Terminology Flashcards
What is the meaning of the following acronyms?
- ND
- SG
ND - Navigation display
DBI - Dual bearing indicator
SB - Symbol Generator
EGPWS - Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System
What is the meaning of the following acronyms?
PTU - Power Transfer Unit
ASP - Audio Selector Panel
EFIS - Electronic Flight Instrument System
What is the meaning of the following acronyms?
- Mmo
- Vmo
- V1
Mmo - Maximum Mach Number
Vmo - Max operating speed
V1 - Take off decision speed
MCT - Maximum continuous thrust
CDU - Control display unit
FMC - Flight management computer
What is the meaning of the following acronyms?
- Vref
- Vapp
- Touch down speed
- Vfto
- Ver
Vref - Cross threshold at this speed. Landing reference speed for aircraft weight and flap setting. (Vref = 1.3 x Vs) can increase by +14kts 146, +19kts RJ for gusts
Vapp - Final approach after landing flap selected. (Vref +5)
Touch down speed - Normally 7kts less than threshold speed (Vref)
Vfto - Final take-off speed at which the take-off flight path is flown following flap retraction. Used on T/O, GA and as a reference to determine some approach speeds
Ver - An En-route Climb Speed. Gives best climb gradient, or best drift down after engine failure. Approx 10kts more than Vfto
What is the meaning of the following acronyms?
V2 - Take-off safety speed is the minimum initial climb out speed from a height of about 35ft with OEI (up until acceleration altidude). Provides a safe margin above Vs and Vmca
CDU - Control Display Unit
TCAS RA - Traffic Collision Avoidance System - Resolution Advisory