Test 2 Flashcards
At vero nos vicesimum iam diem patimur hebescere aciem horum auctoritatis.
But in truth, we have been enduring the waning of the authority of these for the twentieth day already.”
habemus enim eius modi senatus consultum, verum inclusum in tabulis, tamquam in vagina reconditum, quo ex senatus consulto confestim te interfectum esse, Catilina, convenit”
We do indeed have a decree of the Senate in this form, but it is locked away in the official records as if in a sheath, by which decree, Catiline, it is fitting that you be put to death immediately.”
vivis, et vivis non ad deponendam, sed ad confirmandam audaciam
“You are alive, and you are alive not for laying down, but for reinforcing audacity.”
“cupio, patres conscripti, me esse clementem, cupio in tantis rei periculis non dissolutum cideri, sed iam me ipse interiae nequitiaeque condemno”
“I wish, Conscript Fathers, to be lenient, I wish not to be rigid in such great dangers of the state, but already I condemn myself for internal corruption and wickedness.”
Castra sunt in Italia contra populum Romanum in Etruae faucibus collocata, crescit in dies singulos hostium numerus;
“There are camps in Italy, located at the passageways of Etruria, against the Roman people; the number of the enemy is growing day by day.”
eorum autem catrorum imperatorem ducemque hostium intria moenia atque adeo in senatu videtis intestinam aliquam cotidie perniciem rei publicae molientem.
“But you see the leader and commander of their camp within our city walls and even in the Senate, continually plotting some internal destruction for the state.”
Si te iam, Catilina, comprehendi, si interfici iussero, credo, erit verendum mihi ne non hoc potius omnes boni serius a me quam quisquam crudelius factum esse dicat.
“If, Catiline, I should now apprehend you, if I should order you to be put to death, I believe there will be more fear in me that all good men will say this has been done by me too late rather than too cruelly.”
verum ego hoc quod iam pridem factum esse oportuit certa de causa nondum adducor ut faciam.
“But I, for a definite reason, have not yet been led to do what ought to have been done long ago.”
tum denique interficere, cum iam nemo tam improbus, tam perditua, tam tui similis inveniri poterit qui id non iure factum esse fateatur.
“Only then put to death when there will be no one so wicked, so depraved, so like you, who will admit that it was not done justly.”
quam diu quisquam erit qui te defendere audeat, vivis, et vivies ita ut nunc vivis, multis meis et firmis praesidiis obsessus, ne commovere te contra rem publicam possis.
“As long as there is anyone who dares to defend you, you live, and you will live as you do now, surrounded by many and strong safeguards of mine, so that you cannot act against the state.”
Multorum te etiam oculi et aures non sentientem, sicut adhuc facerunt, speculabuntur atque custodient.
“Even though you do not perceive it, the eyes and ears of many will watch and guard you, just as they have done so far.”
Etenim quid est, catilina quod iam amplius exspectes, si neque nox tenebris obscurare coetus nefarios nec privata domus parietibus continere voces coniurationis tuae potest, si illustrantur, si erumpunt omnia?
“For what, Catiline, is there now left to wait for, if neither the night can obscure your wicked assemblies with darkness, nor can private walls contain the voices of your conspiracy, if everything is revealed and bursts forth?”
muta iam istam mentem, mihi crede, obliviscere caedis atque incendiorum.
Change that mind now, believe me, and forget about murder and fires.”
teneris undique; luce sunt clariora nobis tua consilia omnia, quae iam mecum licet recognoscas.
“You are held from all sides; all your plans are clearer to us in the light, which you can now reconsider with me.”
Meministine me ante diem XII Kalendas Novembris dicere in senatu fore in armis certo die, qui dieskal. futurus esset ante diem VI Novembris, C. Manlium, audaciae satellitem atque administrum tuae?
“Do you remember that I said in the Senate on October 21 that on the 27 of october, Gaius Manlius, a henchman and agent of your audacity, would be in arms?”
Num me fefellit, Catilina, non modo res tanta, tam atrox tamque incredibilis, verum, id quod multo magis est admirandum, dies?
Did I, Catiline, not perceive, not only such a great, so atrocious and incredible event, but, what is much more astonishing, the day?”