Test 1 - Therapeutic communication techniques and individual therapy phases Flashcards
A child is in the dying phase. What type of TCT should you use?
After a few minutes leave the room
Yes I understand what you said. Nod.
I notice you combed your hair today
Giving recognition
I’ll go to group therapy with you. I will sit here with you awhile.
Offering self
What would you like to talk about today?
broad opening
Yes, I see. Go on. Continue…
offering general leads
What lead up to you smacking that guy?
placing event in time and sequence
You seem tense.
You are pacing a lot
Making observations
Are you hearing voices? What are the voices saying?
encourage description of perceptions
How does this compare with the time….?
encouraging comparison
Pt: I can’t study my mind is wandering
RN:You have trouble concentrating.
Pt: What do you think I should do?
RN: What do YOU think you should do?
Patient lists ten things that are bugging them. You say, “which bothers you the most?”
Please explain the situation in more detail
I am not sure I understand what you are saying. Would you please explain?
seeking clarification/validation
Pt with dementia: Mom what are you doing here
RN: I am your nurse and this is a hospital. Perhaps I remind you of your mother
presenting reality
I understand that you believe that to be true, but I see it differently
voicing doubt
PT: It’s a waste of time to be here. I can’t talk to you or anyone.
RN: Are you feeling that no one understands you?
verbalizing the implied
Pt: I am way out in the ocean
RN: You must be feeling lonely
attempting to translate words into feelings.
What could you do to let your anger out harmlessly?
Formulating a plan of action
What is the first phase of individual therapy
RN assesses feelings about the patient, gathers info about patient (family, charts, etc)
what is the second phase of individual therapy
get to know the patient, build trust and rapport
establish goals and contracts
what is the third phase of individual therapy
working phase
problem solve, evaluation of progress,
what is the final phase of ind. therapy?
termination phase
ask patient if they are ready to terminate the relationship
beware of manipulation