Terbuteline (brethine) Flashcards
What does terbutaline do?
stimulates sympathetic receptors in the respiratory system (b2 agonist)
Dilates lower airways ( bronchodilator )
Stops labor contractions by lowering intracellular calcium levels (tocolytic)
What is the mechanism of action ?
it is a beta 2 agonist
stops cellular contractions
Why would you not give terbutaline?
Why would you give terbutaline/brethine?
Copd/asthma ( to open up bronchioles)
to stop labor contractions
Side effects of terbutaline/brethine?
may feel headache restlessness anxiety wheezing coughing ekg changes
What if I mix it with another drug?
Synergism (enhances) other sympathomimetics
antagonizes (may not work) with beta blockers
Whats the dose?
Adult: 0.25 mg subcutaneous
may repeat in 15-30 min. MAX dose. 0.5 mg in a 4 hour period
not recommended for children under 12 years