Teaching Strategies for Math Flashcards
Integrated teaching
Multiple concepts are used in problem-solving at once
Auditory learning
Learning primarily by hearing things i.e. lectures
Visual learning
Learning primarily by seeing things Ex. written examples
Learning style
The manner in which a student learns best
Numeric representation
A model using numbers to display a mathematical concepts
The ability to think about one’s own thought process
Auditory methods
Lessons using materials for students to listen to
Proportional manipulatives
Objects that are proportional to each other with respect to shape and size
Word wall
An on-going bulletin board with common terms used frequently in the classroom. Vocabulary words are added as they are introduced
Heterogenous group
Group comprised of individuals working on various levels
Homogeneous group
Group comprised of individuals working on the same level
Pie chart
A graph in which a circle is divided into sectors that each represent a proportion of the whole pie charts are helpful when displaying the relative distribution of categories
Learning theory rooted in the notion that all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment
Compartmentalize teaching
Concepts taught one at a time in isolation of other concepts no longer recommended
Texas essential knowledge and skills
The state foundation curriculums developed by the state Board of Education that requires all students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to read write compute problem solve think critically apply technology and communicate across all subject areas
Kinesthetic learning/tactile learning
Learning primarily by touching things or doing an activity
Symbolic representation
A model using symbols or variables to display a mathematical concept for example a formula
Learning new behaviors by adjusting our current view of the world
Verbal representation
Word problems and verbal descriptions of how to solve a problem or what the solution means
Flexible grouping
Grouping students based on their learning needs or interests
Line graph
A visual representation of data which shows change over time or in response to a manipulated variable
Concrete representations
Using physical pieces to represent mathematical problems for example manipulatives
Coordinate plane
A plane often divided into a grid with a horizontal X axis and a vertical Y axis that intersects at the origin
Tactile methods
Lessons using materials for students to touch and handle
Graphing calculator
A device that is capable of solving advanced mathematical equations, plotting graphs and performing other tasks with variables
Learning new behaviors by connecting current knowledge with new knowledge
Symbolic stage/ Representational stage
Drawing pictures or symbols to represent numbers in an equation
Abstract thinking
Using numbers or letters variables in an equation
Objects used by students to illustrate explore mathematical concepts, such as to represent numbers in an equation
Visual methods
Lessons using materials for students to view
Think aloud
A teaching strategy in which a teacher states his/her thoughts allowed to demonstrate how her students should go about solving a problem or understanding a text
English language learners
Soon as you are learning the English language, or for whom English is not a first language
Number line
A straight line where each number is equal distance from the next one
Nonproportional manipulatives
Objects that are not proportional to each other with respect to shape and size often all of the items are the same size
Graphic/ pictoral representation
A graph or a picture of that serves as a visual model of a mathematical equation
Concrete operational stage
The third stage of Piaget‘s theory of cognitive development, occurring from seven years old to adolescence in which children begin to think logically and use inductive reasoning
Bar graph
A visual representation of data which compares values in different categories