Suteronis test for 2/6/2024 Flashcards
sed caesari futura caedes euidentibus proigiis denuntiata est.
“But a future slaughter for Caesar was declared by evident prodigies.”
paucos ante menses, cum in colonia capua deducti lege iulia coloni ad extruendas uillas uetustissima sepulcra disicerent idque eo studiosius facerent,
A few months before, when the colonists, led to the colony Capua by the Julian law, were demolishing very ancient tombs to build houses, and were doing this with particular diligence,\
quod aliquantum uasculorum operis antiqui
scrutantes reperiebant, tabula aenea in monimento, in
quo dicebatur Capys conditor Capuae sepultus, inuenta
est conscripta litteris uerbisque Graecis hac sententia:
quandoque ossa Capyis detecta essent, fore ut
10 illo prognatus manu consanguineorum necaretur
magnisque mox Italiae cladibus uindicaretur.
As they were investigating some small vessels of ancient workmanship, a bronze tablet was found in a monument, on which it was said that Capys, the founder of Capua, was buried. It was inscribed with Greek letters and this statement: ‘Whenever the bones of Capys are uncovered, it will happen that the one born of his hand will be slain by the hand of his kindred, and soon he will avenge Italy with great disasters.’”
cuius rei, ne quis fabulosam aut commenticiam putet, auctor est Cornelius Balbus, familiarissimus Caesaris.”
“Of this matter, lest anyone should think it fictitious or invented, the authority is Cornelius Balbus, a very close friend of Caesar.”
“Proximis diebus equorum greges, quos in traiciendo Rubiconi flumini consecrarat ac uagos et sine custode dimiserat, comperit pertinacissime pabulo abstinere ubertimque flere.”
“In the following days, he found that the herds of horses, which he had consecrated for crossing the Rubicon river, were stubbornly refusing food and crying abundantly, having been released and left without a guardian.”
Et immolantem haruspex Spurinna monuit, caueret periculum, quod non ultra Martias Idus proferretur.”
And while he was sacrificing, the haruspex Spurinna warned him to beware of the danger, that it would not go beyond the Ides of March.”
“Pridie autem easdem Idus auem regaliolum cum laureo ramulo Pompeianae curiae se inferentem uolucres uarii generis ex proximo nemore persecutae ibidem discerpserunt.”
However, on the day before the same Ides, as he was presenting a little royal bird with a laurel twig to the Senate of Pompey, birds of various kinds, chased from a nearby grove, tore it apart right there.”
“Ea vero nocte, cui inluxit dies caedis, et ipse sibi uisus est per quietem interdum supra nubes uolitare, alias cum Ioue 25 dextram iungere;
“Indeed, on that night, on which the day of slaughter dawned, he himself seemed to fly in his sleep at times above the clouds, at other times to join hands with Jupiter.”
et Calpurnia uxor imaginata est conlabi fastigium domus maritumque in gremio suo confodi; ac subito cubiculi fores sponte patuerunt.”
and his wife Calpurnia imagined that the pinnacle of the house collapsed and her husband was stabbed in her lap; and suddenly the doors of the bedroom opened spontaneously.”
“Ob haec simul et ob infirmam ualitudinem diu cunctatus”
“On account of these things, both because of this and because of his weak health, hedelayed for a long time,”
an se contineret et quae apud senatum proposuerat 30 agere differret,
“whether he should contain himself and delay what he had proposed before the Senate,”
“tandem Decimo Bruto adhortante, ne frequentis ac iam dudum opperientis destitueret,
“finally, with Decimus Brutus encouraging him, lest he should abandon the assembly, which had been waiting for a long time,”
“quinta fere hora progressus est libellumque insidiarum indicem ab obuio quodam porrectum libellis ceteris,”
“he advanced around the fifth hour and, with a certain document of conspiracies presented from some hidden place, mixed it with the other writings as if he would read it soon.”
“Dein pluribus hostiis caesis, cum litare non posset, introiit curiam spreta religione Spurinnamque 40 irridens et ut falsum arguens, quod sine ulla sua noxa Idus Martiae adessent: quanquam is uenisse quidem eas diceret, sed non praeterisse.
“Then, with many victims slain, when he could not make an offering, he entered the Senate, despising religion, mocking Spurinna, and arguing that it was false, because the Ides of March had come without any harm to him; although he did say that they had indeed arrived, but not passed.”
“Conspirati specie officii circumsteterunt,”
They surrounded [him] under the guise of a duty,”