Termen H10 Flashcards
human capital
people’s knowledge and skills insofar as these are relevant to the labor market (education and work experience)
human capital theory
precisely because education is ‘capital’, and it is such an important determinant for getting a (good) job in the labor market, people deliberately make investments in their educational resources
human capital and job outcomes proposition
the higher people’s human capital, the better their labor market position
strong ties and job outcomes proposition
a single strong tie is more important in getting a job than a single weak tie
structural hole
social network characteristic which refers to the lack of social ties between communities
network position which connects (otherwise disconnected) communities
social resources
valuable labor-market-related resources that are embedded in personal networks
position generator
measure of social resources which captures the occupational positions of respondents’ connections
brokerage and job outcomes proposition
people who have a brokerage position in the social network of an organization have more favorable job outcomes
social resources and job outcomes proposition
the more people’s social resources, the better their labor market position
labor market discrimination
employer’s unequal treatment of individuals with the same human capital, based on their group affiliation
cumulative discrimination
discrimination that occurs in multiple transitions in the life course
inequality of outcomes
the relationship between social background and labor market outcomes
discrimination and job outcomes proposition
the more strongly the groups to which people belong are discriminated against in the labor market, the worse their labor market position
inequality of opportunity
the relationship between social background and access to resources
inequality of returns
the relationship between resources and labor market outcomes
correspondence testing
field experimental method which uses resumes to detect discrimination
audit testing
field experimental method which uses actors to detect discrimination
motherhood penalty
finding that mothers have less favorable positions in the labor market than non-mothers
career ambitions and job outcomes proposition
the higher people’s career ambitions, and the more strongly these ambitions are approved in their environment, the better their labor market position
gender essentialist belief
belief that there are traits that are distinctively male and female