Tendonitis Flashcards
Dense collagen fibrils that attach muscle to bone.
Cord- like or broad sheets (aponeuroses)
Inflammation of the tendon
Caused by chronic overload and resultant tearing of the fascicles
Pain with contraction and stretch.
Tendon sheath
Covers tendons that run along bony prominences.
Double layered. Synovial. Mostly avascular
Grades of tendonitis
Grade 1. Pain after activity only.
Grade 2. Pain before and after activity
Grade 3. Pain before, during and after. Affects ADLs.
Grade 4 Constant pain, which gets worse.
Inflammation of paratendon or synovial sheath.
Degenerative changes occurring in chronic overuse tendon injuries.
Impingement syndrome
Inflammation, pain and edema in the tissues within the coracoacromial arch, and between the acromioclavicular and glenohumeral joints.
Painful compression of tendons, especially supraspinatus.
Three stages of impingement syndrome
- Edema and hemorrhage of subacromial bursa (reversible)
- Tendonitis and fibrosis. (Reversible)
- Incomplete or complete rupture.
Calcific Tendonitis/tendonopathy
Late stage rotator cuff Tendonitis. Usually affects supraspinatus tendon.
Fibrocytes change to chondrocytes; collagen disintegrates and calcific deposits accumulate within cells.
Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
Repetitive movements an poor posture lead to muscle fatigue and damage to muscles, tendons and nerves.
Neck, shoulders, arms
Acute Tendonitis
Gradual onset.
Local tenderness after activity; progresses to pain during activity.
Possible crepitus.
Decreased ROM
Chronic Tendonitis
Pain during and after activity
Chronic inflammation, fibrosis ms adhesions. Crepitus.
Possible thickening of tendon. Tendon may snap over bone/bursa
Decreased ROM and strength
May have acute flare ups.
Acute Tendonitis: TX
Reduce inflammation (cold)
Reduce Edema (MLD)
Reduce HT and TrP (prox)
Homecare: ice, stretch
Chronic Tendonitis: TX
Soften adhesions (deep moist heat) Increase circulation Decrease restrictions and Edema (MFR) Decrease HT and TrP Frictions
Homecare: contrast, stretch
Common Tendonitis locations
Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Subscapularis Biceps (long head) CFT, CET APL, EPB Patella Popliteus Tibialis posterior Achilles