Termen H7 Flashcards
graph (sociogram)
visual representation of relations between actors in a network
actors within the network (often individuals)
the ties in the network
personal network
a network presenting all the ties that a certain person (ego) has to others (alters)
each (possible) relationship between ego and alter
adjacency matrix
a matrix representing who has a relation to whom in a network
the number of nominations a person receives from others
the number of nominations a person makes
strong ties
positive relationships in which people feel emotionally close to one another, trust each other and help each other out when needed
weak ties
a more superficial or instrumental relationship between two people who see each other not that often and are emotionally less close to one another
five layers in personal networks (from inside out)
- core network
- sympathy network
- affinity network
- active network
- total personal network
name generator
a survey question which asks the respondent to mention the names or initials of alters in their personal network
highly connected central nodes in a network
network density
the ratio of all realized ties in a network to the number of all possible ties in the same network
a network of three actors and the ties between them
triadic closure (transitivity)
the situation in which the two alters of one ego are also connected to each other
forbidden triad
a triad in which ego A has strong ties to alters B and C, but in which no tie exists between B and C
transitivity tendency mechanisms
- meeting opportunities
- homophily
- structural balance
cluster of nodes that are more connected internally than externally, either directly and/or indirectly
community-bonding ties
ties between people within the same community
community-bridging ties
ties between people of different communities
small-world network
a network that is characterized by a high level of local clustering and low average path length
social cohesion
the degree to which individuals and groups have positive relationships with each other, as opposed to no/neutral relationships or negative relationships
personal network cohesion
the degree to which someone’s personal network consists of positive relationships as opposed to no/neutral or negative relationships
social capital paradigm
perspective according to which social networks have some sort of value
network closure
highly connected, dense, network
network closure and norms proposition
the degree of closure in a certain network has a positive effect on the conformity to the social norms of that network
tie strength and trust proposition
the more positive the relationship between ego and alter, the more they trust each other
network closure and trust proposition
the higher the degree of closure in the network shared by ego and alter, the more ego and alter trust each other
social ties and generalized trust proposition
the more social interactions people have with friends, family members and other community members, the stronger their generalized trust
network cohesion and health proposition
the higher someone’s network cohesion, the better their health and well-being
network health and health proposition
the better the health and well-being of people’s network ties, the better their own health and well-being
five layers in personal networks (from inside out)
- core network
- sympathy network
- affinity network
- active network
- total personal network