Task 5 - Decision-Making Flashcards
Individuals using various cues to draw inferences about situtations and events
- > evaluated in terms of accuracy
- > component of larger decision-making process
Individuals choosng amongst various options
- > evaluated in terms of consequences of decisions
- > involves problem-solving
Bayes’ theorem
probability of event, based on prior knowledge of conditions that might be related to the event
Base-rate information
relative frequency with which an event occurs, or an attribute is present in the population
-> people take it less into account than they shold
Fast-and-frugal heuristics
involve rapid processing of relatively little information
Judgment components
- Bayes Theorem
- Base-rate information
- fast-and-frugal heursitics
- > judgment task performance less related to intelligence and cognitive ability
- Representativeness
- Availability
- Take-the-best (fast-and-frugal)
Representativeness Heuristic
Assumption that representative or typical members of a category are encountered most frequently
-> conjunction fallacy
Conjunction fallacy
Mistaken belief that combination of two events is more likely than one of the events on its own
Availability heuristic
Assumption that frequencies of events can be estimated accurately based on how easy or difficult it is to retrieve relevant information from long-term memory
- > availability by recall
- fluency mechanism (judgin by how easy relevant instances are brought to mind)
Take-the-best heuristic (fast-and-frugal)
take the best ignore the rest: assuming that most valid cue is the one that comes to mind quickest): e.g. estimating Cologne larger than Berlin because it has a cathedral
- Search rule
- Stopping rule
- Decision rule
- Recognition heuristic
Search rule
searching cue in order of validity (e.g. name recognition)
Stopping rule
Stopping after finding a discriminatory cue (only applying to one of the possible answers)
Decision rule
choosing the outcome
Recognition heuristic
Using knowledge that only one out of two objects is recognized to make judgment
Heuristics advantages
- fast
- robust: can be used regardless of limited usefulness when information is sparce
- saves resources: we don’t like thinking hard when we can avoid it
Natural Frequency Hypothesis
Evolutionary account of strengths and weaknesses of human judgments
- natural sampling
- judgment improves when problems use frequencies (easier for humans than fractions and percentages)
- explains why people ignore base-rates