Priority Learning (Copied Cards) Flashcards
What are the memory actions for Engine Fire/separation or Sever Damage?
Relevant Thrust Lever - Confirm, then IDLE, then FULL OFF
Relevant FIRE HANDLE - Pull to baulk
Relevant MWP ENG FIRE HANDLE caption - Confirm it
Relevent FIRE HANDLE - Pull to full extent, rotate fully to EXT 1. Check ENG EXT #1 USED annunciator lit. If annunciator not lit, rotate HANDLE to EXT 2.
If FIRE caption still lit after 30 seconds or there are other signs of fire:
Relevent FIRE HANDLE - Rotate fully to EXT 2. Check ENG EXT #2 USED annunciator lit
What are the memory actions for rejected takeoff?
Thrust levers …………………….. IDLE
Wheelbrakes …………………….. Apply maximum braking
AIRBRAKE lever ……………….. Select LIFT SPLR, confirm deployed
Aircraft……………………………… Stop – turning into wind in case of fire
Parking brake……………………. On
PA announcement …………….. Alert cabin crew
Evacuate or not – decide
What are the memory actions for the FO for emergency evacuation?
Aircraft……………………………… Stop
Wheelbrakes …………………….. PARK
Thrust Levers ……………………. FUEL OFF
PA …………………………………… Order evacuation
First Officer
APU …………………………………. STOP
FIRE HANDLES ………………… Pull to full extent
Rotate to EXT 1 or 2 as required
ATC …………………………………. Call on VHF 1
Battery power ……………………. Leave ON
Order of procedures when engine fire after V1?
Positive rate. Gear up. Selected, 3 reds, fire.
Set max power. Max power set.
Gear up. Checked
Confirm failure. Engine 4 fire. Confirm, Go ahead memory items.
Alt hold at V2 +10
Confirm memory items.
VFTO, flap 18. Flap 0, Set MCT, AP then Vs hold.
After take off check list, subsequent actions
Before the transit scan what is the order of items to be completed?
- fuel remaining
- fuel burn
- on blocks and landing time
- landing weight (night column)
- day / night landing
Transit scan including setting
- Aircon to auto
- Airspeed bugs together
- Alt bug Accel altitude
- Data recorder is: MM, DD, Sector Num., last 3 didgets of flight number
- Oxygen includes mask intercom check
- After trim go flight plan
- then TOLD card
- instruments checked
- then check route of flight plan
- then clearance