Sleep & Mental Health Flashcards
Adequate Sleep x4
Fight off infection
Support the metabolism of sugar to prevent diabetes
Perform well in school
Work effectively and safely
Poor Sleep/ Disorders increase risk of x5
Heart disease High blood pressure Obesity Diabetes All-cause mortality
Sleep Disordered Breathing = Risk of 3
Increased Significantly in US
Risk of Stroke, Heart Disease, Metabolic Syndrome
Key Sleep Disorders x4
Insomnia - early morning awakening or excessive daytime sleepiness
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
Sleep Apnea
Sleep & Diabetes
insufficient sleep is linked to an increased risk for the development of type 2 diabetes
sleep duration & quality = predictors of levels of Hemoglobin A1c
Sleep & Cardiovascular Disease x5
Sleep Apnea = Risk for hypertension Stroke coronary heart disease irregular heartbeats atherosclerosis
Sleep & Obesity
association between short sleep duration and excess body weight
Possibly insufficient sleep adversely affects hypothalamus - regulates appetite and energy expenditure
Depression & Sleep
Strong correlation between poor sleep and depressive symptoms
Sleep Hygiene x6
Consistent Time Low Stimulus Environment - Dark, Quiet, NO Electronics Cool Temperature Limit Caffeine & Alcohol Physical Activity!
Mental Health = aspects
emotional, psychological, and social well-being
Mental Health Factors
Biological factors,
Life experiences
Family history of mental health problems
Warning Signs for Mental Health Problems x10
Eating or sleeping too much or too little Withdrawal, Lethargy, Apathy Having unexplained aches and pains helpless or hopeless Smoking, drinking, or using drugs Unusual negative emotions or severe mood swings persistent thoughts Hearing voices Thinking of harming yourself or others Inability to perform daily tasks
Positive Mental Health Allows People x4
Realize their full potential
Cope with the stresses of life
Work productively
Make meaningful contributions to their communities
Maintain Positive Mental Health By x7
Getting professional help if you need it Connecting with others Staying positive Getting physically active Helping others Getting enough sleep Developing coping skills
Depression Symptoms x7
Depressed moods/ Worthlessness Loss of interest Change in weight Dramatic Change in Sleep Lack of Energy/Fatigue Difficulty Concentrating Thoughts of Death/Suicide
Medical Conditions that Mimic Depression x3
thyroid problems
a brain tumor
vitamin deficiency
Risk Factors for Depression x4
Family History
Environmental Factors
Treating Depression x5
Antidepressants Psychotherapy * CBT Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) quality sleep eating a healthy diet avoiding alcohol (a depressant)
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders differ from normal feelings
of nervousness or anxiousness, and involve
excessive fear or anxiety.
to be diagnosed anxiety is:
out of proportion to the situation or age inappropriate
Hinder your ability to function normally
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
persistent and excessive worry that interferes with daily activities.
Physical signs - restlessness, feeling on edge or easily fatigued,
difficulty concentrating, muscle tension or problems sleeping.
Panic Disorder
13 symptoms
recurrent panic attacks: Palpitations, pounding or rapid heart rate Sweating Trembling or shaking Feeling of shortness of breath Chest pain Feeling dizzy, light-headed or faint Feeling of choking Numbness or tingling Chills or hot flashes Nausea or abdominal pains Feeling detached Fear of losing control Fear of dying
Phobias & agoraphobia
Diagnostic / duration
excessive & persistent fear of a specific object,
situation or activity that is generally not harmful
fear of situations where escape may be difficult or
embarrassing, or help unavailable > 6 months
2+ situations - public transit, open spaces,
enclosed spaces, being in line/crowd, out of home alone
Social Anxiety & Separation
causes problems with daily functioning and
lasts at least six months (4 weeks in children)
Treating Anxiety x5
Psychotherapy *CBT Medication Support Groups Stress management Limit Caffeine