Techniques Flashcards
Client Centered
Client = expert
Coach = Facilitator
Client Drives
Express belief that client is resourceful
Coach’s Goals for Client Centered Relationship x3
Self - Efficacy
Self - Reflection
Self - Discovery
Respectful understanding of another person’s experience
Importance of Trust & Rapport x3
Client Feels Accepted & Supported
Can clarify values & motivation through vulnerability
Coach’s Confidence = Client’s self- efficacy
Elements of Trust & Rapport x4
Honesty, Sincerity, Authenticity
Unconditional Positive Regard
Follow through on client commitments
label & discuss discord in timely manner
Active Listening x6
Attentive & Mindful Open Minded Curious Mirror Note - Non Verbal Communication Silence
Coaching Emotions x6
Attention to state of being Acknowledge emotions Ask Client to describe Emotions Show empathy Foster SELF COMPASSION & Acceptance of emotions = honesty & self care *Self-Criticism = avoidance
Reflections x3
- Perceptive Reflections = non judgemental to inspire learning
- Empathetic
- Summarizing
Double Sided
Summarizing (Reflections that pull together multiple things)
Expanding the Conversation Tools x7
Open ended questions EVOCATIVE (Powerful) questions Metaphors Brainstorming Connect focus to multiple aspects of their life Explore perspectives & possibilities Incorporate coach & Client intuition
narrow the conversation toward decisions, goal-setting, and commitment
Focusing Tools x5
Closed-ended questions Interrupt and re-direct Bottom-lining Scaling questions (using a scale of 0-10) Ask the client to summarize the topic
Client Knowledge
An objective of coaching is for the client to be well-informed
of the status of his/her health and well- being
Identifying what the client understands.
Finding, utilizing and evaluating, health and wellness resource
sources may include:
1. health care provider input
2. health & wellness assessments (including self-assessments)
3. health risk assessments
4. basic biometrics
5. appropriate referrals.
Transtheoretical Model of Change
Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance
4 elements to TMC
Stage of Change
Decisional Balance
Self Efficacy
Process of Change
Norcross Application to Transtheoretical Model of Change
Psyched Prep Perspire Persevere Persist
Vision x 5
Tense & Includes
Grounded - based on current success
Bold - stretching
Desired - truly want
Palpable - as if they were true
Participatory -including other stakeholders
**Present Tense
**Includes behaviours necessary to get there
Vision = Motivation
Clear on what client WANTS
What is the Importance
Thriving = x7
Health & Life Giving Practices Mindfulness Self Compassion Tapping into Special Talents Strengths Purpose Growth Mindset
Vision into Goals
Faces a Challenge with Strengths & Abilities
Specific Actions
Experiment & Use Multiple Measures for Progress
Support Self Efficacy
Why Goals
Clear Direction
Build Self Efficacy through a Mastery Experience
Behavioural evidence - Social Cognition Theory
Accountability Questions
Absence of Judgement What was Done What Happened What Worked What Didn’t Work What to do in the Future
Coaching Skills in Accountability
Reflections Expands inquiry about experience Responds to Challenges with Judgement free reflections Affirms strengths Percentage of Success
Behavioural Goals
Process & learning goals vs. outcome goals
You need clear outcome goals to clarify your end destination.
THEN how will you get there (Process & Learning Goals)
Honoring Client’s Intrinsic Motivations
3 elements
Elicit the client’s perspective
(reasons for change, solutions, ideas, experiments, desires, reactions, desired outcomes, rewards/incentives)
Explore Client values, sense of meaning, & purpose
Envision optimal health or wellbeing
Client preferences for self-monitoring, accountability, mode of connecting
Self Determination Theory
3 Psychological Needs
Fostering Autonomy
Support - Acknowledging Client’s choices and intrinsic motivators values desires
Fostering Competency
Self Efficacy based in Physiological Verbal Persuasion Vicarious Experiences Mastery Experiences Based on Social Cognition Theory - Personal Beliefs, Environmental & Behavioural Factors
Fostering Relatedness
Identifying support
Building Client Self Efficacy
Engage client in problem-solving
Engage client to evaluate options, short / long-term; benefits / consequences
Encourage awareness, learning to improve informed decisions
active experimentation and self-discovery
Growth Mindset
Decisional Balance
Increase Psychological Resources
Identify, Explore, Cultivate, Affirm Skills Efforts Strengths “Client’s BEING” Self worth, inherent value Positive Emotions Optimism and resilience