Healthcare, sport, wellness Flashcards
conventional medicine
a normal system with doctors, etc.
alternative medicine
treatments which are used instead of standard treatments
being vary of pharmaceuticals
having a cautious and suspicious attitude
try your hand at sth
to try sth out
primary care
= doctor
a doctor who does the job if another doctor permanently
acute condition
one that is severe and sudden in onset
opp. chronic
secondary care
opp. primary care
acute/sharping pain
the severe one
excruciating pain
extremely painful
doctor for eyes
pregnancy and childbirth doctor
shooting pains
sudden severe pains that move through body
stabbing pain
a sudden pain
searing pain
extreme pain
complementary medicine
= alternative medicine
people who treat patients by using needles at special points around the skin
people who treat patients by pressing joints in places where they’re connected
homeopathic doctor
doctors who use tiny amounts of natural substances to treat an illness
therapists who use aromatic oils and massage
general practitioner (family doctor)
small centre offering primary care
prescription charge
charge for the medication the doctor prescribes, which you pay at a pharmacy
go private
choose private healthcare
e.g. You look a bit off-colour today.
not well
to feel out of sorts
e.g. Peter overslept this morning and has been out sorts all day.
in an unhappy mood
to fight off
e.g. I’m fighting off a cold at the moment.
try to get rid of
to go down with flu (if we talk abt others)
to come down with flu (if we talk abt ourselves)
to suffer from
e.g. Harry suffers from hay fever and sneezes a lot if he’s near grass and flowers.
(the usual) aches and pains
e.g. Mum’s feeling fine, apart from the usual aches and pains .
a non-serious way to minor problems
cuts and bruises
e.g. Jason had a few cuts and bruises when he fell off his bike, nothing serious.
minor injuries
to sting
e.g. My hand’s been stinging ever since I touched that plant.
sudden, burning pain
stiff neck
e.g. I have a stiff neck from sitting in a draught yesterday.
pain and difficulty in moving your neck around
with a high temperature
nauseous feeling
e.g. I had a terrible nauseous feeling after taking the medicine, but it passed.
feeling that you vomit
= shake
to be bunged up (inf)
e.g. My nose is all bunged up today with this horrible cold.
blocked nose
get over
to be on the mend
e.g. Dan felt terrible last week, but he’s on the mend now.
to get better
to be over the worst
e.g. It’s taking Hania some time to recover from her accident, but she’s over the worst now.
to pass the most difficult period
to be back on her feet
fully healthy again
contract a disease (formal)
e.g. He contracted malaria while he was traveling.
catch a disease
an attack of hay fever
(sustain) injuries
e.g. She sustained multiple injuries in the accident.
to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time/to suffer or experience
low-dose medicine
to have a past history of sth
record of medical conditions a person has experienced
gastrointestinal disease
illness of the stomach
terminally ill
e.g. A terminally ill man
having a serious illness and will die soon
bowel problems
проблеми з кишечником
adverse reactions
e.g. I had an adverse reaction to the injection.
unwanted results
not to exceed the stated dose or duration of treatment
side effects
allergic reactions
e.g. Dust particles must have got into lunges.
small pieces
e.g. the country’s ailing economy
unwell, sickly
an ailing organisation
one that has a lot of problems
a rash of burglaries
a number of similar things happening at the same time
high temperature; great excitement - election fever
jaundiced = yellow looking skin because of a liver problem
idiom: jaundiced view = unenthusiastic or sceptical
carry the scars of/ be scarred by
e.g. I’m afraid that children will always be scarred by experiencing war at a young age.
be permanently affected by a negative experience
to have the finger on the pulse
E.g. That journalist really has his finger on the pulse of public opinion.
understand how things are changing
to be impeded
e.g. the blood flow can be impeded
showed down or made difficult
fatty plaque
жировий наліт
to clog (up)
e.g. Eating too much fat causes your to clog up.
cause sth to become blocked
e.g. She suffered a stroke that left her unable to speak.
to pose a danger
cause a problem
to counteract
e.g. Drinking a lot of water counteracts the dehydrating effects of hot weather.
substance in food such as fruit, vegetables and brown bread, which travels through the body as waste
cardiovascular exercise
relating to the heart and blood
BMI - body mass index
be intent on
e.g. He seems intent on upsetting everyone in the room.
be determined to
brisk walking
quick and energetic
to score an own goal
e.g. I scored an own goal when I told my boss it had only taken me a day to write several a week.
try to gain an advantage but made things worse for myself rather than better
to move the goalposts
e.g. My boss always seems to be moving the goalposts, which makes it very difficult to know what he wants.
change the rules
a level playing field
e.g. The new EU laws aim to provide a level playing field for all member states.
fair situation
to be in the running
e.g. He’s too young to be in the running for such a job.
seriously considered
to be neck and neck
e.g. The two main parties in the election are still neck and neck in the opinion polls.
level with each other and equally likely to win
skate around
e.g. Politicians often skate around a subject.
don’t talk directly about
to sail through
e.g. The students all sailed through their exams.
pass very easily
vigorous exercises
very energetic
untimely death
too early death
e.g. The humane way of dealing with a suffering animal is to kill it quickly.
showing kindness, care, sympathy towards others, especially those who are suffering
adrenaline rush
e.g. an outbreak of cholera/food poisoning/rioting/ war
when sth unpleasant begins
in a region, among a population
global epidemic
contagious disease
transmitted from person to person by contacting
air-born virus
вірус, який передається повітряно-крапельним шляхом
e.g. During the pandemic lots of people were asymptomatic spreading the virus.
feel under the weather
e.g. I felt under the weather the whole weekend.
in a bad mood, not well
home remedy
e.g. The home remedy my mom’s made is ideal against pickles.
medications prepared at home to treat certain ailments without any prescription or professional supervision
mitigation measures
e.g. Government has gathered to implement new mitigation measures that will lower the spread of coronavirus.
заходи щодо зниження
e.g. The spreading disease overwhelmed all attempts at containment.
the act of controlling or limiting something or someone harmful
e.g. She agonised for days over whether she should take that medicine.
spend a lot of time trying to make a decision
cross with
gloat (over/about; at)
e.g. She’s continually gloating over/about her job.
rejoice (at/in/to)
e.g. Everyone rejoiced at the news of his safe return.
to feel or show great happiness about sth
e.g. You’ll snap the ruler if you bend it too far.
to cause sth that is thin to break suddenly and quickly with a cracking sound OR get angry
e.g. The medication was administered by someone in another room.
to give sth to someone
e.g. My children have been inoculated against covid.
to give a weak form of a disease to person or animal, usually by injection, as a protection against that disease
nursing home
house for old people
палата в лікарні
come out in spots
e.g. This heat has made me come out in an itchy red rash.
be covered with spots
pull through
manage to stay alive after you’ve been very ill
to be a far cry from sth
e.g. This flat is a fat cry from the house we had before.
to be completely different
medical negligence
лікарська недбалість
holistic approach
thorough approach
a nip and tuck
plastic surgery
treat someone or sth unfairly by disapproving of him/her
spring to mind
come quickly into your mind
a cast iron stomach
very resilient stomach
hale and hearty
in excellent health (especially about old ppl)
shelf life
e.g. Fresh fruit has a very short shelf life.
срок годності
dexa scan
x-ray of bones
the process of losing physical strength through being ill, injured or not active
inactivity pandemic