Technology Flashcards
someone who love technology
someone afraid of technology
knowing a lot about computers
lead, forefront
most recent, best
e.g. Dvds are obsolete, no one uses them.
no longer used
a glitch
a defect, problem, error
headphone jack
the hole for the headphones
wireless earbuds
безпровідні навушники
Double-edged sword
e.g. When you use the internet - it’s a double edged sword.
both good and bad
e.g. I binge-watched the entire show in one night.
watch a lot of sth at one time
go off the grid
e.g. I’m going to go camping this weekend so that I can go off the grid.
disconnect, unplug
disruptive/emerging technologies
new technologies
Internet of things (IOT)
finger print recognition, voice, face recognition etc
smart-lighting system
Augmented reality
interactive experience that enhances the real world with computer-generated perceptual information
cryptocurrency financial services company
technology is an electricity of present era
green technologies
e.g. This recipe is a bit technical for me.
difficult to understand
in layman’s terms
in simple words
technology buff
a fan of technology
The technology is not rocket science
it’s simple
it’s running like a clockwork
working perfectly
it is ahead of time
too advanced to be fully understood at that time in the past
digital native
person who grew up in the digital era
high-technology industry
involving computers, innovative technologies
light industry
manufacturing car parts, TV sets
conventional technology
using standard, proven technology
inward investment
investment from foreign companies
to be on piecework
to be paid for the amount they produce
zero hours contract
e.g. Many people now work on zero hours contracts, which means they have no job security.
they are employed by a company, but the number of hours they work each week may vary
trade union representation
a union that negotiates wages and conditions for the people it represents
e.g. Many cheap electrical goods are produced in sweatshops in poorer countries.
factories where people work very long hours for low wages
retraining and reskilling
training people for new jobs and teaching them new skills
big companies
cost-cutting exercises
effort to reduce their costs
copyright infringement
the use of works protected by copyright without permission for a usage
industrial espionage
the stealing of technological or commercial research data, blueprints, plans, etc.
genetic modification of plants
design of environment so people can work efficiently and comfortably
a small picture of an image or page on a computer screen
keyhole surgery
medical operation in which a very small hole is made in a person’s body to reach the organ or tissue inside
doomsay scenario
the worst possible prediction, what will happen in the future
traffic is gridlocked
unable to move at all
gene therapy
changing genes in order to prevent disease or disability
the human genome
the “map” or index of all the genes in a human being
see a possible or probable situation in the future
extraterrestrial beings
creatures from other planet
drastic measures
severe actions that have noticeable effects