Test 1 - Chapter 18, 19 Flashcards
A dog drools at the sight of meat. Is this conditional or unconditional response?
If a dog drools after hearing the bell, conditioned or unconditioned?
The bell is a conditioned stimulus
The reason we don’t wear our white uniforms to BHC is because it may elicit fear response in the patients. What type of stimulus is this?
stimulus generalization
Patient views ALL white uniforms to be scary even if the person is not in the same profession. In peds, there is a no white coat zone where kids can play without being tortured by needles or meds dr etc.
pg 290 fig 18-2
Stimulli are environmental events the interact with and
influence a person’s behavior.
A stimulus that follows a behavior is called ________.
when reinforcement IS ADDED and it increases the probability of a behavior, it is called?
positive reinforcement
when reinforcement DECREASES the probability of a behavior is is called?
aversive stimulus aka punishment
REmember your parents would punish you by either:
- Giving a spanking (positive)
- Taking away your video games (negative)
when reinforcement is REMOVED and it increases the probability of a behavior, it’s called?
negative reinforcement
Explain discriminative stimuli
Patient calls to Nurse A and B for help. Nurse A is nicer than B and stays to chat. Patient no longer calls nurse B because she realizes she won’t get the same attention.
This behavior is shaped by the predicted outcome of what will happen when the nurse arrives. It created a behavior chain - need attention –>call nurse A–>Get attention.
The patient can DISCRIMINATE between to outcomes and choices and pick the one with the best result.
What is the goal of behavior therapy?
It is a form of psychotherapy with a goal to modify maladaptive behavior patterns by REINFORCING more adaptive behaviors.
After a child cleans her room, she is given an allowance. What type of reinforcement is this?
positive reinforcement
giving an allowance to increase the behavior of cleaning the room
After a child cleans her room, the mom no longer yells at her. What type of reinforcement is this?
Negative reinforcement.
Removing the yelling.
After a child refuses to clean her room, the mother starts yelling at her. What type of reinforcement is this?
aversive stimulus ; positive punishment
Stimulus follows the behavior, gives bad/yelling = positive; punishment decreases chance of continuing to be messy.
In _______, reinforcements are given for increasingly closer approximations to desired response.
Teaching austistic child to speak. Reward the child for watching teacher lips, reward child for then making sounds to imitate the teacher, and reward again once child repeats word.
You are molding the child to speak step by step
______ refers to learning of new behaviors by imitating others.
You have two dogs, one never jumps on the couch…but after seeing the other dog do it, he starts doing it too.
In clinical, you may see a client imitate the clinician/practitioner.
What is an example of premack principle?
Didn’t see this one in PPT, but JIC
Teenage girl s allowed to talk on phone (behavior 2) IF she completes her homework (behavior 1)
What is extinction of behaviors?
Ignore the behavior long enough and it will go away ie kids and temper tantrums
The attention to the tantrum = positive reinforcement (GIVING ATTENTION it is what the child wants so it reinforces).
Withhold the positive reinforcement to lead to extinction
What is token economy?
Clinical setting: positive reinforcement of good behaviors in the form of an actual token. Patient can use it to buy stuff. You allow the pt to decide when and on what to spend it.
In professional: paycheck….we work for two weeks in order to get our paycheck (token). Positive reinforcement for us to get up and get to the office each day.
______, aka implosive therapy, is used to desensitize individuals to phobic stimuli. It is believed to have quicker results than systematic desensitization. It works by continuously exposing someone to their phobic stimulus until they no longer have a reaction. It cannot be used with pt who has intense anxiety.
Systematic desensitization works in a step by step sort of way. Flooding is continuous, at once.
T or F: Reciprocal inhibition decreases or eliminates behavior by introducing n adaptive behavior that is counter to the unacceptable behavior.
An example is using relaxation techniques when experiencing anxiety. Anxiety and relaxation are counter to one another (they reciprocate in a way that inhibits each other).
Which are easier to modify, schemas or automatic thoughts? (p301)
schemas. they are deeper cognitive structures that serve to screen info from the environment.
Schemas general fall into two broad categories. Name them…
THey can be negative or positive (see table 19-1 on page 302)
automatic thoughts are also known as …
cognitive errors
These thoughts “automatically” pop up without a chance to view them with logic and reason.
Cognitive techniques include recognizing AND modifying automatic thoughts/schemas . What are methods to recognize them?
Socratic questioning - “guided discovery” using questions that assist the client to realize dysfunctional thinking… asked to describe feelings associated with situations.
Imagery and role play - Imagery, imagine the situation and tell me how you would resolve it, how you feel, who is there, etc. Role play - not used as often, must be careful not to end up with maladaptive transference toward therapist (they will role play as the OTHER).
thought recording - most frequently used to recognize automatic thoughts. Client is told to journal situation, automatic thoughts and sometimes emotional response. See table 19-2 p302.
Cognitive techniques include recognizing AND modifying automatic thoughts/schemas . What are methods to MODIFY them?
Generating alternatives - more possibilities
Examining the evidence - the automatic thought is the hypothesis, study evidence both for and against.
decatastrophizing- Examine automatic thought, encourage use of adaptive coping
reattribution - helps depressed individuals reverse the negative attribution, the internalizing of it and enduring it… to more external experience (on the surface) and for a shorter time period.
DRDT (daily record of dysfunctional thoughts) - Client records situation, automatic thought, emotional response AND rational response and outcome-emotional response. A percentage of intensity is given for each to label the intensity.
Cognitive rehearsal - uses mental imagery to uncover potential automatic thoughts prior to stressful situation.
In cognitive therapy, behavioral interventions may be used. Some examples are activity scheduling, graded task assignments, behavioral rehearsal, and distraction. Describe each.
activity scheduling - hourly log kept by client with rating for mastery and pleasure. Shared with therapist who identifies important areas needing concentration.
graded task assignments - Used to help increase self-esteem; Tasks are broken into subtasks. Decreases overwhelming feelings.
behavioral rehearsal - similar to cognitive rehearsal. Role play to rehearse modified behavior.
distraction- redirect client’s attention
Miscellaneous - relaxation, assertiveness training, role modeling and social skills training.