Scientific Communication Flashcards
Bar Graph
Visual representation of data which compares values in different categories
A visual representation of data which compares frequencies of different numerical intervals
Line graph
A visual representation of data which shows change over time or in response to a manipulated variable
Correlation research
Type of non-experimental investigation in which the researcher may study two variables, but does not control the rest of the conditions of the study
Margin of error
Deviation or variation of a value from the correct or expected value to allow for error in equipment or calculations
Non-experimental investigation
A research method in which conditions are not carefully controlled; the scientist may study an independent and/or dependent variable, but does not control the other factors in the investigation
Experimental group
A group of specimens in an experiment to which a change is made; receives the experimental treatment
Quasi-experimental research
Type of non-experimental investigation in which the researcher studies the effects of an independent variable, but chooses experimental groups rather than assigning them randomly
Stem-and-leaf plot / stemplot
A plot that splits each data value into a “leaf” (usually the last digit) and a “stem” (the other digits). stemplots are used for smaller sets of quantitative data. You can easily identify outliers, data clusters, or gaps on a stemplot
Single variable research
Type of non-experimental investigation in which the researcher makes observations before and after the application of a treatment or question
Experimental investigation
Researchers assign subjects in the sample to certain treatments, then observe the effects of the treatment. Can show causation (cause-and-effect)
Control group
A group of specimens in an experiment to which no change is made; does not receive the experimental treatment
The downward curve on the surface of a liquid caused by the adhesion of the liquid on the glassware
Factors affecting the outcome of an experimental investigation
To set a balance equal to zero to ensure an accurate measurement with no cantaminants
Pie chart
A graphing which is circle is divided into sectors that each represent a proportion of the hole. Pie charts are helpful when displaying the relative distribution of categories
Dot plot
A graph that uses dots to show the frequency counts of a group of data. Dot plots are used for small sets of quantitative data. You can easily identify the mode, the shape or skew of the graph, and potential outliers on a dot plot
Double bar graph
A visual representation of data which compares values in different categories and group
Quantitative Data
Data which is measured and usually expressed numerically
Qualitative Data
Data which is described rather than measured
Independent variable
A variable that is manipulated by the scientist conducting the experiment to see if that cause a change
Controlled variable
A variable that is kept stable throughout the experiment, across control and experimental groups, to ensure that any difference in the dependent variable is because of the independent variable
Dependent variable
A variable that is measured by the scientist conducting the experiment
A data point either much larger than or much smaller than the other data points in the set
Peer review
The process of fact checking by other experts in the same field; ensures the quality of published work