Culture Flashcards
A melting pot
a mix of cultures and races in a country or organization
the perfect example
e.g. A quintessential part of being British is our love of dogs!
stick rigidly to
stick firmly to
to fall
take place in
to feature
big meal to celebrate sth
have illogical beliefs about hidden forces of nature
100th anniversary
extremely colourful and exaggerated
loud and unpleasant
serious, sad and without humour or entertainment
trace back to pagan times
its origin may be found in the times when people believed that nature had special powers
to commemorate
respect and remember officially
uphold the annual tradition
keep up
the age-old tradition
very old
culture diffusion
the spreading of culture from one region of the world to another
cumulative cultural adaptation
mutual cultural adaptation
cultural nepotism
traditional values and customs which emphasize family ties and loyalty
Melting pot
requires that immigrants assimilate in order to become one common culture - “American”
salad bowl
calls for us to celebrate our diversity along with our oneness
to be spread out all over the world
to be in different parts of the world
sth is few and far between
very rare
to assimilate into
адаптуватися до
seamless transition
плавний перехід
to pose any challenges
створювати виклики
to rise to sth
to react to a difficult situation by working hard to succeed
Daunting challenge
making you feel slightly frightened or worried about your ability to achieve something
go through a rough patch
to experience a lot of problems in a period of your life
take a heavy toll on sb
it has a bad effect or causes a lot of suffering.
e.g. Winter takes its toll on your health.
Get counseling
talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues
a sticky patch
to experience a lot of problems in a period of your life
a pocket in society
a group, area, or mass of something that is separate and different from what surrounds it
to tackle inequalities
fairly liberal society
live and let live
said to mean that people should accept the way other people live and behave, especially if they do things in a different way
a person who tries to change or have an influence on things that are not their responsibility
a person who is too interested in things that do not involve them
meddle in your affairs
пхають носа не в свої справи
social mobility
change in a person’s socio-economic situation, either in relation to their parents (inter-generational mobility) or throughout their lifetime (intra-generational mobility)
get on the property ladder
a series of stages in owning property in which you buy a small house or apartment first, and then buy a bigger or more expensive one when you have enough money
provoke public outcries
a strong expression of public anger and disapproval
a person who does not work hard enough
get handouts
something such as food, clothing, or money that is given free to someone who has a great need for it
country coffer
державні кошти
different from what is usual or accepted
= modest
e.g. He was a shy, self-effacing man
mixed bag
a collection of things or people of very different types
e.g. Club-goers are a mixed bag these days, and so are the places they go clubbing to.
cling to something | cling on to something
to stick onto or hold sb/sth tightly, or to refuse to stop holding them
e.g. We got so wet that our clothes clung to us.
bygone (only before nouns)
happening or existing a long time ago
e.g. bygone era
let bygones be bygones
used to tell sb that they should forget about unpleasant things that happened in the past, and especially to forgive and forget sth bad that someone has done to them
alienate sb from sth/sb
to make sb feel that they do not belong in a particular group
splinter group
a small group of people that has separated from a larger
e.g. The extreme left wing of the party broke away into a splinter group
involved in a place or situation where one is not wanted or is considered not to belong
a clear proof of sth
Scottish skirt
caber tossing
метання колоди (традиційний шотландський вид спорту)
interconnectedness of society
discern from the masses
виділятися з суспільства
a strange or unusual habit, way of behaving, or feature that someone or something has
nuclear family
a family consisting of two parents and their children, but not including extended family