Test 1 Flashcards
Which of the following is true with regard to sigmund Frued’s personal background?
he was jewish
Dr. Joseph Breuer, a forerunner in the development of psychoanalysis, treated Ann O. by
asking her to verbalize associations under hypnosis
freud suggested that the destructive or socially unacceptable wishes are repressed because they
are in confict with one’s self image
dream work
refers to the process that converts the latent content of dreams into a manifet dream
the dream we remeber in the morning is known as ____ dream, whereas its underlying meaning is referred to as the ___ dream.
manifest; latent
what does the term libido refer to
the energy derived from the sex drive
freud believed that the primary purpose of sexuality is
to seek pleasure and reduce tension
what was the seduction theory that freud eventually abandoned
the belief that adult neurosis is caused by childhood sexual abuse
the structure of personality that represents our back drives, needs ans wishes is called
ego is to id as the ______- is to the ______
reality principle; pleasure principle
When we use the term personality in everyday speech, we are usually referring to
an individuals public image or social role
a set of abstract concepts used to explain a group of facts or events is called
a theory
freud’s theory of personality was developed on the basis of
clinical observations
the branch of philosophy that studies ultimate reality is
of the following philosophical assumptions, which one concerns a person’s ability to control his/her own behavior and understand the motives behind it?
freedom vs determinism
Thomas Kuhn suggests that scientific activity is
based on prior paradigm
what is an operational deffiniton
a specification of the behaviors included in a concept
one of the requriements of a scientific statement is that they be
open to falsification
the consistency of test scores over time is referred to as the criterion of
the personality test that consists of over 500 items that can be answered by true, false or cannot say is the
minnesota multiphasic personality inventory
Freud associated the unconcious with ____ wheras jung ssociated it with____-
repressed materiral, a source of new possibilites
how does jung concept of libido differ than from freud’s
jung viewed libido as psychic energy invest in any activity`
one personal unconcisous might include which of the follwing
an embarrassing event that happened in elementary school
in jung’s personal unconcious, experiences are grouped into
Jung’s concept of the collective unconcious includes
Our common heritage
the fact that most people all over the world enjoy looking at a rainbow best illustrates which jungian concept
the collective unconcious
a unviversal thought form found in the collective unconscious that predisposes a person to react to the world in certain ways is call an
The tale of Dr. JJekyll and Mr. Hyde best illustrates the Jugian principles of
persona and shadow
“too much of the animal distorst the civilized man, “said Jung. What jungian concept best illustrates this “animal’ side of man?
the shadow
the feminine side of the male psyche is the
the term adler chose to label his conception of personaliy was
individual psychology
according to adler, social interest is expressed
only if it is nurtured
adler suggested that many of our beliefs are fictional finalisms becacause they
cannot be tested empirically
according to adler, life is motivated by the need to
move up from a postions of inferiority
in adler’s theory, the goals of the individual are established, maintained, and pursued by the
creative self
Karen Horney and Eric Fromm departed from Freudian theory in that they both
emphasized the importance of social factors on personality development
in horney’s concept of basic anxiety, the threat of the individual comes from the
a percepti0on of the enviorment as dangerous and unfair
an exaggerated need for approval and affection represents which of the primary modes of relating to others
moving toward
the idealized self represents
what a person thinks he or she should be
in neurotic individual, the idealized self and the real self
become seperated
Erich Fromm’s approach is best described as humanistic social analysis because it attempts a synthesis of the thoughts of
Freud and Marx
Fromm believed that, as humans have gained more freedom by transcending nature and other animals, they have
felt increasingly seperated and isolated
according to fromm, what seperate human nature from animal nature
according to fromm, the need to become active creators rather than passive creatures is called the need for
certain celebrities become what their public expects them to be instead of expressing their true selfs. This describes which of the follwing character orientations.