections
- E. T. is shorter
- E. T. is steep
- has adenoids-lymph nodes
Lymph System
lymph fluid: what surrounds cells, water
white blood cells live in lymph nodes, clean lymph fluid, more white blood cells when sick (swelling)
If you have frequent ear infections
tubes go in the eardrum-equalize pressure on the other side
remove adenoids
helps pinpoint where sound is coming from
Dynamic Equilibrium
in the inner ear
3 semicircular canals
hairs bend when movement happens-triggers nerve
Planes of Dynamic Equilibrium
horizontal plane-walking
vertical plane-bending over
diagonal plane-cartwheel
Dizziness and Motion Sickness
dizziness-ears and eyes are signals to the brain, brain gets confused because it is receiving different signals
motion sickness-eyes and semicircular canals are sending conflicting messages
Static Equilibrium
inner ear
2 chambers-utricle and saccule
otoliths or statoliths tell body what position it is to gravity
station, position