Terminology Submitted by AARP Flashcards
Governemnt agencies designated in the older americans act of the united states congress to coordinate the delivery of services at the local level supported by federal funds
Agencies on Aging
Usually comprises a city, county, or group of counties whose respective agencies serve as information and referral sources for families seeking assistance with the care of an aging family member, or for an aging citizen in his or her own behalf
Area Agency on Aging
The condition in which the subject suffers changes in memory, thought, personality, language and other characteristics, becoming progressively incapacitate and dependent until the occurrence of death, usually from a secondary cause
Alzheimer’s Disease
Services to provide minor home repairs, seasonal maintenance, or routine tasks that are beyond the physical capacity of the occupants
Can be either non-profit or for-profit and frequently under contact with an area agency on aging to provide services to low income elderly, and often provided on a sliding fee schedule based upon the ability to pay
Chore Services
An individual, usually designated by a court to manage the financial assets of an incapacitated person
Generally used as a limited form of guardian; a protector, custodian
The instrument of appointment of a person to protect, manage, or conserve the assets of one who is incapacitated
Customarily applied to manage resources, and not the person of the incapacitated ward
A breaking of the law, either a misdemeanor or a felony; a violation of a statute or of the common law; to be tried in a criminal court
Criminal Act
The knowledge that one is performing an unlawful act; The intent to commit a crime
Criminal Intent
The american system of criminal justice; a network of police agencies, courts and correctional institutions with varying degrees of autonomy and interdependency, acting toward the common purposes of prevention and control of crimes
Upholds laws, does not create them
The responsibility is evident in the design of the three primary segments: Enforcement, Adjudication, and corrections
Criminal Justice System
An offense to be tried in a criminal rather than a civil court
Criminal Offense
In the context of abuse, to make illicit, unlawful, or unethical use of, or to make a profit from, the labor or assets of another
Designating of a person who holds something in trust for another; held in trust
A person or agency, usually appointed by the court, who is given authority to control, manage, and protect a person and his or her financial and property assets
Can be given authority to determine how finances are spent or invested, how and where a person lives, or how or when the person of concern is incapacitated and unable to make reasonable decisions regarding personal safety or property and asset management
A special guardian appointed by the court to represent the interests of an individual declared to be incompetent, who is a party to a suit or certain litigation
Guardian Ad Litem
If the court finds that the proposed ward is incompetent in only certain aspects of life, but retains capacity to function properly in other aspects, the court should appoint a guardian or conservator with powers to act only in the ward’s area of incompetence
Guardian Limited
A guardian appointed by the court, who is deemed to be an officer of the courts
May be appointed to guardianship over many incompetent or incapacitated persons
Guardian Public
A person or agency designated by the court to exercise control over the person and assets of an individual determined to be incompetent to do so
Guardian, Plenary
Nursing, medication, nutritional, hygienic, or other personal services provided to frail or invalid persons
Usually for short time periods
Coordinated by hospitals, medical group practices, or Area Agencies on Aging
Home Health Care
Synonymous with incapacitated
A latin term meaning in the place of parents
While usually used in cases involving the surrogate care of children, this term has been used in the context of long-term care of certain elderly, frail, or incapacitated persons
In Loco Parentis
A person’s acting in behalf or in the interests of another upon requests, or upon perceiving a need and governed by established criteria and accountability
An attorney, legal consultant, or legal aid service organization that represents the interest of an individual or group of individuals, who usually are unable to represent themselves in matters of a legal nature
Legal Advocate
The legal responsibility or obligation to do or not to do a specific thing, or to behave in a certain manner
Failure to perform can result in civil or criminal prosecution, and penalties
A free-standing building or set aside space in a larger structure for the provision of low cost or free nutritious meals for the elderly provided by funds authorized in the Older Americans Act
Nutrition Site
A legal principle meaning that the state or the government can act to determine what is in the best interests of a individual, even if the individual disagrees, on the basis of evidence of incapacitation or charges of personal or serious property mismanagements
Parens Patriae
A public or non-profit service that acts on the suspicion or a report of evidence to determine if an adult is at risk for personal injury, harm, or less directly due to actions or inactions of others or to the personal inability to care for him or herself or property
Protective services agencies generally undertake case management or referral until the charges are verified and resolved to the advantage of the individual of concern, or dismissed as invalid
Protective Services, Adult
Physical or pshychological abuse of a spouse that has not been a characteristic of the marriage until one or both partners are advanced in age
Such mistreatment is associated with personal changes or altered sircumstances that are linked to being elderly or to personal aging
Spouse abuse (Late-Onset)
Physical or psychological abuse of a spouse
Abuse that has been characteristic of the marriage for many years
With elderly couples, such abusive behavior has been part of the marital relationship for more than half of the marriage’s length
Not related to age
Spouse Abuse (Longstanding)
An authorization, a signed document, usually to family members or business partners, to manage financial affairs in specific ways in the event of death
Trust, Living
A trust in which the trustee, fearful that the beneficiary will not handle her or her assets wisely, can use discretion in disbursing monies to the beneficiary
Trust, Protective
Signed, dated, and witnessed document which allows the subject to state in advance wishes regarding the use of life-sustaining procedures when dying
Also has a provision for the appointment of someone else to direct care if the subject is unable to do so
Will, Living