last latin test 4 Flashcards
Inter ceteras disciplinas pueritiae tempore imbutus 20
et musica
among other disciplines during his youth he was also instructed in music
statim ut imperium adeptus est,
as soon as he became empror
Terpnum citharoedum uigentem tunc praeter alios arcessiit
Terpnum, a harpist, was summoned at that time above all others.
Diebusque continuis post cenam canenti in multam noctem assidens
And sitting beside him who sang after dinner into the late night for continuous days.
Paulatim et ipse meditari exercerique coepit neque eorum quicquam omittere
He himself gradually began to meditate and practice and to not neglect any of the things which artisans of his kind would do.
Quae generis eius artifices uel conseruandae uocis causa uel augendae factitarent -
Which artisans of his kind would do either for the preservation or for the improvement of the voice.
Sed et plumbeam chartam supinus pectore sustinere
- But also to hold a lead tablet on his chest while lying on his back.
Et clystere uomituque purgari
And to be purged by an enema and vomiting.
Et abstinere pomis cibisque officientibus
- And to abstain from fruits and foods that would hinder.
Et abstinere pomis cibisque officientibus
- And to abstain from fruits and foods that would hinder.
Et prodit Neapoli primum
And he first appeared at Naples
- Ac ne concusso quidem repente motu terrae theatro ante cantare destitit
- And not even with a sudden shaking of an earthquake did he stop singing before the theater
Quam incohatum absolueret nomon
- Until he finished the piece he had begun
ibidem saepius et
per complures cantauit dies;
“There he sang repeatedly and for many days;”
sumpto etiam ad reficiendam
uocem breui tempore,
“Also taking a short time to refresh his voice.”
impatiens secreti a balineis
in theatrum transiit mediaque in orchestra frequente
20 populo epulatus,
Impatient of privacy, he went from the baths to the theater and, feasting amidst the crowded audience in the orchestra.”
si paulum subbibisset, aliquid se
sufferi tinniturum Graeco sermone promisit.
“If he had taken a little wine, he promised that he would sing something slightly as though it was ringing in his ears in Greek.”
Captus autem modulatis Alexandrinorum laudationibus
- Captivated, however, by the harmonious praises of the Alexandrians
Qui de nouo commeatu Neapolim confluxerant
- Who had recently gathered at Naples
Plures Alexandria euocauit
- He called many Alexandrians.
neque eo segnius adulescentulos equestris
25 ordinis
And not less because of this, he selected young men of equestrian rank
et imbrices et testas uocabant
“They called them ‘bees,’ ‘rooftiles,’ and ‘bricks’.”
operamque nauarent
cantanti sibi,
And they would devote their efforts to applauding him.”
insignes pinguissima coma et excellentissimo
30 cultu, pu[e]ris ac sine anulo laeuis, quorum duces
quadringena milia sestertia merebant.
“Distinguished by very thick hair and excellent attire, smooth-faced boys without a ring, whose leaders earned four hundred thousand sesterces.”
Cum magni aestimaret cantare etiam Romae,
“Since he highly valued singing even in Rome.”
Neroneum agona ante praestitutam diem reuocauit
Nero recalled the Neroian contests before the appointed day
Flagitanti-busque cunctis caelestem uocem respondit quidem in hortis
And indeed, in response to the fervent requests of everyone, he responded that he would provide heavenly music
Se copiam uolentibus facturum -
To those who desired it
sed adiuuante
uulgi preces etiam statione militum, quae tunc
“And with the assistance of the people’s prayers, even with the military guard, which was then on duty,”
repraesentaturum se pollicitus est libens;
“He promised willingly to present himself.”
ac sine mora nomen suum in albo profitentium citharoedorum
iussit ascribi
“And without delay, he ordered his name to be written on the list of those professing the art of playing the lyre.”
sorticulaque in urnam cum
40 ceteris demissa intrauit ordine suo,
“And after his little lot was cast into the urn with the others, he entered in his own order.”
imul praefecti
praetorii citharam sustinentes, post tribuni militum
iuxtaque amicorum intimi.
At the same time, the prefects of the praetorian guard holding the lyre, after the tribunes of the soldiers and next to the closest friends.”
utque constitit, peracto
principio, Niobam se cantaturum per Cluuium Rufum
consularem pronuntiauit
And as he took his place, having completed the prelude, he announced that he would sing Niobe through the consul Cluvius Rufus.”
et in horam fere decimam
45 perseuerauit
“And he persisted until nearly the tenth hour.”
coronamque earn et reliquam certaminis
partem in annum sequentem distulit,
“And he postponed that crown and the remaining part of the competition to the following year.”
ut saepius
canendi occasio esset.
“So that there would be more opportunities for singing.”
quod cum tardum uideretur,
“Which when seemed slow.”
non cessauit identidem se publicare.
“He did not cease to make himself public repeatedly.”
Dubitauit etiam an priuatis spectaculis operam inter scaenicos daret
He also hesitated whether he should give his attention to private shows among the actors
Quodam praetorum sestertium decies offerente
When a certain praetor offered ten million sesterces.
Tragoedias quoque cantauit personatus heroum deorumque
He also sang tragedies in the guise of heroes and gods
item heroidum ac dearum
Likewise of heroines and goddesses
Personis effectis ad similitudinem oris sui et feminae, prout quamque diligeret
With characters created to resemble his own face and that of women, as he pleased.
inter cetera cantauit Canac[h]en parturientem, Oresten
55 matricidam, Oedipodem excaecatum, Herculem insanum.
Among other things, he sang about Canac[h]e giving birth, Orestes the matricide, Oedipus blinded, and Hercules driven mad.”
In qua fabula fama est tirunculum militem positum ad custodiam aditus
In this play, it is rumored that a young soldier was placed to guard the entrance
Cum eum ornari ac uinciri catenis, sicut argumentum postulabat, uideret
When he saw himself being adorned and bound with chains, as the plot demanded
Accurrisse ferendae opis gratia
He ran up to offer help.
Et quinque amplius milia e plebe robustissimae iuuentutis
- And more than five thousand of the strongest youth from the populace
Undique elegit
- He chose from all sides
Qui diuisi in factiones plausuum genera condiscerent
- Who, divided into factions, would learn the types of applause.