Test 2 Multiple Choice Flashcards
1848 French Revolution
Led to second republic which was uneffective
Louis Phillips
Leader of France that gave up throne before second French Republic
National workshops
Public works projects to give people jobs-shut down
French Revolution 1848
Credit mobilizer/suez canal company
Investment banking
Remaking Paris/Haussmann
Making paris a beautiful cultural city
Haussmann led this
Italian unification
Giuseppe Mazzini vs Victor Emmanuel
Each took control of half of Italy
Negotiated to unify
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Major figure in italian unification
Wants democratic italy (republican/liberal)
Count Camilo di Cavour
Key figure in u uniting Italy CONSERVATIVELY
With emmanuel
German unification
Austria and Prussia feuding
Shifty diplomacy to unite Germany
William I of Prussia
New king of Prussia
Puppet of Otto von Bismarck’s
Franco-Prussian war
France defeated and humiliated
Shifty diplomacy to unite Germany
Led to united Germany!!!!!!
Benjamin Disraeli
Prime minister of Britain (works with Queen)
John Stuart Mill
Philosopher and huge supporter of women’s rights
“New Imperialism”
Expand power and influence of the West
Competition among nation states
“Colonizer” vs. “colonized”
Colonizer were like the owners of the colonized
Pushed their western ideas on them
Informal rule
Stronger states let weaker states maintain independence. Has lots of influence over it.
Indirect-colonizing nation governs w/ assistance of local rulers
British east India company
Trade monopoly over India
Sepoy rebellion
Indians heard guns were greased with pig fat -> unclean based on religion
Chinese Qing Dynasty
Last imperial dynasty of China
Opium wars
British get Chinese addicted to opium
War on trade->British win and get lease on Hong Kong
Treaty of Nanjing
British win trading privileges in China & lease on Hong Kong
(After opium wars)
Sino-Japanese war
Chinese humiliated by Japanese
Taiping rebellion
People of China want the gov’t to keep Europeans out
Rebellion against Qing Dynasty
Cecil Rhodes
British investor searching for riches in interior of Africa
Belgian Congo
After Congo is taken from King Leopold’s violent hands by Belgian government
Arthur de Gobineau’s “The inequality of the races”
“Purest white bloodline is superior”
Biology/blood/race determines this
Herbert Spencer
British philosopher that believed in the evolution theory and applied it to philosophy and psychology
Scientific racism
Social Darwinism
Manipulates Darwin’s ideas
London Pan-African Conference
Conference arguing for the rights of black people
Fashoda incident
Cold War between French and Britain over African territory
Britain gets egypt and fashoda but France gets everything else
Menelik II
Very strong Ethiopian leader
Union of South Africa
British and Boers(Dutch) become friends after the war and work together
Cuba/Platt Amendment
U.S has influence politically and economically over Cuba
Philippine Insurrection
The Philippines revolt against U.S, but lose
American colony
Marx’s Das Kapital
Anti-capitalism pro-communism
German social democrat party
Most organized socialist party
Worker organizations working together to overthrow capitalism (socialist)
“New women”
Educated, job, dress how she wants, non conformity!
France-Third Republic
Ruling body of France after Franco-Prussian war.
Paris commune
Radical socialist/communist government after the defeat in Franco Prussian war before third French Republic
Wanting to create a new Jewish nation state in the holy-land
Parliament of Germany 1871-1918
“House of representatives”
Bismarck’s Kulturkampf
The Catholic church vs. the State
Bismarck declares support for the Protestants but goes back and forth
David Lloyd George/people’s budget
High ranking liberal gov’t official
Tax on rich to pay for poor welfare programs
Czar Nicholas II
Last czar of Russia
Self governing community of peasants in Russia after serfdom abolished
Russian socialist Democratic Party
Wanted to abolish the capitalist system and move to a communist one
Revolutionary socialist political party (wanted to unite various revolutionary organizations into one)
Faction of Russian social democratic workers party
Wanted gradual change unlike the Lenin led bolsheviks
1905 Russian revolution
Uprising that convinced the czar to attempt to transform the government
(Unemployment, poverty, etc.)
Bloody Sunday
Workers march to czar palace to demand reforms
Military opens fire-kills many
October manifesto
Pre-cursor to Russia’s first constitution
- civil liberties
- democratic legislative body
Lower house of the legislative assembly
Peter Stolypin
3rd prime minister of Russia
Young Turks
Turkish national party (students/civil servants) that wanted to replace the ottoman empires monarchy with a constitutional government
Friedrich Nietzsche
German philosopher that believes westerners were dominated by perception
You should create your own morals and values-life is purposeless
Modernist art
Creepy, violent, blended colors/not realistic
Evoke emotional response
“Revolt on canvas”
French impressionists/Monet
Captures the image of an object as if you just caught a glimpse of it (first impression)
Small visible brushstrokes
Bright and vibrant
Seeks to express emotion
Distorted, creepy, violent, wild
Albert Einstein
Relativity- laws of physics
-gravity, speed of light