*TB 45- Railroads Flashcards
The ____ is the shipping paper of the railroad.
Included on the waybill is the Standard Transportation Commodity Code. If the STCC number begins with the digits ____, the product is a hazadous material.
A train _____ (sometimes called wheel report) is a computer generated list of cars beginning with the locomotive and listing each car in sequence by number to the caboose. On this list, placarded cars will be indicated as such. It is found in the caboose with the waybills
When requested, railroad police can usually reach your location within ____ mins
20 mins
Railroads have contingency plans for putting together Emergency Action Teams comprised of specialized manpower and equipment. A minimum ___ hour response time is to be expected
Railroads: Rail car air brake system
Connections are made between cars by flex hose and quick disconnects called ______. They are designed to disconnect automatically as cars pull away from each other during uncoupling.
A hand brake wheel or ratchet is located at the “B” end of the car. “B” stands for ____ end of the car
Railroads: Rail car air brake system
-True or false?
You may manually separate the air hoses when uncoupling cars.
Make no attempt to separate the air hoses when uncoupling cars. Separation underpressure can be violent and cause serious injury. Disconnection will occur with car separation, and if you are positioned at the cut lever, you are at a safe distance.
Railroads: moving rail cars
Once a rail car has been separated from another car, prying with the _____ under a wheel will start movement and a series of pinching moves will maintain momentum.
Jumbo bar
It is recommended that ____ miles be alloted for stopping a train. A standard red fusee placed between the tracks will cause the engineer to stop the train and investigate the problem. Best method is with member waving fusee
Railroads: Rail cars
The truck or wheel assembly and car body are connected by an ____ inch long, _____ inch diameter pin
- 18”
* 1-3/4”
A common problem in derailments is the separation of trucks from car bodies. A vertical shift of about ___ inches will allow separation at this pin
Refrigeration cars have two diesel fuel tanks totaling ____ gallons beneath the car body
500 gal
Frequently, with loads of grain, the Hopper car is fumigated with a poison gas and the car is so labeled with warning signs. This fumigation retains its toxicity for approximately ___ hours.
Locomotives used in this area are diesel-_____ locomotives
A diesel engine drives an alternator which supplies power to electric traction motors at the wheels
Railroads: Locomotives
A single unit can have 6 axles, weigh _____ lbs., have an engine of 20 cylinders and produce 3600 horsepower. It is common to have more than one unit pulling a train.
Locomotives have fuel tanks sized from _____ to _____ gallons
Railroads: Locomotives
Power for the traction motors comes from a ____ volt alternator.
Another source of combustible liquid carried on locomotives is the ____ to _____ gallons of lube oil carried in the crankcase.
250 to 400
How many emergency fuel cut-off switches are available on a locomotive?
Two are located outside and adjacent to fuel fill openings on either side. A third is in the cab near the engineers station at the electrical panel.
Railroads: locomotives
After activating one of the emergency fuel cut-off switches, expect up to ___ seconds for the engine to stop.
With the engine stopped, all electrical systems will be off except for the 74 volt battery system
A minimum of ___ extinguishers are located for easy access on each locomotive
Railroads: tank cars
Shell thicknesses range from between ____ to ____ of an inch, depending upon product and pressure requirements.
3/16” to 7/8”
Railroads: tanker cars
All tanks are provided with either a relief valve or rupture disc to relieve excessive pressures.
-Relief valves can have ratings from between ___ to ___ psi.
-Discs rupture from between ___ to ___ psi.
- 35-450 psi
* 45-75