Ignore - Thursday - Chapters 2,9,10,11 (Also see therapeutic communication above) Flashcards
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
What are some indicators of mental HEALTH?
- Positive attitude toward self
- Growth, development, and the ability to achieve self-actualization.
- Integration (maintaining balance)
- Autonomy
- Perception of reality (accurate, not distorted, empathy/social sensitivity)
- Environmental Mastery
T or F: Families are most likely the people who will realize mental illness.
False, families try to normalize the behavior. Psychiatrists usually see a person AFTER the family can no longer deny the illness and behavior is at its worst.
What are the four levels of anxiety? Describe them.
Mild - individual can function. Preps person for action. Heightened awareness.
(In mild to moderate anxiety - defense mechanisms are applied)
Moderate - ability to concentrate decreases. Person is tense and restless.
(In moderate to severe, left unresolved over period of time - can contribute to physiological disorders)
Severe - Behaviors is aimed at relieving anxiety. Diminished concentration. Headaches, palpitations, insomnia, confusion, dread.
(In Severe, extended periods can result in neurosis - a serious level psychosis. Examples are anxiety disorders, somatic symptom disorders, dissociative disorders)
Panic - misperceptions are common, may be delusional or halulcinate. Wild desperate actions or extreme withdraw. Feelings of: terror, convince they have life threatening illness or going crazy.
(In Panic, may lose contact with reality. Person seems unaware of maladaptive behavior and psychological problems. Schizophrenic/delusional disorders are some examples)
In mental health, there are SIX steps in the nursing process which include? (ADPOIE)
Assessment - biopsychosocial; gathering information about client from various sources.
Diagnosis - Data gathered in the assessment is analyzed. Dx statements are formulated and prioritized. Use NANDA labels, prioritized based on maslow.
Outcome Identification - expected outcomes derived from Dx, must be measurable and include a time estimate for attainment. Use NOCs (outcomes)
Planning - Goals developed with the client. Choose interventions to be used. Prioritize! NICs
Implementation - execute interventions selected during the planning phase.
Evaluation-measure the success of the interventions in meeting outcomes.
Overall, the plan should support the team’s goals.