Term 2 Flashcards
Only Child
Pampered and spoiled
First child
Strives to please
Believes must gain superiority over other children
Second child
Never has parents undivided attention
May rebel
May push down other siblings
Middle child of three
Feels left out
Feels life is unfair
Youngest child
Behaves like only child
May not be taken seriously
An over protected child may….
Doubt his own abilities or decision making skills, may seek out others to replace the safety he once enjoyed as a kid
A neglected child…
May grow up to fear the world, have a strong sense of mistrust for others and may have a more difficult time forming intimate relationships
Infancy (birth to 18months)
Trust vs mistrust
A lack of affection and care will lead to mistrust
Early childhood (2 to 3years)
Autonomy vs shame and doubt Toilet training Kids need to develop a sense of personal control/ independence Success= feelings of autonomy Failure= shame and doubt
Preschool (3 to 5 years)
Initiative vs guilt Exploration Control and power over an environment Success= sense of purpose Failure=disapproval (guilt)
School age (6 to 11years)
Industry vs inferiority School New social and academic demands Success=sense of competence Failure=inferiority
Adolescence (12 to 18 years)
Identity vs role confusion Social relationships Teens need to develop a sense of self and personal identity Success= staying true to ones self Failure= role confusion
Young adulthood (19 to 40years)
Intimacy vs isolation Relationships Need to form intimate and loving relationships Success= strong relationships Failure= loneliness and isolation
Middle adulthood (40 to 65years)
Generativity vs stagnation
Work and parenthood
Create or nurture things that will outlast them (children)
Success=feelings of usefulness and accomplishment
Failure= shallow involvement in the world
Maturity (65 to death)
Ego integrity vs despair Reflection on life Adults look back and need to have a sense of fulfillment Success= feelings of wisdom Failure= regret bitterness and despair
Oral stage
Birth to 1 year
Pleasure through oral stimulation tasting sucking…
If this need is not met the child may develop an oral fixation
-thumb sucking, smoking,fingernail bitting , overeating
Anal stage
1 to 3 years
Bladder and bowel movements
Toilet training
Too much pressure from parents can lead to an excessive need for order and cleanliness
Too little pressure can lead to a messy life later on
Phallic stage
3 to 6 years Genitals Boys= Oedipal complex Girls=Electra complex Attraction to the opposite sex parent
Latent stage
6 to 11 years
Superego continues
Children develop social skills values and relationships with peers outside of the family
Genitals become dormant
Genital stage
11 to 18 years
Genitals become active again
Develop a strong interest in the opposite sex
Success= individual will develop into a well balanced person
Introvert vs extrovert
Extrovert= outgoing talkative .... unaroused so they need external stimulation to be satisfied Introvert= to themselves ....over aroused in need of quiet and piece of mind
Stable vs unstable
Stable = carefree ,leader, calm easy going .... Unstable = anxious, moody, agressive
Maslow hierarchy of needs
Self actualisation Self esteem Belonging : family and friends Safety : health, shelter and security Physiological : food and water
Intrinsic vs extrinsic
Intrinsic - internal for yourself (self confidence)
Extrinsic - external for others (appreciation , reputation how others see you)
Gordon Alport
Central traits
Secondary traits
Cardinal traits
Central traits: what you are most of the time ; tendencies we have across most situations
Secondary traits: how we behave in certain situations (less consistent) ex; agression
Cardinal traits: dominant elements of our personalities that drive all of our behaviours
The unconscious part of the personality that seeks immediate gratification
(I want it now)
Pleasure principle
ID to feel good and maximize gratification
Helps id get what it wants in a socially acceptable way
Reality principe
Finding socially acceptable means to fulfil Id’s demands
Super Ego
Part of your personality that represents your moral conscious
Society parents how you were raised
Reliability vs validity
R: the degree to which a test yields consistent measurements of a trait (measuring your height)
V: the degree to which a test measures the trait that it was designed to measure ( ensuring intelligence by measuring your foot size)