SI Teaching Strategies Flashcards
Blooms taxonomy
A hierarchy of levels of knowledge; each level has associated burbs teachers can use to start questions. Remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create
Brain-based learning
A type of learning which makes connections across sides of the brain; incorporates activity in learning
Process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) Activity
Small group inquiry-based activity in which the teacher acts as a facilitator
Project-based learning (PBL) activity
Activity in which students create a solution or investigation in response to a problem
A process in which existing schemas are applied to a new object or situation
Critical thinking
Analysis and judgment
design and experiment, determine important part of a word problem, make a flow chart
Evidence based science instruction
Using educational research to design lessons
Peer-led team learning (PLTL) activity
Activity in which students work together to carry out a task, such as summarizing content, creating analogies, modeling concepts, or labeling an image
Discrepant events
Events with unexpected outcomes
Informal assessments
More flexible than formal assessments and can be adjusted to fit the situation and particular needs of the students being tested
Occurs when a child cannot use existing schemas to comprehend new information
Active learning activity in which the teacher provides a prompt, the students consider it individually (think), then pair up and brainstorm responses or solutions (pair), and then the students then share their results with the class (share).
Formal assessments
Are usually post instruction assessment with the purpose of assessing student knowledge, retention, and application. Often involves the use of a standardized rubric or scoring guide based on several criteria
Performance based assessment
A kind of assessment that require students to show mastery of specific skills by demonstrating, producing, or performing some thing
Explicit teaching
The process of teaching by communicating clear expectations and giving specific feedback to students
Concept/vocabulary map
A form of scaffolding in which a new concept or vocabulary word is written in the center and pictures or descriptive words are written surrounding it
Formative assessments
Assessments for learning. Usually made instruction assessment with the purpose of assessing students progress and informing the teacher so instruction can be altered as needed
Inquiry-based activities
Activities that allow students to participate in the scientific method with little guidance from the teacher
I scoring guide based on several criteria rather than a single numerical score
K-W-L Chart
A graphic organizer use throughout the unit that shows what students know (k), want to know (w), and learned (l).
Occurs when existing schemas cannot be applied to new objects or situations, and most therefore be adopted and revised
Teaching that offers multiple options for learning the material based on different student needs and learning styles
Students store new information and relate it to what they already know and understand about the world
Summative assessments
Assessment of learning. Given at specific points in time in order to determine what students know and don’t know. I summative assessments are generally formal.