Instruction & Assessment Flashcards
Universal Screener
An assessment administered to all students to gather data and form groups, such a as intervention groups
A collection of students work and achievements that is used to assess past accomplishments and future potential; can include finished work in a variety of media and can contain materials from several courses over time
Diagnostic Assessment / Pre-Assessment
Assessment administered before instruction to determine students strengths and weaknesses
Authentic Assessment
Assessments that measure his students intellectual accomplishments through a significant and meaningful task
Informal assessments
More flexible than formal assessments and can be adjusted to fit the situation in particular needs of the student being tested
Clarity of language
Does not contain ambiguous pronouns words at to high a vocabulary level or slang terms
Reliable exams produce the same scores when given in the same conditions, same individuals on different occasions or with different sets of equivalent items
Curriculum-based assessment
Testing the curriculum being taught
The ability of a test or question to measure what it purports to measure
Formal assessments
Are usually post instruction assessment with the purpose of assessing student knowledge retention and application often involves the use of a standardized rubric or scoring guide based on several criteria
Absence of bias
Material based on common situations that all students will have encountered and that will not trigger an emotional response
Criterion-Referenced test
Testing which is standard has been set for the test taker to achieve in order to pass the test
Congruent assessment
And assessment that Tests the learning outcome described in the learning objectives
Appropriate level
Level to where the content was taught when considering depth and difficulty
Progress monitoring
Periodic assessments to monitor student growth and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction