Task 6 Done Flashcards
How is a succesful marriage influenced by personality traits ?
- partner tend to be slightly similar
- high score on agreebalness and emotional stability 0.4
- so it is not about similarity it is rather about the single traits
What are the three attachment styles ?
- anxious attachment
- avoident atachment
- secure attachment
What is an anxious attachment and by which personality traits is it determined ?
- tendency to worry about the loss of a partner
- negativle correlation regarding emotional stability and conscientiousness
What is an avoident attachment and by which personality traits is it determined ?
- tendency to feel uncomfortable being emotionally close to one’s partner
- negative correlation regarding extraversion and conscientiousness
Which personality traits are correlated to a good parenting style ?
- high oppeness
- extraversion
Which character traits influneces friendships and peer relationship ?
- honesty and humility and openess 0.25 are important for your choice of friends
- Honesty = values
- so u share basically the same values
- overestimation of similarity 0.4
How do u become a popular or a rejected child ?
- Popular = high in sociability low in agresseion
- rejected = visa versa
What is a neglected type of character ?
- disliked and liked by few
- low aggression low sociability
What is a controversial type of character ?
- diliked and liked by many
- high in aggression and high socialbility
How do we gain a high social status and which character traits does it determin?
- high on Extraversion for young adults
- high on conscientious for workers
Which character traits influence the abuse of substance ?
- low lvl of conscientiousness -> can not resist temptation
- low emotional stability -> more temptation
- the more negative the lvl of C then less u can quitt smoking
How is longevity and personal traits related to each other ?
- high dependability (conscientiousness ) are corelated to a longer live because of more engagment in social support and less risk taking
- high cheefulness (optimism) = lower relization of serious issues
Which personality trait fnfluencess academic performances ?
- High conscientiousnss linkt to self discipline and organization
- also intellegence of course
- in elementery school all 5 factors play a role
Which personaliity traits ifluences criminal behavior ?
- lack of self control
- willingness to take risks and inhibtion of impulses 0.4
- negative corelation on honesty
What is the distinction between primary psychopath and secondary psychopath ?
- coolly calculating/no impulses & rational -> low emotionality
- poor self-control -> low conscientiousness
What influences life satisfication ?
- 0.4 heritability
- extraversion & emotional stability
- > because of high self esteem and socialbility
What does a more positive life satisfication lead to ?
- Influences not only how one evaluates life but also the experiences one has
What did Costa and MC Care conclude regarding the correlation of the stability of traits average over the life time ?
- 0.7 correlation that traits are stable over the years
Why was the finding of a correlation (0.70) regarding stability of trait of the life span so important ?
- Cause it makes prediction possible regarding socialisation and anticipation of major life events
How do the big 5 traits of the life span change ? Look at the graph
- Conscientousness, emotional stability Extraversion (Aseertive) = all increase
- Emotional stability and extraversion stops at around 30 -50 years
- Agrrebalness = conscitiousness just slower increase
- Extraversion (sociable) = decrease over years
- opennes sortly increase till 20 then stabel
What can we conclude regarding the the big 5 trait changes ?
- we gain greater maturity (impulse control)